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  1. https://goodyfeed.com/man-pays-hitman-s385000-to-kill-competitor-but-scheme-failed-as-the-job-was-outsourced-4-times/ We just love to outsource, isn't it?
  2. http://www.tnp.sg/news/headless-body-woman-discovered-floating-island-penang http://www.tnp.sg/news/second-headless-body-three-days-found-penang
  3. Dismembered kittens found at Tampines Dormitory http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/dismembered-kittens-found/2128356.html Psycho fellow
  4. Anyone try this product before - Zielonka Car comfort and Get Rid of Cigarette & Other Smell in Car
  5. Video that has gone viral (if you haven't already watched), must watch with the music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSNiPx791A Prank it on the wrong person though and the clown's gonna be dead!
  6. Black Ops, Euro Style Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 17:50AFP MULHOUSE, France - A 76-year-old Frenchman was convicted Wednesday of having kidnapped a German ex-doctor who had killed his daughter, but he avoided jail time as the court handed down a suspended sentence. The court in the eastern French border town of Mulhouse gave Andre Bamberski a suspended one-year sentence for having abducted Dieter Krombach in Germany and brought him to France to face trial. Krombach was found bound and gagged in 2009 near the courthouse in Mulhouse after Bamberski hired a kidnap team who snatched the ex-doctor from his home in the southern German town of Scheidegg. Bamberski said he was "a bit disappointed" by the ruling, believing he should have been acquitted because he had a "moral compulsion" to act. He said he did not plan to appeal. Krombach was convicted in 2011 over the death of Bamberski's 14-year-old daughter Kalinka - who was living at the German's home with her mother and younger brother - in 1982. Germany cleared Krombach of her death and refused to extradite him. But Bamberski was convinced of his guilt, especially after Krombach was convicted of drugging and raping a 16-year-old patient in 1997. France's top court in April confirmed Krombach's conviction for "deliberate violence leading to involuntary death" and his 15-year prison sentence. The two men who carried out the kidnapping - Anton Krasniqi of Kosovo and Georgian Kacha Bablovani - were also found guilty and each sentenced to a year in prison. Krombach, 79, did not travel from prison in Paris to attend the trial for health reasons.
  7. Damn, I envy those frogs and lizards. Got one tiko lizard in the second Vid...kekeke http://youtu.be/DtLlOHxNarc https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=616630865051277 confirm the same tiko lizard...seen here clinging on to 'u know where' http://youtu.be/gORvb52L6Ig
  8. http://www.edn.com/design/automotive/4423428/Toyota-s-killer-firmware--Bad-design-and-its-consequences Toyota's killer firmware: Bad design and its consequences Michael Dunn - October 28, 2013 70 Comments On Thursday October 24, 2013, an Oklahoma court ruled against Toyota in a case of unintended acceleration that lead to the death of one the occupants. Central to the trial was the Engine Control Module's (ECM) firmware. Embedded software used to be low-level code we'd bang together using C or assembler. These days, even a relatively straightforward, albeit critical, task like throttle control is likely to use a sophisticated RTOS and tens of thousands of lines of code. With all this sophistication, standards and practices for design, coding, and testing become paramount – especially when the function involved is safety-critical. Failure is not an option. It is something to be contained and benign. So what happens when an automaker decides to wing it and play by their own rules? To disregard the rigorous standards, best practices, and checks and balances required of such software (and hardware) design? People are killed, reputations ruined, and billions of dollars are paid out. That's what happens. Here's the story of some software that arguably never should have been. For the bulk of this research, EDN consulted Michael Barr, CTO and co-founder of Barr Group, an embedded systems consulting firm, last week. As a primary expert witness for the plaintiffs, the in-depth analysis conducted by Barr and his colleagues illuminates a shameful example of software design and development, and provides a cautionary tale to all involved in safety-critical development, whether that be for automotive, medical, aerospace, or anywhere else where failure is not tolerable. Barr is an experienced developer, consultant, former professor, editor, blogger, and author. Barr's ultimate conclusions were that: Toyota’s