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Found 14 results

  1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/ok-lim-oil-tycoon-file-bankruptcy-4648676 https://www.straitstimes.com/business/companies-markets/9-properties-in-singapore-australia-among-hin-leongs-lim-family-assets https://www.dimsumdaily.hk/kane-lim-in-netflixs-bling-empire-admits-his-uncle-is-linked-to-beleaguered-oil-trading-company-in-singapore-after-our-exclusive-expose/ It is amazing how the family can live like rich people even after the scandal broke. "The order also showed that the family's living expenses were capped at $10,000 a week each for the elder Lim, Mr Evan Lim, and Ms Lim, according to the court documents." 10k a WEEK each of living expenses?????? A family of 3 is 120k a Month?????
  2. Saw this powerful quote from someone who post this on Facebook and decided to share. In life every thing we want to be equal, but there are some less privileged human who are being dropped out to being not enjoying as much as others if everything else being equal. So perhaps at times we actually neglected those who are far worst off then us and we should actually provide them not just equal opportunity but lend a helping hand to help them succeed. What say you guys?
  3. This is a good read, and in light of CSI vigilantes I think there are lessons for all of us. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html?referrer=&_r=0
  4. For decades, the drug lords of the golden triangle has been operating with impunity Now China goes beyond its territorial sovereignty to deliver justice to its citizens It plain to see who is the top dog over there The last I think any country did this was Israel This is reported in straits times, but I can't find it in the net, so sources are from other papers http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/c...ow/19401569.cms
  5. He's on the run from assault charges in Singapore and his whereabouts are not known. But Robert Stephen Dahlberg, 35, a New Zealander, wants to compensate one of the victims of the Suntec City brawl in April 2010. His lawyer has written to the police about the offer. Dahlberg, an options broker, is offering $20,000 to Mr Paul Louis Liew Kai Ming, 27, who was warded at Singapore General Hospital after the attack. When contacted by The New Paper yesterday, Mr Liew said he does not want the money. The second-year law student in Australia said: "I choose not to accept the compensation because I want him to return to Singapore to face his mistakes. "Because of the severity of his violence, I know his charges cannot be compounded but he can use it in his mitigation and ask for a lighter sentence. "As long as it may have an effect on the justice process, I will not do it. All this is very distressing." The police e-mailed Mr Liew on March 6 to inform him of the compensation offer. Dahlberg's lawyer, Mr Sunil Sudheesan, could not be reached for comment. TNP understands that Mr Liew has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and sees a psychiatrist once a month. http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/...310-332702.html [thumbsup]
  6. ST Forum Jun 8, 2011 ALIMONY AND ATTRACTIVENESS Don't weigh beauty on scales of justice I WAS appalled to learn that courts can take into account a woman's prospects of remarriage when deciding on alimony ('Divorce and the attractive woman'; last Friday). As the title of the article suggests, the case in question centred on, among other things, the woman's attractiveness. That a woman's prospects of remarrying and/or her attractiveness, however defined, should be a factor in deciding the amount of alimony awarded by the courts sorely offends the dignity of any woman who may have taken the already extremely painful decision to divorce. I hope that I am right in saying that the decision to divorce is not one that is usually taken lightly. Which woman would be happy to be paid more at the expense of being judged unattractive? Yet again, being judged attractive by a court is neither a prediction nor guarantee of remarriage. In fact, remarriage is often not an easy or straightforward matter. If and when it happens, alimony will cease anyway. Furthermore, what if a woman does not want to remarry, for example, for religious, emotional or psychological reasons? I know many women who have been so emotionally devastated by divorce that the last thing they want to do is marry again. Last but not least, if she has been ditched by her husband for a younger, indeed more attractive woman, can you imagine the pain of being judged by a court and found either less attractive and awarded more alimony or more attractive and awarded less alimony? I trust that judges do look at the broader picture and weigh all the factors in each case. However, I believe laws that can be applied objectively are simpler and easier to administer. Carol Wong (Ms)
  7. Bros and Sis, Any good JPs to recommend for solemnisation of marriage? Preferably English and Chinese speaking.... and friendly?
