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Found 2 results

  1. Ha this is quite funny. SIL of a billionaire but charged with such a silly crime akin to being loanshark runner. https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drink-man-woman-16/[sg-news]kim-lims-husband-29-has-been-charge-court%3B-son-law-peter-lim-6104152.html
  2. Posted by TwerDNA who here offended him? ------------- MyCarForum.com is really a pathetic place I'd admit I used to frequent there for a while. I realize it is a cesspool consisting mainly of 3 kinds of typical Singaporeans 1) car dealers: they masquerade themselves as normal users but are actually lowlife sales executives. Even if the world is experience another ice age, these scums would still be fear mongering "COE rising Liao. Taxes up up up! Buy now! Buy now before boat sails away!" 2) those who bought cars at a high price. These are idiots who bought in when COE was high and now that coe is falling, they are very desperate to keep blowing the illusion that coe prices will increase. Strangely, they gain nothing that way BUT they want to see prices higher (or at least higher than what they paid for) to pwn fellow sinkies 3) no money but wanna buy car Singaporeans. They frequently start off by asking "what kind of car should I buy?" and throw in a large range of cars for people to suggest. Actually, behind their back they already have a car model in mind and a budget they can't stretch. Hence the whole discussion you can see this type of loser self massage his own balls and defend his initial choice. Finally, I conclude by saying that I recently went to a gcb estate and noticed people driving Kias and Hyundais there. But when I go to those slum EC/condo/bto.. I see Audi and BMW dime a dozen. Also you can see a few of such people in hwz esp this guy who stays in Slum EC but drive Conti think he damn satki. Rofl http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drink-man-woman-16/mycarforum-com-really-pathetic-place-5879258.html
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