electronic throttle control system (ETCS) source code is of unreasonable quality. Toyota’s source code is defective and contains bugs, including bugs that can cause unintended acceleration (UA). Code-quality metrics predict presence of additional bugs. Toyota’s fail safes are defective and inadequate (referring to them as a “house of cards” safety architecture). Misbehaviors of Toyota’s ETCS are a cause of UA. A damning summary to say the least. Let's look at what lead him to these conclusions: Hardware Although the investigation focused almost entirely on software, there is at least one HW factor: Toyota claimed the 2005 Camry's main CPU had error detecting and correcting (EDAC) RAM. It didn't. EDAC, or at least parity RAM, is relatively easy and low-cost insurance for safety-critical systems. Other cases of throttle malfunction have been linked to tin whiskers in the accelerator pedal sensor. This does not seem to have been the case here. The Camry ECM board. U2 is a NEC (now Renesas) V850 microcontroller. Software The ECM software formed the core of the technical investigation. What follows is a list of the key findings. Mirroring (where key data is written to redundant variables) was not always done. This gains extra significance in light of … Stack overflow. Toyota claimed only 41% of the allocated stack space was being used. Barr's investigation showed that 94% was closer to the truth. On top of that, stack-killing, MISRA-C rule-violating recursion was found in the code, and the CPU doesn't incorporate memory protection to guard against stack overflow. Two key items were not mirrored: The RTOS' critical internal data structures; and—the most important bytes of all, the final result of all this firmware—the TargetThrottleAngle global variable. Although Toyota had performed a stack analysis, Barr concluded the automaker had completely botched it. Toyota missed some of the calls made via pointer, missed stack usage by library and assembly functions (about 350 in total), and missed RTOS use during task switching. They also failed to perform run-time stack monitoring. Toyota's ETCS used a version of OSEK, which is an automotive standard RTOS API. For some reason, though, the CPU vendor-supplied version was not certified compliant. Unintentional RTOS task shutdown was heavily investigated as a potential source of the UA. As single bits in memory control each task, corruption due to HW or SW faults will suspend needed tasks or start unwanted ones. Vehicle tests confirmed that one particular dead task would result in loss of throttle control, and that the driver might have to fully remove their foot from the brake during an unintended acceleration event before being able to end the unwanted acceleration. A litany of other faults were found in the code, including buffer overflow, unsafe casting, and race conditions between tasks.
  9. From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...parked_car.html Posted on 23 Feb 2012 Neighbour throws stones down on man's parked car, smashing windscreen STOMPer Christopher found the rear windscreen of his parked car at Tampines 'completely smashed and destroyed'. The culprit was fragments of a black stone, which had apparently been hurled down from the twelfth storey. Said the STOMPer: "I am particularly concerned about the cases of killer litter in Singapore. I happened to be a victim recently, but fortunately it was my car which bore the brunt of the 'killer litter'. "On Sunday Feb 19 at 9am, I wanted to drive my car to church but discovered that my rear windscreen was completely smashed and destroyed. "I found small fragments of a crystalline black stone around my car. I pick up more than 10 pieces and proceeded to make a Police report. "The Police said they would investigate. I then made a door-to-door investigation of the apartments directly above my parked car. "I found out after talking to the residents that is very common to find debris of all sorts thrown. Clearly there must be someone who lives above that is throwing stuff out. "I called the HDB who said the police will deal with this. However, the Police must wait for someone to get injured or worst KILLED before they do any serious investigation. Who has got the time to find this culprit? "Should the HDB, who we are paying for the carpark space and maintenance have some investigative team to look into such a menace? If left unchecked it could ultimately kill someone. "I am going to keep a lookout. I also informed the Chinese Media. I am also going to send this to my MP in Tampines; hopefully they will do something. "If not I will be the first person to highlight this warning made earlier, when a more disasterous event happens."
