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Found 8 results

  1. Have you encountered trouble at carpark entries and realised that you needed to have another go with the IU scanner but the car behind is so close that you cant even reverse a tiny bit? We sure have and know how troublesome it is get the car behind to reverse so that you can re do the IU scan. Often, the driver behind refuses to bulge leaving you in an awkward position and frustrated at the driver behind you. Something like this happened on 22nd of October 2020 at Crawford Court between a Prius Trans-Cab and an unknown camera car. However, egos and tempers got the best of them and things turned out ugly. Who was in the wrong? Watch the video as posted by SG Road Vigilante and let us know in the comments below!
  2. Not a question just for Grace Fu, but for you and me...... Kekeke 1. Stop digging my nose while waiting at red light 2. Ditto but scratching balls 3. Don't block or rush thru mrt train door ways, lift doors until alighting people get out first 4. Own self put back dirty trays after makan in food places 5. Don't complain 6. Don't every time red eyes when next person pay cash 7. Delete words like these from our mouth, keyboard --- COE, ERP, MIW, KFC, MBT..... 8. Always do opposite of NPNT 9. HELP sweep things under the carpet 10. These are more serious ones 10a Aim before we pee 10b Flush after we bomb 10c Keep leftover on side of our plate, not on food centre table 10d Avoid splashing water on road when driving pass pedestrians 10e Relak more when we drive, give n take. 10f Move off quickly, don't hog when traffic light turns green 10g 10h 10i
  3. Hmmmmm............... ESM Goh say so, he haven get to the ground to feel yet since after election ...... Yahoo news report : We
  4. Singaporeans 'could be more gracious' Carolyn Quek Jul 05 SINGAPORE - Singaporeans think themselves kinder and more gracious than their fellow citizens, according to the latest poll conducted by the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM). The findings, in the words of SKM general manager William Wan, indicate "an unhealthy level of self-centredness and self-absorption" among Singaporeans. The SKM was set up in 1997 to make the nation a kinder place and the findings of its third State of Graciousness survey, released yesterday, revealed that more than 40 per cent of the 1,404 respondents thought they were gracious, but only 15 per cent felt the same of others. Almost nine in 10 felt they had performed a kind deed in the past six months. In contrast, half felt they had been the beneficiary of another's kindness. Describing the "big perception gap" as surprising, Dr Wan added that the poll also showed that Singaporeans are "not being aware of and not appreciating the efforts of others". Another surprise for the movement: Foreigners had a better impression of the Republic as a gracious society than Singaporeans did. Singaporeans ranked Japan and Thailand as more gracious societies. In comparison, tourists ranked Singapore first among the three nations, while foreigners working here put Singapore second, behind Japan. Respondents also felt that graciousness on public transport, in public spaces and at eating places needed the most improvement. Still, Dr Wan noted that Singaporeans' score on the Graciousness Index was stable: "Nothing to be too concerned about but it also tells us we still got a lot of work to do." The SKM might find it tough to change attitudes, considering how 62 per cent of the respondents felt it was impossible for Singapore to become more gracious because of the hectic and stressful lifestyle here. Among those MediaCorp spoke to, Mr Richard Lee, 59, agreed and said: "We're very engrossed with our own living. Everybody's so busy making a survival." To Ms Theresa Tan, 43, some Singaporeans just do not want to "lose" out to others: "They think if they don't strike first, then somebody's going to take away their advantage. Everyday on the MRT, I hear pregnant women going, 'How come nobody gives me a seat?'." While Dr Wan agreed that the hectic lifestyle Singaporeans lead is a factor, he stressed: "We mustn't make that an excuse." The movement is already engaging the young here in various ways. For example, tertiary students are given seed money for projects to find practical solutions to problems associated with graciousness. Up next: A curriculum to teach a younger generation - pre-schoolers - how to be kind. Said Dr Wan: "Kindness is ultimately about 'other-centredness' and being considerate of others' needs. If we can think along those lines, we can actually be kinder in spite of our hectic lifestyle." "Take Japan for example. Japan is hectic, Japan is highly industrialised and yet the Japanese people have decided to be kind and gracious. They're succeeding and we can, too."
  5. Everybody thinks they are more gracious than others. What about you? Seems a lot of egomaniac around http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_687031.html
  6. Just came back from Hong Kong. The MTR (equiv to our MRT) experience though very congested most of the time, was a pleasant one. Of ALL the trips where we stood close to the seats, there were kind souls who offered us their seats when they saw me/my wife carrying my 2.5 year old boy with our elder 5 year old boy standing beside. I also witnessed such kind gesture being extended to older folks by the working class people, all without hesitation, without pretences (e.g. suddenly go to sleep). I wonder how long it will take Singaporeans to be as gracious as them..
  7. Talking about a gracious society, I got slighted by a maid! I was on leave, enjoying my laps in the pool, when she came down with 4 kids, about 4-5 yrs old, and they recklessly swam about and sometimes even deliberately into my path. The first time I swam into them, I spoke nicely to one of the girls, but they continued to do it, resulting a couple more near misses. Speaking more sternly to the kids this time, they end up booing and blabbering. I went up to the maid, probably a pinoy or indonesian, and asked her if the kids were her charges, which she acknowledged. But when I told her to remind the kids not to cut the path of a swimmer as they may get injured, and its better to get them to swim in one corner, because if two of them are in trouble at different ends of the pool, it would be hard to rescue both of them. The maid totally ignored me! Those kids are probably offsprings of SPGs with ang mor husbands, and the maid whom is under their employment thinks they are too high class to talk to a local singaporean. Makes me think why I did my 2 years of NS, only to become a second class citizen to the expatriates in this damn country
  8. This driver also another one....just park and walk off lah.... http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...nt.jsp?id=46363
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