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  1. I am just wondering if its really necessary to buy branded gauges like Defi, HKS etc.... Cause I was sourcing for a boost gauge and went to autobacs and saw this Taiwan gauge for $98. Its much cheapers compared to 300-400 for those branded ones. Decide to get one as I don't have a boost gauge in my car. Wired it up and found it to be pretty accourate. My ECU show 1 bar boost, the gauge also show 1 bar. Thus I am wonder if its really necessary to spend so much to buy expensive gauges if cheap ones are just as accurate.
  2. I got a pair of water and temp gauges but where can I get them fixed?? And how much is it for just fixing since I have the gauges..
  3. Bertcap


    Hi, need some advice on the above. I know gauges are more for decorative purpose if you're not driving a sports car, whatsoever. In fact, there are sport cars out there that do not have gauges in their ride. However, I am thinking of fixing up few gauges like oil temp, oil pressure and voltmeter for my 307. Defi meters do not have a voltmeter and in terms of pricing, it cost a bomb too. Is it advisable to go for defi look-alike meters since only myself and friends sitting in my car would be looking at it? My only concern is that non-defi meters are made in taiwan and may not last??? I don't really need very accurate readings too as I know I may not even be looking at them all the time... only once in a while. More of a chic factor. Any advise or comments abt non-defi meters and their reliability? Thanks.
  4. Hi Guys, My order of Defi gauges has finally arrived. Need to have them installed but have no idea where. Pls guide me to a reputable workshop with good worksmanship with reasonable rates. Thank you!
  5. Hi bros, I was wondering what are the various types of gauges I can place in my car? I would like something that can monitor the voltage in my battery. And I also heard there's a gauge that can see whether you are stepping on the accelerator too much without any increase in acceleration. What are they called? Where can I get them, and how much will it cost for them to be installed? Thanks for any info!
  6. Can NA cars fix up gauge meters? what are those that can be fixed? is it water temp, oil temp, vacuum and voltz???? sorry if the questions sound silly but i'm a new bie in this. heard delphi bf does not have gauges for NA cars. So that leave me with biltz and pivot is it? any one knows how much will it cost to have a triple meter gauge? how about a-pillar ones. is it more expensive to do up?
  7. may i know how t get rid of the beeppppppppp sound when limit is reached... i did it before but car batt died today so kanna reset...
  8. Yesterday hand itchy want to DIY remove the visor cover but failed badly. Accidentally unplugged the 12V cable and have hard time fixing it back due to the short cable. Managed to fixed back but my gauge LED colour changed and the peak beeping sound came back again. From that i found online, to remove the beeping peak sound, hold the button on the gauge with ignition off and release it after 6sec after ignition on. (Don't have to crank to turn engine on) - True? Since the LED colour changed and the peak beeping sound came back, does that mean that all the settings has been resetted? Please advice. If it's really hard reset.. probably i will need to head down to my workshop and get them configure for me and also remove the visor cover at the same time..
  9. I'm in love with this App that i wanna share it with you guys. http://torque-bhp.com/ Bought off the cheapest Bluetooth OBD reader (~35 SGD? ) from ebay and it hooked up perfectly to my car and my friends. Allows me to clear and lookup fault codes, dyno and read off all sorts of engine readings like Intake temp/ignition timing (good for those who wanna see how their CAI or mods are fairing) there is a free and paid versions.... u could get paid versions for free on the black market (not discussing it here...) http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applica...orted_ftjq.html Or just mount it on ur dashboard to make it into a fancy ECU monitor (not quite HKS's FCON CAMP but its 35 bux!) the OBD reader also comes with lots of ECU scan/logging tools for the PC so either way... its a win.
  10. Understand that the scangauge II comes with many gauges to monitor the engine's health. However, it's only limited to 4 gauges per set. So my question is, what are the recommended gauges you guys normally see? In terms of engine's health, what is the gauges best for monitoring? MAP? CWT/FWT? FIA/CIA? LOD? TPS? VLT? I already have water/fuel temp gauges and vacumn gauges.
  11. As above. I'm very keen on getting a water temp gauge as my dashboard doesn't come with water temp indicator. Beside water temp gauge, what gauges is good to monitor engine's performance? Btw, anywhere i can get standard DIN-Gauge? I do have space for additional DIN-Gauge as my HU below is empty. So was wondering does it fit in nicely? And yes, i'm actually looking for Defi DIN-Gauge.. Beside Defi, any recommendation? like Apexi Prosport and misc?
  12. Hi guys, my remote control for the mentioned settings is spoilt. cant seem to buy them anymore. is anyone kind enough to lend me his to change some settings? it should last no more than 5 mins at your convenience. thanks!
  13. THREE men were arrested for tampering with the fuel gauges of their cars - all within an hour - on March 10. Two days earlier, another man was arrested for the same offence. Zhang Jin Chua, a driving instructor, was going through the Woodlands Checkpoint when he was stopped by immigration officers. It was ten minutes to midnight. Presumably he thought he could have gotten away in the wee hours of the morning when the authorities would be less alert. Zhang, along with Tan Chong Jin James, Yap Soon Heng and Lee Hwa , were charged in court with not having the minimum amount of petrol in their vehicles' fuel tanks. They were also charged with giving false information to the authorities. All have been sentenced to a $500 fine or in default, one week's jail and two weeks' imprisonment. Yap's case is still pending in court. Since January 2010, 17 persons have been prosecuted for tampering with fuel gauges on their vehicles. Under the law, Singapore-registered cars must have at least three-quarter tank of petrol when departing Singapore. Motorists are advised against any attempts to infringe the rule when given the stringent checks at the checkpoints. Those who tamper with the fuel gauges of their vehicles to give a false reading that the amount of fuel in the fuel tanks are three-quarter full or more illustrate a deliberate intent to cheat the authorities. Such offenders are liable on conviction to fines not exceeding $5,000 and/or jail term up to 12 months.
  14. hi there!! is there any recommended place for me to install gauges somewhere in the east? or anywhere else as long as it has good workmanship..... would also prefer prosport or is there any other good brands out there which is of the same price range as prosport? TIA..... would appreciate ur kind help....
  15. Hi all, I've just checked the price for 60mm Prosport gauges (Oil temp, oil press, volt) from both Autobacs and another shop. Including installation, adapter and everything, Autobacs is cheaper. Quite a surprise to me or is it really cheaper to install Prosport gauges there? Not sure if there's any other hidden cost? Any bros got experience in installing these gauges at Autobacs? Would appreciate any feedback before I go buy and install. Thanx.
  16. Looking for those multimeter that collects data from ECU direct from OBD II. Does anyone know where is selling Blitz Rvit I-color or Spec R meters?
  17. Hi all, Anyone had these fixed before "Speedometer/tachometer/fuel/temp gauges Not working" and cost to fix it. Thanks.
  18. Yc86

