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Found 9 results

  1. Saw it on the PIE this evening
  2. [extract] United States president Barack Obama's second inauguration took place just recently. As usual, the president arrived in the presidential state car which is commonly known as the Cadillac One or at times, The Beast. Not much is known about the vehicle as its specifications are heavily guarded by the US Secret Service. But, over the few years, some of these heavily guarded secrets were leaked out and below are some of the things you don
  3. [extract] When someone mentions the term 'stretched limousine', you would normally think or imagine a sedan based - stretched out model. Yet, there have been examples of a stretched Ferrari or some that were based on a Hummer. But in this case it's based on a late 1960s Pontiac Catalina station wagon. The car was recently put up for sale on eBay and according to the seller the car was found in an airport hangar. Initially not much was known about the car but now, more information about the car
  4. [extract] Russian automaker Zavod Imeni Likhachova (commonly known as Zil) was once known as the Rolls Royce of the Soviet Union and is also known for making armoured limousines and up-scale sedans for the influential in Russia and also for former Soviet officials. Although the company does not mass produce such cars anymore, but that does not mean that they won
  5. You can't always get what you want. President Barack Obama said today that he originally wanted his presidential limo to boast a hybrid drivetrain. So what keeps the ruler of the free world from getting what he asks for? In this case, it was the Secret Service. Obama's body guards said that a hybrid engine couldn't produce the kind of power necessary to scoot the massive Cadillac down the road in an emergency situation. That's saying something, considering the Cadillac Escalade Hybrid boasts a V8 with enough power to have a 7,700-pound towing capacity. Part of us thinks it might also be a security concern to have a vehicle that may be more susceptible to electronic interference from nefarious sources, but that's just a guess. No one's exactly sure what the Commander-in-Chief's car has under the hood, but it's a good bet that it has eight cylinders and enough torque to move a mountain of armor plating. We hear it's a diesel and we're guessing it probably nets fuel economy on par with most RVs. Obama's pining for a hybrid limo came to light during a speech about the government's recent purchase of 5,000 of hybrid cars and trucks for federal use. No word on whether or not the executive branch got the General Motors employee discount.
  6. BMW unveils new 7-series limo way ahead of S'pore launch A BMW spokesman told The Straits Times the new BMW 7-series (above) would arrive in Singapore as early as first-quarter of next year GERMAN car-maker BMW Ag has released details of its latest 7-series limo, four months before its launch in Europe and at least six months before it is due in Singapore. The new car, a direct competitor to Mercedes' S-class and Jaguar's XJ, looks little changed from the current generation 7-series except for being slightly larger and for its less fanciful headlamps and more elegant tail-lights. It is packed with new features, including those designed for fuel efficiency. The car can, for instance, charge its battery while braking. Unlike existing cars, it will stop charging the battery or turn off the aircon compressor when extra power is needed for acceleration. Lightweight aluminium is used for its roof, doors, bonnet and side panels. Other new features, which may be standard or optional for Singapore-bound cars, include a night vision system that can identify pedestrians; and a front side-view camera to help driver merge with traffic on a main road from partially blocked driveways or side lanes - a first for BMW. A BMW spokesman told The Straits Times the car would arrive in Singapore as early as first-quarter of next year. He said a range of new diesel variants will also be made available for the first time here, including a new all-aluminium 3.0-litre version that produces 245hp at 4,000rpm and 540Nm of torque from merely 1,750rpm.
  7. Source: http://www.asiaone.com/Motoring/News/Story...0110-44422.html
  8. prius with six doors! http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=37363&st=0 Forumers claiming that it was photoshopped. http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=37363&st=120 Construction pics
  9. Last Sat, I parked at Wheellock Place and thought I saw a stretch limo BMW because it was parked as such: At least that was my first thought. As you can see from the first and the next pic, it's parked so far back, the rear wheels are occupying the lot behind him. But when I went round to the front to snap more pictures, turns out it's just a normal BMW obviously driven by someone who can't park, depriving others of their paid parking lot. I think there was enough space to park a Smart car in front of it... This was last Saturday, 26 May 2007 at 5pm in the evening. When I left at 10pm, the BMW was still there, but now with it's rear wheels back in it's own lot, although it's still occupying a substantial part of the other lot. I think some guys got pissed and pushed it... So if you were stuck in the Wheellock Place parking looking for a lot between 5pm to 10pm last Sat, you know who is the idiot who took your lot....
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