  8. Hmmm, An interesting case. Driving without a valid lesson and beating a red light? fine S$2000 only. A 22
  9. A PERSON'S wealth, status and political leanings have no bearing on whether they are charged with a crime, Singapore's Attorney-General Walter Woon said yesterday. The country's top prosecutor said there was only one justice system for all, a comment that followed several high-profile cases involving wealthy Singaporeans that drew criticism from some. CHARGES ARE NOT BARGAINING CHIPS 'All I can say to counsel is that we will not use the heavier charge as an inducement for your client to plead guilty to a lesser charge. And so do not ever feel that's the case. If we bring a charge, it is because we think it would stick. We're not going to bring a heavier charge as a bargaining chip. This is not a cattle market.' - Attorney-General Walter Woon, on the perception that the prosecution would bring a heavier charge against an accused to get him to plead guilty to a lesser charge in the end ACQUITTAL DOESN'T MEAN INNOCENCE 'Not everyone who is acquitted is actually innocent. I don't know why that is such a difficult concept to grasp. When you take Al Capone - you've heard of Al Capone, right? - he was a gangster. Was he ever convicted of being a gangster? He wasn't. He was convicted of some other piddling charge, because they could not get evidence against him. So, there are many cases where you have people who commit offences where there is no evidence.' - On the point that those who are acquitted in court may not necessarily be innocent ... more Addressing about 270 members of the legal fraternity yesterday, Professor Woon said the prosecution does not consider whether a suspect is 'rich or politically well-connected' before pressing charges. He made the comments during a speech on prosecutorial discretion and the quest for justice at the first annual lecture of the Association of Criminal Lawyers (ACLS). It was held in the Supreme Court auditorium. Prof Woon also brought up a recent case where two Indonesian men were jailed several weeks and fined for arranging to sell their kidneys. The buyer, retail magnate Tang Wee Sung, 56, was fined $17,000 but jailed for only a day. 'Public policy does not allow us to differentiate between buyer and seller,' Prof Woon said. He added that there had been letters to the newspapers questioning whether Mr Tang should be charged as he was dying. Mr Tang's health, Prof Woon said, was something to be considered by the court and not by the prosecution. Prof Woon also made reference to a couple of recent cases that saw grassroots leaders charged with crimes like embezzlement. While in some of those cases, Members of Parliament wrote to the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) in support of the suspects, Prof Woon said they did not apply pressure on prosecutors. The letters do not make a difference in the decision to prosecute, he said. The Attorney-General said the same standards apply to offenders who are aligned with opposition parties. 'People opposed to the Government expect special indulgence, but they too have no licence to break the law,' he said. He also disputed claims in the latest ACLS newsletter that said Singapore's system of compounding offences - which allows suspects to pay compensation to the victim and not face criminal charges - could be seen as buying justice. In the newsletter article, the president of the ACLS, Mr Subhas Anandan, asked why the courts allow for some cases to be compounded while withholding permission in others. This could lead people to assume that there is one law for the rich and another for the poor, he wrote. Prof Woon said that while the process favours the wealthy, a judge had the final say over whether a case could be compounded to prevent 'justice being bought'. During the question-and-answer session following his lecture, Prof Woon faced questions surrounding a decision in April to allow the wife of a high-profile businessman to settle her case out of court. In that case, 61-year-old Tan Siew Hoon was allowed to pay an undisclosed amount in compensation after she was accused of slapping a Singapore Airlines flight attendant on a Tokyo-bound flight. Lawyer Tan Spring said this was contrary to the AGC's stance in road-rage cases. Prof Woon said the parties had reached a settlement but this fact was not made known to the prosecution before the charge was issued. Prof Woon said that the job of prosecutors is not to secure convictions but to see that justice is served. 'There is no Prosecutor of the Year, with the most number of scalps hanging from his belt,' he said, to the amusement of the judges, lawyers, deputy public prosecutors, law lecturers, foreign diplomats and law students in the audience. He said that prosecutors first make sure that they, themselves, are convinced of the guilt of the suspect. They then consider if there is enough evidence to secure a conviction and whether that would be in the public interest. In certain cases, especially where young offenders are involved, rehabilitation may be the better option, he said. He pointed to the fact that 6,000 petty criminals had been put through a six-month counselling and guidance programme since 1997 instead of receiving a fine or jail time. Prof Woon also dismissed perceptions that the prosecution would go with a heavier charge to get the accused person to plead guilty to a lesser charge. He declared: 'If we bring a charge it is because we think it will stick. We're not going to bring a heavier charge as a bargaining chip. This is not a cattle market.'
