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  1. You could be on the nomination list, if lucky you could be walking away with one too. But do not be too happy yet. Summary of report - TNP, 7/10/2008 Singapore Movies selling like "hot goreng pisang Selected(it does not read elite though) guests of a budget hotel in Klang, Selangor have...
  2. Source: https://mothership.sg/2023/07/confused-horse-spotted-trotting-along-cars-on-bke-escorted-to-safety-by-lta-officer/ A brown horse was spotted on the Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE) on Saturday (Jul. 8). A video of the creature was captured on camera. It was uploaded onto the Complaint...
  3. Viral: Son praises SGH staff for helping his elderly father who was stranded on overhead bridge for 3 hours. https://coconuts.co/singapore/news/viral-son-praises-sgh-staff-helping-elderly-father-stranded-overhead-bridge-3-hours/ If i encounter such situation, i will just call police/hospi...
  4. This is the first time I hear about horse therapy and still wondering how it work. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/horse-therapy-is-gaining-traction-in-singapore SINGAPORE - The weather on this September afternoon is hazy and humid, but it does nothing to dampen the spir...
  5. Maybe the mare knew that the our country is going into a semi-lockdown state and wanted to do some last minute exploring first... Spotted by several road users along Eng Neo Avenue, the white horse was apparently lost and was in fact trying to find her way back to her stable on 5th April....
  6. https://mothership.sg/2020/04/white-horse-petrol-station/ A white horse was seen in Bukit Timah galloping along Eng Neo Avenue across a road junction at 4pm on Sunday, April 5, 2020. The bewildering sight was captured in a 15-second video and put up on Facebook, which has enthralled...
  7. I hope he gets well soon. My childhood idol https://sg.style.yahoo.com/major-road-closures-as-injured-andy-lau-arrives-at-hong-kong-hospital-043408651.html
  8. what do you think?? 1. as a business owner, you should take all the criticism and improve on it. 2. as a so-call social media consultant (wtf do these people do?), should watch what they write (words used) even if they have negative feedback.
  9. Nic_low

    When things turn ugly

    The new F12berlinetta is provocative. The sensual styling will likely appeal and tempt those who are into wheeled art. Not to mention by bearing the highly praised badge on its bonnet, it must be good. Then, things could have been very different. Mansory, a luxury car modification firm based...
  10. Finally found it after so many years. Lost more or less 20k on this game. Spent my primary, secondary school pocket money and holiday job money on this. Free to install. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dzwf.race
  11. The news has been going around for quite a few weeks, looks like quite a few countries are affected. Literally, hanging cow's head but sell horse meat. Do you mind if the beef you bought contains horse meat?
  12. Drive big car = big ego = small brain or no brain ..... This Big white horse has been parking in the handicap lot on a daily basis ....... and he would not spare a thought for some one that realy needs the lot .... my guess is that he is probably mentally handicap .. or practising to park for h...
  13. I noticed there are 2 different types of engine block design for E200ML : 1) One with a stainless steel bar across the engine block (printed with Mercedes) 2) The other type has NO stainless steel bar across the engine block (just the Logo close to the engine oil inlet) Anyone know the...
  14. Yesterday - 27@1930hrs. Location - Marina South Pier carpark. A 14-footer lolee hit a bike(Yamaha - R6) in a carpark in which bike was parked nicely/accordingly in the bike lot..the driver tried to "run" was caught by public prior exiting the cp barrier... Driver have the 'cheek' to siam a...
  15. TCB rally really impresive , much better than wayang TT at UOB plaza , and the other tans leh ! Anyone got his speech to share here ?
  16. Bros still remember this category of NSFs back then? This classification was supposed to be scrapped by now. My time there was this coy during BMT that seemed to be very well-treated. Whenever we went training they were always the last few to move out but whenever we came back exhaust...
  17. wow so many nice places to drive overseas..... singapore is like a concrete jungle
  18. ??? Technology cheats or unfortunately coincidence or judgement day? http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread...-the-apocolypse http://tomkovach.us/CB-4v1/2011/02/225/
  19. its been quite a while since i left the army. was wondering whether the armed forces still practise white horse system?
  20. Pastor Dunn stressed that claims of extravagance have been exaggerated. 'Concerning the lifestyle of Rev Kong and his wife, we know them well. Rev Kong is a dedicated and motivated senior pastor of the church. He has been working hard for the past 20 over years and is a renowned and recognised...
  21. Saw the evening news paper headline. Sigh. I pity the 30K members. And I am sure the members will believe what what she is going to say. "I do it in the name of Christ to bring God's word to the black in USA, the losses is nothing compare to the priceless God's word" To me it looks like a...
  22. Aston Martin has done it. Porsche has too. Even Lamborghini toyed with the idea in the form of the Estoque concept. But according to chief executive Amedeo Felisa, Ferrari will never follow its rivals in making a four-door model. The closest we'll get, points out Felisa, is the Maserati Quattro...
  23. Emkay

    True horse power

  24. PI ferraris anyone? (still from Hong Seh) extracted from Asiaone.com S'pore company loses 25-year-old Ferrari dealership By Christopher Tan HONG Seh Motors is slated to relinquish its Ferrari franchise by the middle of this month, and will have to refund deposits it has c...
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