My parked car was involved in a hit&run accident and was captured by my dashboard cam, therefore I have submitted to the TP for investigation and left my car unrepaired. I have received the closure of the investigation from the TP with a letter stating the vehicle was charged. I went on to call my insurer and asked whether can i proceed with the repair of the car damages, their answer is you cant UNLESS the other party makes a report to his insurer first, and even if the 3rd party makes a report to his insurer now his insurer may not be paying for the damages because its more than 24 hours - it will depends on the insurer T&Cs, to share its more than 2 months.
So my question is - If the 3rd party decides not to make a report, can i still claim?
Secondly, if he makes a report to his insurer and his insurer does not want to be involve, does it means it will be a lawsuit?
Thirdly, it is a commercial van that hit my car, with the license plate am i able to find out which company owns this van?