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  1. It is basic knowledge not to rush across the road and to look left and right before attempting to cross. However, he learned his lesson the hard way for one impatient kick-scooter rider. Watch it here: What Happened? An impatient kick-scooter rider blindly rode across the road at the entrance/exit point of Waterway Point carpark. He knocks into a motorcyclist's tail-box and falls hard on the ground. He quickly apologised to the motorcyclist and quickly got back up to his feet. Needless to say, the motorcyclist was baffled at how the kick-scooter rider managed to collide with him despite being in a stationary position. Moments later, the kick-scooter rider scoots across the road just as a white Toyota Camry exited the carpark, almost causing a near-miss collision with the Camry. And when the kick-scooter rider was riding away, the motorcyclist made the most iconic hand gesture ever: What do you think of the kick-scooter rider's actions? Is it caused by a lack of situational awareness, unluckiness or simply bo-chap? Netizens' Comments The kick-scooter rider really very heng! Joker leh you! I wonder what hand gesture the white car driver is making to the kick-scooter rider🤔 ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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