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Found 8 results

  1. A student studying at the National University of Singapore (NUS) fell eight stories to her death after trying to get into her residential hall room from a window. According to a report in The New Paper (TNP), the 18-year-old South Korean had locked herself out of her room on the seventh storey of Block C of Sheares Hall on Saturday (28 Oct). The Singapore Police Force (SPF) told Yahoo News Singapore it was alerted to a case of fall from height at 20 Heng Mui Keng Terrace at 11:38am on 28 October. “An 18-year-old woman was unconscious when conveyed to the National University Hospital where she subsequently succumbed to her injuries,” said SPF. Police are investigating the unnatural death. The residents were informed by email of the tragic event on Saturday afternoon. One resident told TNP that a wake was held for the student on Monday evening. https://sg.yahoo.com/news/nus-student-falls-death-locking-room-011752131.html
  2. Sounds improbable to me leh. If she really wants to suicide, she certainly chosed a troublesome and contrived way. Might as well take a leap of faith or do a sleeping beauty.
  3. This 43 year old Mrs Zhang from China enrolled her daughter in a private school. For some reason, she wanted the school fees returned but was unsuccessful. Feeling helpless, she went to the Istana hoping to find an official she could talk too. The woman held a lighter in her hand and even drenched her head with some flammable liquid. She was arrested and is currently out on bail 为女儿注册私人学校,结果引起纠纷,讨不回学费,中国女郎在总统府前大闹,打火机油淋头,恫言自杀,遭警方逮捕。 这起事故发生在昨午5时许,地点是乌节路一带的总统府前。据了解,被逮捕的是一名43岁的张姓女子,事后她被带到东陵警署盘问,目前保释在外。 据悉,闹自杀的女郎来自中国,在不久之前,曾替女儿在本地的私人学校注册课程。间中,由于出现问题,女郎向学校要求退回学费,但却不得要领。 在求助无门的情况下,女郎决定去到总统府,希望找官员帮忙。岂料过后女郎竟手拿打火机,并且从塑料中取出装有易燃液体的小罐子,往头上倒,企图自杀。 一般相信,由于局势失控,眼见女郎情绪失控,在总统府驻守的警员,立刻向警方寻求援助。
  4. China Press and Nanyang Siang Pau reported of a Singaporean woman who removed her blouse and bra before stabbing herself with a knife while in a trance. Click on thumbnail to view The 2.20pm incident on Sept 11 saw the 42-year-old woman trying to slash her own hands and legs before stabbing herself in the abdomen. She was rushed to hospital for treatment. A stall owner, known only as Chuah, 27, told the dailies that the woman looked like she was possessed as she did not show any sign of being in pain. http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Singapore/Story/ kenna possess?
  5. hey this is a boliao thread... dont mind... To the 'hot chick' who i see washing your red Suzuki Swift so often in the MSCP washing bay... sometimes with ur bf i tink... today i saw you with another girl... i just wanna tell you this... i've never in my life seen a lady owner so passionate about the cleaniness of her car (washing sooo often... like me)... i've never before seen anyone wash his/her car after reaching home while still in office wear (i thought i was the only one)... i dont know if we share the same feelings we have towards our car... i cant stand it when friends put their hand prints all over the car... etc to all clean car owners...
  6. This is just so sad.....really don't know what to say man... Teen with H1N1 flu left to fend for herself http://www.asiaone.com/Health/News/Story/A...208-184692.html By Crystal Chan You're down with fever and need tender-loving care. Who do you turn to? Family, of course. Not so for Laura Lee. The 15-year-old student has been left alone to battle the H1N1 virus at home for almost two weeks. Her parents moved out of their three-room flat in Ang Mo Kio to stay with relatives, leaving her to fend for herself. The reason: Fear. So afraid are they of being infected that they won't even bring food to their only child. They stay in touch by calling her on the phone every day. Reluctant to leave home because she doesn't want to risk infecting others, Laura has been surviving on only instant noodles and plain porridge. Laura told the The New Paper on Sunday that she came down with a fever on 22 Nov. She went to see a GP, who gave her normal flu medication. Laura said: "I thought it was the common flu and I'd hoped to recover by last weekend as I was meeting a friend to celebrate her birthday." But Laura's plans were dashed. She had gone for a blood test on 24 Nov. On the same day, her parents moved out. They had suspected her illness to be more than the common flu. The results the next day confirmed that she had H1N1. By then, her temperature was 39.3 degrees Celsius. Before moving out, her mother, Mrs Lily Lee, 45, a housewife, had become worried when Laura showed no sign of improvement. Her dad, Mr Andy Lee, 52, is a call centre officer at a government agency. The couple moved out to stay with Mr Lee's brother and sister-in-law. Since the effects of H1N1 have been shown to be mild, contact tracing and quarantine orders are generally not required. Fear Mr Lee and his wife declined comment, but their nephew, Mr Paul Lee, 42, an odd-job worker, explained that the couple was afraid of falling ill. He said: "They're not that young. If they get H1N1, they fear their bodies may not be able to fight it. "The virus could be all over their flat so they don't feel comfortable even leaving food on the doorstep for Laura." But aren't they being irresponsible by leaving their young daughter to fend for herself? Mr Lee said: "There's enough vegetables and meat in the fridge, and Laura can make instant noodles. "She's old enough to look after herself. "Besides, it's only for a short while and the rest of the family are still contactable by handphone." He pointed out that Laura's parents call her every day to check on her. He said: "Once Laura recovers and has been given the all-clear, my uncle and aunt will go home." But Dr Vincent Chia, deputy medical director of Healthway Medical Group, feels Laura's parents are overreacting. Said Dr Chia: "Her parents should have just got a H1N1 vaccination and they'd be safe. They could also practise good hygiene, if they continued to live with her, such as washing their hands thoroughly and wearing masks. "They're overreacting by moving out, especially when she needs care and attention." He added that H1N1 is preventable and treatable and should not be treated like Sars. Only those aged 65 years and above, children under 5, pregnant women, and adults and children with underlying medical problems such as asthma and diabetes, face a higher risk of developing complications from H1N1. Laura said her parents do not have existing health problems. But she understands how her parents feel. "At their age," said Laura over the phone. "I can understand that they're more anxious about their health. "They could have gotten vaccinated, but they were afraid after reading about the side effects in the media." As of 22 Nov, the Health Sciences Authority's Vigilance Branch, which monitors vaccine safety on the national level, received 27 adverse event reports suspected to be associated with the use of a H1N1 vaccine not manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Of the 27 people in Singapore who came down with adverse reactions after being vaccinated, most have recovered. The reactions included minor anticipated side effects such as fever, rashes, flu-like symptoms, headaches, nausea and vomiting. "These reactions are commonly expected from all flu vaccines and most of these reactions are resolved within a few days," the HSA spokesman had said. Daily monitoring Laura takes her temperature daily with a thermometer that her school issued earlier this year, when the H1N1 virus broke out in Mexico. She also has two boxes of surgical masks in case she needs to visit a pandemic-preparedness clinic if her fever worsens. She refuses to leave home as she does not want to spread her illness. "Keeping myself busy is not a problem as the medicine makes me drowsy so I'm asleep for half the day," said Laura, who spends the rest of her time watching TV and surfing the Internet, or chatting online with friends. Her friends have offered to take food to her, but she does not want to bother them. She said: "I don't even have a good appetite because of the medicine I'm taking. "For now, I just want to get well soon. I'm still running a fever."
  7. KNN!!! In the wrong still want to give bloody excuses!! http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...nt.jsp?id=12682 http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/photo/getMediumSizePhoto.do?id=11368
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