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Found 7 results

  1. We have a food crisis upon us, a war in the north, countries restricting exports, fuels prices climbing new highs constantly and our property prices still going up and up.. There seems to be a constant pressure on us to conserve, spend less or worse stop living well. This is MCF, and whilst everyone is affected, being drivers, we aren't in the lowest echelons of the society, and are more likely to be in the middle, but it also means we are sandwiched between enjoying our current lifestyle and trying to pay all the bills on time, without resorted to more loans, defaults and compromises that have dire consequences. So maybe we can get real tips from bros on how to lean burn with dignity, whilst keeping the bellies full and yet live fulfilling lives and encourage one another. So please share, not merely make fun, but do share how to make it work and get out out the crisis well both physically and mentally, even spiritually. - our finances are like an input output chart.. INPUT: - we can try to earn more, but that can be hard in the middle of a crisis -- eg changing to a higher paying job if we get a chance -- get more / better returns for our investments -- get alternate revenue streams OUTPUT: - here there are more choices that bros can share... -- cut down on overseas trips or switch to a cheaper holiday destination, eg Asia-Pac holiday instead of Europe and a shorter duration -- using cheaper fuels -- household brands -- eat good food, but eat at less expensive venues -- cook at home more -- watch movies at home instead of in the cinemas -- keep healthy to save on medical bills, -- exercise more and enjoy the outdoors, pretend it's a trip and camp locally or just take a tour around SG -- use free resources like the library - did you know they have DVDs? -- use free online streaming, legal ones eg Viu, Mewatch -- buy one movie and watch with your buddies together -- take up free hobbies -- help someone else who is in need more - this may cost you time and money, but it can be cathartic, and be good for your mind and soul I heard some friends who are really stressed about the current times, and maybe it's time we can share ideas on how to overcomes things. Not everyone is equally affected, and some may be thriving in these times, but lets encourage and be a pillar and friend to others in these times... Hope others can share too
  2. My car is idling lean after I replace my spark plugs and I am not sure why though. Anyone faced such problems? I am using Autronic SM4 (open mode cause I don't have O2 sensor that is compatible with the SM4), Mallory promaster coil and Bosch IR Fusion plugs and Pviot Ignition VS. The car is idling at stoichiometric ratio. After I replace the plugs, A/F would go lean when car is idling. OK, I did mod the plugs by side gapping it and increase the gap to 0.88mm which is wider than factory gap. I have to increase my fuel a little balance things out. I am a little curious that why would changing plugs cause the car to idle lean? doesn't seems like misifing as well though as the car runs very smooth. Even better than the Bosch plugs.
  3. Any layman, simple way to determine whether i'm burning rich or too lean? No gauges. I may had mess up the carb tuning thing.
  4. With newer and stricter emission standards coming, contrary to having rich air/fuel mixture maintaining at stoic ratio of 14.7:1...................car manufacturers will be introducing the Lean Burn Engines soon....... check out: http://www.autozine.org/technical_school/engine/petrol1.htm The direct injection method is making a comeback, e.g the Mitsubishi GDI, Alfa JTS, etc.
  5. Hi bros & sis here, jus wondering what would you do if you see someone leaning on your car when you are on the way to start your engine?
  6. There has been a couple of discussions on this topic but I am rather lost in finding it. I know some of you has stated that Japanese cars run a richer mixture. My question is :- 1) What would be the causes for the mixture to be tuned to a lean mixture ? 2) Besides the Greddy E-Manage that allows you to tune this mixture, what would the agents do if it is discovered the fuel mixture is too lean. Reset ECU ?? 3) What would be the distinct signs of a too lean or too rich fuel mixture. What would the drivers have to look out for as symptoms ? 4) If a CAI have been newly installed, would you need to re-tune your mixture ? Thank you for all the help.
  7. --- hi guys... i'm reposting this thread from the delphi forums... hoping for a better suggestion/s here... thks!!! -------- err... the first poster that's me sdfr. ta! hey dudes need some help here. I've put in a cone filter with diy heat shield and a FSE PBV set to 3 bar, set of RPM jetracing cables and plats (that's all the mods in my engine bay). My plats are burnt out already after 13k km only. previously i had iridiums with FSE at 2.7bar, same thing 13k km all burnt out. (the car is a proton wira 1.5 manual). anyone got this problem with either the proton or the lancer? i hear this is due to too lean mix. The thing is I wanna know which mod is causing this -- the cone filter or the PBV? I'm guessing the cone filter but am not sure. Anyway the PBV have just been set up to 3.2 bar (and I changed to cheap plugs since i'm gonna be throwing them away after 8-10,000 km anyway!) since my car uses an OEM ECU, i can't tune the fueling or the timing unless i go the piggyback way (not something i'm seriously considering at the moment). I don't mind my changing the plugs more often, but i think it may be causing damage to the internal combustion chamber and pistons as well. any suggestions? any help appreciated. thx! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited 5/20/2002 5:51:34 AM ET by SDFR From: LANCERCK May-20 6:59 pm To: SDFR (2 of 20) 8478.2 in reply to 8478.1 Hi, me also have abt the same setup as u except I dun have the PBV. My iridium plugs' insulator broke down at abt 25k kms, so I have to change them all as the sparks created r flying all round inside the combustion chamber, causing power to drop, rougher engine. And I've also send my car for a tune up and also the diagnosis is that my engine is running lean. I'm using a plug that's 1 notch cooler than recommended (IW20 instead of IW16). Plug tip is still very good but the ceramic insulations got broken down. My guess is that lean burn produce a lot of heat, thereby causing the plugs to break down faster. Chers Cheers From: SDFR May-20 8:41 pm To: VTEC2295 (4 of 20) 8478.4 in reply to 8478.3 No no man. I think my problem is more serious than what you wrote. See, platinums should last at least 20K if taken care of. THe shop i took it to, the mechanic try his best to save my plats. He clean with the steel brush / scrub. But one or two is totally gone, have to change. remember, 13k km, the tip of the plug like kanna eaten by metal cockroach like dat. it's quite bad. From: SDFR May-20 8:44 pm To: LANCERCK (5 of 20) 8478.5 in reply to 8478.2 hi man thks for your input. since your idirium last quite long (25k sounds ok ) so it seems more likely the PBV liao, altho I really don't understand. since i put the pbv my consumption gone up a bit, so if i'm regularly using more petrol (due to the pbv) how come the engine run lean? btw wat cone filter u use? From: EX6 May-21 12:42 am To: SDFR (7 of 20) 8478.7 in reply to 8478.4 Hi, Longlife platinum can last at least 100,000km. My OE platinum plugs in my car are 92,000km already and still going strong. An aussie magazine conducted a dyno test for over ten brands of spark plugs. Ironically, the worst performance plug is the most expensive iridium and the cheapest Champhion copper plug is the best. From: LANCERCK May-21 9:11 am To: SDFR (9 of 20) 8478.9 in reply to 8478.5 Me oso not too sure how ur engine runs lean. As for my cone, I was using the RPM brand as bundled by Mcwell. Just changed to a K&N recently. Will monitor my new set of iridium. Cheers
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