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Found 9 results

  1. Yahoo News :Couple caught on video abusing kitten A netizen has captured on video a couple abusing a kitten by dipping it repeatedly in a puddle of dirty water before throwing it around. According to chinaSMACK, the incident happened in Tongzhou district in Beijing, China on 19 July. In the video, a woman who looks to be in her pyjamas with a messy hair bun appears to be squatting beside a puddle of water. Zooming in, the woman is seen holding a kitten's tail, and pulling it back to her when the kitten tries to move away. The woman dips the kitten in the puddle of water head first repeatedly and refuses to let the kitten go. At the 0:57 mark, a man in pink is seen in the video. He participates in the act later by tossing the cat to the woman. Throughout the video, a bigger-sized cat tries to go to the kitten to pick the kitten up but was shooed away by the woman. The entire cat abuse episode lasted for about 30 minutes and it ended when the kitten was thrown into an underground basement by the couple. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vQyK5xKgYY...player_embedded This sick PRC abuser should be recarnated into kitten in their next life........
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqMjvVaMsE4 A man who was filmed throwing a kitten at a wall has been jailed for a year. Farid Ghilas, 24, sparked outrage in France after a video appeared online of him picking up the cat and hurling it towards a block of flats. Remarkably, five-month-old Oscar survived the attack. He suffered a broken leg but is expected to make a full recovery. More than 260,000 people signed a petition calling for Ghilas, who is of North African descent, to face "exemplary punishment" for his actions. He was charged with animal cruelty and faced up to two years in jail and a 30,000 euro fine. “He acted with a singular perversity and sadism that has shocked the entire planet,” said Emmanuel Merlin, the prosecutor. Ghilas, who has been subjected to racist insults and death threats since the video came to light, was jailed for a year and banned from owning an animal. Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/farid-ghilas-case-man-who-3110400#.UvD34_mSzh4
  3. The year has ended on an extremely tragic note. 2 kittens were found dismembered in Chong Pang. The case has been reported to the Police, AVA and SPCA. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151153149476065 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=101...&permPage=1
  4. Yahoo news : Green-glowing cats are new tool in AIDS research CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. scientists have developed a strain of green-glowing cats with cells that resist infection from a virus that causes feline AIDS, a finding that may help prevent the disease in cats and advance AIDS research in people. The study, published on Sunday in the journal Nature Methods, involved inserting monkey genes that block the virus into feline eggs, or oocytes, before they are fertilized. The scientists also inserted jellyfish genes that make the modified cells glow an eerie green color -- making the altered genes easy to spot. Tests on cells taken from the cats show they are resistant to feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV, which causes AIDS in cats. "This provides the unprecedented capability to study the effects of giving AIDS-protection genes into an AIDS-vulnerable animal," Dr. Eric Poeschla of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who led the study, said in a telephone interview. Poeschla said that besides people, cats and to some extent, chimpanzees, are the only mammals that develop a naturally occurring virus that causes AIDS. "Cats suffer from this all over the world," he said. Just as the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, does in people, FIV works by wiping out infection-fighting T-cells. Very soon, we going to have "Green" man walking on US streets ........ Where are those so called Animal Rights Group in USA .......
  5. This is so sweet......
  6. Kitten killer claims to be depressed over parents' divorce ANN - Monday, March 7SendIM StoryPrint Serdang (The Star/ANN) - A Malaysian woman who gained notoriety after a video showing her abusing kittens was uploaded on Facebook has apologised. She claimed that she was suffering from depression after her parents divorced. "I could not control my emotions at that moment, but now realise I had made a terrible mistake after watching the video myself," said Chow Xiao Wei, whose cruel act was captured on a CCTV in a backlane near here. The 20-year-old said she regretted her actions and was prepared to face the consequences. She was also willing to do community service with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The five-minute video was posted on Facebook about a week ago. In the CCTV footage, a person wearing a cap is seen hitting kittens with an umbrella, then stomping and kicking them to death. After the video went viral, Chow's acquaintances, who recognised her from the video, posted her name and phone number online. Chow soon began receiving threatening SMS messages and warnings on her Facebook account. Out of fear, she quit her job as a sales assistant and lodged a police report. Chow claimed that she was suffering from depression at that time as her parents had divorced. "Please give my daughter a second chance," pleaded her mother Cheong Poh Ling, who accompanied her to the press conference at Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah's office. Cheong said she had taken her daughter to a psychologist after hearing about the video, though she had not watched the video herself. "I had to close my stall at the market because reporters kept coming around," she said. A group of animal lovers, including members of Petpositive and Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) gathered outside Ean Yong's office, demanding to meet Chow. A few representatives from animal welfare groups were later allowed to meet Chow -- with Ean Yong present. MDDB is planning to file charges against Chow for animal cruelty, under Section 44 of the Animals Act 1953. If found guilty of abusing the kittens, Chow faces either a fine of 200 ringgit (US$66), six months in prison or both. Then why didn't she kick her parents and kill them instead? Lame excuses! If she wasn't caught, she wouldn't admit to it.
  7. Wat should I do...feed milk izzit, her hind leg like kena step over so limping, will it be ok by itself....pour some milk only drink abit...now sleeping in the box....jialat dunno wat to do....
  8. the vids are all from this guy http://www.youtube.com/user/ngothyeaun When the cat was found days after alera(the cat) playing 'catch' lots of toys and all the cats and dogs gathered round (this guy is amazing. go watch more of his vids)
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