  10. Apparently, the fella who went on mass shooting, was fedup with the immigration policies and the like in Norway. Hmmm....gets me thinking if this is just the tip of the iceberg Norway suspect says acted alone: police Posted: 24 July 2011 1744 hrs Photos1 of 2 Picture shows Anders Behring Breivik aiming an assault rifle. Related News
  11. http://www.netcarshow.com/citroen/2012-ds5...allpaper_03.htm Damn Swee. 1.6 turbo. 200bhp
  12. Kitten killer claims to be depressed over parents' divorce ANN - Monday, March 7SendIM StoryPrint Serdang (The Star/ANN) - A Malaysian woman who gained notoriety after a video showing her abusing kittens was uploaded on Facebook has apologised. She claimed that she was suffering from depression after her parents divorced. "I could not control my emotions at that moment, but now realise I had made a terrible mistake after watching the video myself," said Chow Xiao Wei, whose cruel act was captured on a CCTV in a backlane near here. The 20-year-old said she regretted her actions and was prepared to face the consequences. She was also willing to do community service with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The five-minute video was posted on Facebook about a week ago. In the CCTV footage, a person wearing a cap is seen hitting kittens with an umbrella, then stomping and kicking them to death. After the video went viral, Chow's acquaintances, who recognised her from the video, posted her name and phone number online. Chow soon began receiving threatening SMS messages and warnings on her Facebook account. Out of fear, she quit her job as a sales assistant and lodged a police report. Chow claimed that she was suffering from depression at that time as her parents had divorced. "Please give my daughter a second chance," pleaded her mother Cheong Poh Ling, who accompanied her to the press conference at Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah's office. Cheong said she had taken her daughter to a psychologist after hearing about the video, though she had not watched the video herself. "I had to close my stall at the market because reporters kept coming around," she said. A group of animal lovers, including members of Petpositive and Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) gathered outside Ean Yong's office, demanding to meet Chow. A few representatives from animal welfare groups were later allowed to meet Chow -- with Ean Yong present. MDDB is planning to file charges against Chow for animal cruelty, under Section 44 of the Animals Act 1953. If found guilty of abusing the kittens, Chow faces either a fine of 200 ringgit (US$66), six months in prison or both. Then why didn't she kick her parents and kill them instead? Lame excuses! If she wasn't caught, she wouldn't admit to it.
  13. Cabby killed after stabbed in the chest 5 times After disposing of body, killer wanted $150k from victim's wife, saying your husband's about to die. Cabby's body already decomposed to bones when found.
  14. http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&...mp;aql=&oq= didnt know our Spanish frens are good at Vrooom Vroommmm other than serious SEX!!! would you want one??
  15. Jan 27, 2010 ROMANIAN CAR CRASH Hit-and-run inquest March By Elena Chong ROMANIAN DIPLOMAT WAS THE DRIVER Senior State Counsel Lau Wing Yum said said extensive police investigations showed that the car was not stolen and that Dr Ionescu was behind the wheel at the time of the two accidents. Dr Ionescu flew back to Romania three days later. He has since been recalled by the Romanian government. But Mr Lau said his whereabouts is not known. He added that the Singapore police are in contact with Interpol Bucharest. Mr Tong's next of kin is being represented by KhattarWong while Hoh Law Corporation is holding a watching brief for Mr Bong, who has since returned to Kuching for rehabilitation due to severe head and bodily injuries. The Romanian economic counsellor and acting charge d'affaires, Mr Alexandru Nicolae Coseru turned was present at the mention as well.
  16. >> ASIAONE / MOTORING / DRIVERS / STORY Thu, Jul 30, 2009 my paper Why I have never learnt to drive By Victoria Barker I HAVE recently developed a fear of crossing the road. Yes, you heard me right. And, no, it's not because I've had a close call with a speeding taxi over the past couple of weeks. The reason for this sudden, if irrational, fear is the findings of a survey conducted by insurance company AXA last month. According to the survey of 521 Singaporean car owners here - of which 415 were private- car owners and the rest, cabbies - "our motorists are a truly reckless bunch. Firstly, 75 per cent of those surveyed did not know the normal speed limit on most Singapore roads. You would think that was a basic enough question, right? The answer is 60kmh, by the way. Unsurprisingly, more than half also admitted to engaging in at least one dangerous driving practice. These practices included using a mobile phone or text messaging while on the road, tailgating and drink-driving. But what left me dumbstruck was this: When asked what would deter them from doing so,"the safety of others - personal safety aside - ranked very, very low. In fact, not harming others came in a measly fifth, after the possibility of getting demerit points, being caught by a speed camera, stricter law enforcement and personal safety, in descending order of importance. Cue raised eyebrow and a step or two backwards onto the kerb. These findings lead me to wonder if Singaporean drivers have their priorities on the road completely mixed up. I think they just might. I do not drive and I've often been asked by colleagues, friends and family members alike why I've never learnt to do so. I always answer with a question: What if I hurt someone? Sure, I may come across as a little paranoid and it's not a good enough reason to be destined to our highly-efficient public-transport system (we can't all be scaredy-cats like me) for the rest of my life. But, to me, the fear of hurting someone unintentionally far outweighs the thought of getting demerit points, or, worse, a (gasp!) fine. It is not the fear of the law, or of getting caught that should be deemed most important. To me, that is a selfish, "me-first" mentality Think about it. Could that call on your mobile phone be more important than the life of an innocent pedestrian on his way to school or work? That's not to say that us non-drivers are completely free from blame. I'm sure you've seen your share of jaywalkers, aunties with a death wish and people who refuse to make use of the many overhead bridges. Keeping our roads safe is a two-way street. For now, though, thanks to the survey findings, I think I'll stick to good ol' public transport. [email protected]