    Scratch on gauges

    Anyone has any idea on how to remove light scratches on the surface of the gauge lens/RSM (plastic i believe)? More of the abrasive kind of scratch.. Any polish compound or place i can bring the gauges to? Don't think can use the kind of polish that's used for car's paint? worry that it will scratch the surface of the lens even more. Ideas? thx.
  19. Anyone knows where to get VDO gauges in sg? Thanks
  20. Anyone know where to buy sports/nice gauges for Mazda 323(SDN XXXX series). It seems that most of the mould in the market is not compatible..:( Jimmy
  21. Hi guys / gals, any recommendation where can I go to install a set of gauges ? Any good brand besides Defi?
  22. Hi bros, May i ask if anyone has the same issue as me? Pls advise. I am having a set of 60mm smoke face Autogauges. 1. Everytime i start the engine, during the opening ceremony of the gauges there is a long beep, is it normal? or is there a wrong connection? 2. When there is a warning, the warning light will come on and i will also get the long beep. Is there a way to remove the beep? Thank you any helpful feedback is much appreciated.
  23. Anyone installed the above gauges before? Just want to check out the quality and look/feel before I go and get it installed. Thanks!
  24. Hi all, may i know where and hw much to fix a gauge (oil/water/volt) labour charges only. Thanks.
  25. Yansen


    hey any1 got lobang for those chio chio gauges to attach on the A pillar? looks so chio at nite i cant resist getting them man. thanks man.
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