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Found 15 results

  1. Of recent, my area the multi-storey carpark has more empty lots compared to yesteryears. As I usually come back home late at night, I fully comprehend the full strength of the cars parked. And no, this is definitely not Chinese new year period ppl drive out to Malaysia. Been noticing since couple months back. Any similar sightings at your carpark?
  2. Newbie just started to read about wheels. Is there any functionality difference between wheels with thin (more number, about 10) and thicker/wider (5 or 6) spokes. Tried to search but haven't found any. Is it just cosmetic? Any difference in toughness? Eg if go over pothole which type has higher fail risk or same? TIA
  3. look at those soaring COE prices... CAT A $47,604 CAT B $62,502 CAT E $64,900 Guess there will really be much fewer cars on the road these days? Wonder who will want to pay around $65k just to buy a picanto, compared to can buy a good quality sedan car in the past... Any of you guys sold your cars for quick bucks? My car park seems a bit more empty these days :P
  4. I was wondering how they leverage 5 times to get 1.4t and stumble upon this... <Not long ago, European governments were blasting the financial products which contributed to the 2008 meltdown. Now, in an attempt to save the common currency, they are turning to those methods themselves. They have become no less dangerous in the intervening years.> click to read more... http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe...,794025,00.html
  5. Just today, I was cruising on PIE at bout 85km/h (and it was on the 2nd lane hor).... this Jazz keep tailgatting me.... then keep honking...Wa lau, overtake first lane la.. It was clear ma.... At last after bout 2 mins, he overtake and give me the angry face like I kiam him $$$ like that.... How do you guys feel ? If let's say a lesser car play punk with you.... I mean, I am human too la.. If the same car that play punk is a GTR, I will not be so dulan.... Maybe because I also think the Jazz bu zhi liang li.... puny engine want to play punk.... like a small boy with small kuku try to pay sex guru in from of a bigger boy with man size kuku like that.... You guys feel the same?
  6. Till one day, you feel like having someone to talk about the old times...and you realise, there's no one you can call.
  7. As COE's make the affordability of cars out of reach to those who are just able to afford one, we can look foward lesser cars and road rage incidents on the road afterall the majority of reckless drivers are those jap/korean cars who always drive like they have something to prove to compensate for their lack of (insert word here) in life. more often than not when someone horns its these impatient people, you never see those large german sedans horning impatiently at you while you cross the road or if you move off too slowly do you discuss.
  8. dont know did i calculate correctly or not, i think i would be paying $800+ more tax this round although my income is 11K lesser in 2009 ..... am i missing something here or most people are paying more in fact......
  9. Anyone have read this book before? Supposingly a book on demons and how to call them. woah scary. chance about the title when i was surfing wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lesser_Key_of_Solomon i also managed to preview some pages from Amazon.com.
  10. ok, kena arrow to attend some courses at singapore spring (jln bukit merah).. since i've never travel to that place before from punggol, especially on peak hour, any good advice and guidance on which route to take and which to siam?. from map, it seems like cte is a must which i hate to be in on peak hour......
  11. Agreeing that the rebuke in Parliament was
  12. Lately....seems like the COE bidding excitement is not as hot as before. Not many newbies come in to ask innocent Qs about COE and related matters. Where is Ahyoo....are you still as hopeful of a COE crash this wednesday like I am?
  13. yo bros, not sure whether it is just me or my observation is wrong. seems like lesser car is plying the roads due to higher petrol costs, carpark costs? traffic seems to be smoother? anybody here change their commuting habits? instead of usually driving their car, take B.M.W instead? for eg. instead of normally driving their car to orchard road to shop on sunday, take B.M.W instead? i will be very interested to see the ERP statistics, is there a drop in numbers of vehicle being ka-ching daily. n petrol companies statistics, is there a drop in numbers of petrol being sold. these 2 should give a good idea on whether there is any change in commuting habits... but too bad, they are not available to peasants.
  14. Those who drive diesel veh, did you notice the poorer mileage on diesel with the existing 29% discount? My co. van delivered much lower mileage than usual when drinking 29% disouont diesel. Maybe less additives is added?
  15. i have been reading up on specs of vtec engines..and they generally produce lesser torque than other cars..hw cum this happens?y?
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