  17. World's first 1Ghz Mobile Phone with 4.1" Screen and only 9.9mm thin Performance and looks is super slick...
  18. Omnia has rolled out new firmware, i900DXHJ1, this firmware will resolve the battery killer problem. http://www.samsungmobile.com/promotion/omnia/index.jsp My friend upgrade hers from HH1 to HJ1, tested it for three weeks, and the software is stable. My version is G2 and not sure if I should upgrade mine to HJ1 too. Anybody else upgraded to HJ1 too, and what other improvements for HJ1??
  19. was wiping my car tis evening when suddenly a grape flavour yakult fell on to my bonnet. i was like 3m away from it. obviously caused a dent.....why ppl so like tat
  20. Nissan, rumoured to be building a 4 door using GTR's 3.8L twin turbo + 4WD system + dual clutch transmission on GTR's stretched platform ... and badge it INFINITI, gunning for BMW M5, at probably half the price. http://www.themotorreport.com.au/3786/niss...r-door-rumours/ http://www.motortrend.com/features/auto_ne...door/index.html
  21. As above. Good news,both available in Singapore
  22. June 12, 2008 Killer litter drama at Clementi block Woman arrested for throwing an assortment of items, ranging from shoes, cartons and papers from highrise flat By Eisen Teo and Stephanie Song IT was raining papers, shoes, cartons and even tupperware at Block 331, Clementi Avenue 2 on Thursday morning. Police received a call at 9.15 am about things being flung from a seventh-floor flat, littering a playground and void deck below. Two fire engines from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) arrived at about 11.30 am and the rescuers quickly laid out an inflatable cushion at the foot of the block, as scores of residents looked on in suspense. More items continued to rain down from the flat, including hundreds of pieces of torn paper and pamphlets. Four SCDF personnel rappelled from the eighth floor to prevent the killer litter culprit from hurting herself. At 1.20 pm, police forced open the door to the flat and arrested 57-year-old Gina Ho Hock Tee. She was clad in a yellow blouse, blue and white striped shorts and yellow slippers. As the woman was being led away by police, she shouted: 'I never did anything wrong, why you handcuff me?' This is not the first time Ho had thrown things out of her flat, said her close friend, Ms Katherine Kng, 60, a factory worker. She had previously hurled pillows and blankets from her flat. Police are investigating. http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2...ry_247102.html ok.. other then the iron, no sharp object thrown.. tsk tsk. confirm is killer litter.. goto jail, lose flat. __________________ The other story French woman charged with killer-litter By Elena Chong A FRENCH national was charged in a magistrate's court on Thursday with a killer-litter offence. Sandrine Bionda Courbet, 39, a bank executive, is said to have thrown three knives and a wooden knife holder from the kitchen window of her 15th-floor flat at Ridgwood Close on Jan 27. She initially wanted to plead guilty but when told by the judge that the offence normally carried a jail term, she changed her mind. The judge had asked if she wanted to engage a lawyer. She asked for an adjournment to make representations. She is released on bail of $5,000. Her passport was impounded. She will be back in court on June 26. If convicted of the rash act, she faces a jail term of up to three months or a fine of $250 or both. ----------
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