  10. Blog entry from: http://the-upperroom.com/?p=250 My heart saddens when somebody forwarded me the open verdict made by a certain State Coroner Victor Yeo Khee Eng. A TOP civil servant whose car hit a Victoria School student along Marine Parade Road in October last year was yesterday cleared of criminal negligence in the fatal accident. State Coroner Victor Yeo came round to this view following testimony by several witnesses at the inquiry into the death of Secondary 4 student Wrixon Chew Teck Cheng, 16, who died six days after the accident. The driver of the car was Ms Chin Li Fen, 48, an Assistant Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (Iras)
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czW2E-Pm1zs&feature=related
  12. This is a very sad case that I would like to share with you'll. A China FT working for my gf's dad's company was knocked down by a lorry while cycling at night near his quarters. He had been cycling by the side of the road when a lorry's side mirror hit the back of his head causing him to fall and again hit his head hard against the curb. He was knocked unconscious with severe bleeding from the head. The lorry driver was responsible enough to stop and call for help. At the hospital, the China FT fell into a coma and the doctor said that he suffered serious brain damage and would most probably be disabled for life. His father and cousin has flown over here and only recently became conscious but isn't able to talk or move and lost his memory. He would be flown back to China soon via special arrangements. As for investigation by the TP, it is going nowhere as there is no witness. Although they are still investigating, I fear it may be futile. The TP cannot get the China FT's statement as he can't even talk or remember anything and he will be flown back China soon. The lorry driver claimed that he only hit him lightly and the China FT fell on his own and for info he has not visited the China FT once at the hospital. As for compensation and the cost, my gf's dad has kindly paid the hospital fees and the flight cost, 20k++ total, even though the incident happened outside working hours which does not make the company liable. Compensation cannot be claimed on the lorry driver's insurance as it has to be done by the victim and with the China FT's current state, impossible. Social services has also declined to sponsor anything which is a shame. My gf's dad has already done his best to help this worker, engaging a lawyer to sue for compensation would be costly and risky, plus he's is only a small company. Is there anything that can be done here? Just imagine the pain of his parents and he's their only son.
  13. For beating up a guy and showing remorse, fine $1000 only. Slap a woman and kenna 3mths and ban from driving 6mths. June 15, 2005 Case File MAN HIT TEACHER AFTER ROAD TIFF A 27-YEAR-OLD man who slapped a woman after an argument on the road was yesterday jailed for three months. Mechanic Teh Kiam Tiong, who pleaded guilty to hurting Ms Alison Yong Pee Peng, a 28-year-old teacher, was also banned from driving for six months. A magistrate's court heard that Teh's Honda Civic had suddenly cut across the path of Ms Yong's Toyota Rav-4 at about 9pm on Jan 23 along Tampines Avenue 7. She managed to apply her brakes in time and avoided a collision. Both drivers stopped at the side of the road, and Teh got down from his car and approached Ms Yong's car. He shouted at her for tailgating his car while they were on the Tampines Expressway earlier. He uttered vulgarities at Ms Yong, who was still in her car, and then slapped her on her left cheek, causing her glasses to fall off. Teh then went back to his car and drove off. Teh could have been jailed for up to one year, or fined up to $1,000, or both.
  14. Hi to all out there.... I have a situation n would liked to seek different opinions on this issue. I drove a COE car, 13 yr old car. On the 29 Oct 04, on deciding that its high time to change my front tyres due to the high frequency rate of skidding on the road, I went to a tyre shop (SHOP A) located at AMK Park 2. Suspecting that my lower arms (both left & right) and my steering wheel rod is a bit defective, I asked the technican there to checked on them 1st before changing to the new tyres. I specifically said that if they were defective, I would want to replaced them IMMEDIATELY! He replied and affirmed that they were ok and after a test drive, also affirmed that my car's alignment is OK! On the 22 Nov 04(Sun), exactly 3 weeks after the front tyres changed, I decided to go back to the same shop to buy and rotate my tyres but they were closed. Subsequently I went to another shop (SHOP B) a few blocks down. The old technican there was SHOCKED to see how unevenly my front tyres had worn out esp after only 3 weeks. He suggested that my car might have mech faults and my so called "new" front tyres would not last for more than 1 month. Still I went ahead bought new set of tyres for my front & rotated the original to the back. By right...all my 4 tyres ARE new in this case... 23 Nov 04, I went to a mechanical shop in AMK Autopoint to do a full check up on my car. The mech there was also SHOCKED to see the state of my rear tyres(used only 3 wks) and my front tyres (used only 1 day). After intense checking, he affirmed that that my lower arms were loose...very loose which is why the tyres instead of running in a firm straight forward direction, they are rubbing sidewards whenever i drive. Also my car's alignment is way way way OUT! I went back to SHOP A to request for an explanation for the wrong diagnosis on my car and of course to seek some sort of compensation. The tech who changed and diagnosised my car denied responsibilities stating that since he only changed my tyres and did not touched other parts of my car he should not be held responsible. I tried to bring to him my point that it was becos of his wrong diagnosis and trusting that he is a professional, I did not changed my lower arms thus my brand new tyres gone. In the duration of my reasoning with him, his other collegue/relative in the background started shouting in Hokkien : PAY US 3K & WE SETTLE EVERYTHING FOR YOU. NO NEED TO ARGUE SO MUCH!Ignoring that moron I continued to reason but was ignored. Finally I left the shop very pissed off. Dear all....pls pass your judgment on this issue and was I wrong to claim compensation or should I be branded as Plain Suay to have this situation? Thank You. By the way...SHOP A's name is SOON KIM Auto Repair Workshop at AMK Industrial Park 2 Blk 5033 #01-263. Look out for this black shop...
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