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Found 3 results

  1. 以下是官方提供的故事簡介: 「尊嚴,是給那些領固定薪水的人說的。」為了過上更美好的生活,噗嚨共三人組在做工之餘,不斷計劃著「穩賺的投資」,就算失敗仍越挫越勇,因為,「人生就是要有希望嘛!管他做工還是做仙….」 The following is a brief introduction of the official story: 「Dignity is for those who receive a fixed salary.」In order to live a better life, apart from work, the trio of three people are constantly planning a "stable profitable investment". Even if they fail, they will still be more frustrated and courageous, because, 「Life is about hope! Whether he works or immortals...」 哪裡可看? 《做工的人》預計會有 6 集,分別在 HBO 頻道、myVideo 線上串流平台進行首播,需要注意的是,兩管道播放時間不太一樣,HBO 率先於每週日晚間 9 點播映,myVideo 則在週日晚間 10 點上架平台。 5 月 10 日當天將一次播放兩集,倘若你家未安裝 MOD、有線電視,可考慮申請 myVideo 會員,該平台開放會員前兩集免費觀看,且為 4K 高畫質。
  2. Anyone use Singtel Cast? https://www.singtel.com/personal/products-services/lifestyle-services/cast And anyone subscribed to HBO GO? Combo 6 and up now got promo: 24 months free HBO GO But in this case HBO GO is supposedly through Singtel Cast. What I take that to mean is I can only watch HBO stuff via the Cast app. Anyone got experience with this? If I get the HBO GO add-on though Singtel can I watch it independently?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ppLtHbag4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1Efoe-Wx7w
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