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  1. Who from ACS here ah? 😁 ‘We’re not gangsters, we’re ACS boys’: Phrase said to police in Orchard Road KTV raid goes viral During the raid, a man who had an e-vaporiser or vape handed the device over to the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). However, he refused to provide his details after police questioning. Another man in the room, rushing to his defence, yelled out: “We are not gangsters. We are ACS boys.” https://mustsharenews.com/acs-boys-viral-phrase/?fbclid=IwAR1aTkQHMGk32-r-3HH2BIOEylVL-KcmPHGhL1IC8oBwsWuDfHRC8neYNtk_aem_AdZsSwSNqOJpRNYX4hk-qvsauS73PJ3eXoyk_MFlKQ2XR2KiijOnpJH4WOZkSVFvE7A
  2. One day 2 road rage video upload on SG Road vigilante for incident 13 Oct 2023! Champion guy think need to go Anger Management Course 😂😂😂
  3. TL;DR - YP thinks he's Him, scolds driver after giving honk for dangerous riding. (To be "Him" is to be a dominant figure, a blooming flower in a garden full of weeds. It's a feeling of euphoric confidence, the type of disposition that only occurs when you leave your opposition cowering in fear.)(The Sporting News) Before this article fully begins, please picture in your head the true blue Singaporean YP. With dyed brown hair, popular sneakers, swearing in Chinese dialect, and out and about in the wee hours of the morning. You now have this story’s main character. What happened? Around 5.30 in the morning along Old Airport Road, a driver was behind an ebike driven by a young man who looks like he’ll ask you to sponsor cigarettes and promise to pay you back (he won’t). The ebike was also being driven dangerously, weaving heavily between lanes at unsafe speeds. The driver gave the e-bike rider a short honk as a warning. But when the two vehicles came to a stop at a traffic light, the rider got off and came to the car to scold the driver. I would love to give you a play by play of each word they said but 1) I don’t understand Chinese or its dialects particularly well, and 2) The audio was distorted heavily so everything sounded like radio static even though I'm wearing headphones. After about 20 seconds of distortion, both driver and rider went their separate ways. For the best really. Sigh… (looks at comments) Some people suggested ways to get back at the e-biker by filing police report or running over the bike when they got off. I quite like the idea of the second one. Others just made fun of the wannabe gangster. I mean, why wouldn’t they? ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  4. So today, we have a video that highlights the ultimate Singaporean gangster driver. Uncle Koba has watched this video more than ten times and still raging internally 😈 Unspoken rules of parking There are 'unwritten rules' when it comes to parking whether it may be at a HDB, condominium, shopping mall or wherever. A vehicle waiting to park can wait for a lot to open up within a 'three lot range' from the front and rear of his vehicle. This range varies from person to person but other drivers looking for parking space would usually leave a healthy distance between their car and yours. But, if you are a gangster driver like this Toyota Wish driver, all you need to do is spot an empty lot, head in and yell "Please move your car!" when confronted. Here's the video for you to rage at. Who does this? A#$holes. Only a@#holes do this. Hello a#$hole. You're famous now. The poor dude that wanted to park came out and confronted the Wish driver Here's a breakdown of their short conversation: Morale of the story Your time may be precious, but that doesn't mean that other people's time isn't. We should respect one another no matter what we do in life. If this happened to Uncle Koba, I might have just parked in front of him and ask him to wait for me to leave then he can leave. 😬 #angry
  5. Not looking forward to having the bars, pubs and clubs back in full force cos people who cant control their alcohol intake dun deserve nice things Im assuming this chaos is cos of alcohol since this looks like Clarke Quay? Such a situation police can only wait for backup since outnumbered Feel for our police risking their lives to protect us in times of covid N pple still want to fight Waiting for more info
  6. This guy really gangster sia. 48 charges including: - Wrecking people's stall - Hit pregnant woman - Cut people's electricity - Throw people's handphone - Slap another woman - Hit NEA officer https://sg.yahoo.com/news/debt-collector-jailed-wrecking-food-stall-funan-mall-string-offences-170402588.html Only four years in jail.
  7. from Yahoo news : After recorded slapping migrants, cop shifted to desk job GEORGE TOWN, Dec 16 — A Penang-based policeman shown in a video clip slapping a foreigner that went viral on social media sites recently has been put on desk duty pending investigations into the case, state police chief Datuk Abd Rahim Hanafi said today. The unnamed policeman, who was formerly based in the Bayan Baru police station, was immediately transferred to the Balik Pulau operations centre after the video clip was uploaded on to YouTube on December 13. “We are investigating this case now and we will not compromise when it comes to any of our officers who commit any offense or smear the image of the police force,” Abd Rahim said in a official statement. “I have issued an order to all department heads, district police chiefs and formation chiefs to ensure all officers under them to always fulfil their duties in accordance to the law,” he added. Abd Rahim had also warned the police force in Penang to toe the line or face the consequences of their indiscipline. “Do not even once act against of the law or do anything that can smear the image of the police force as this will not be tolerated at all,” he said. The Penang police chief’s statement today came in the wake of a torrent of comments after the video clip spread. It has been shared over 2,000 times on Facebook after showing up yesterday on a popular local online forum called JBTalks. The one minute-and-six-second video clip, which appears to have been recorded on a smartphone, shows a policeman slapping and scolding three men who appear to be foreigners in a public area in Bayan Baru. The policeman was at first seen to be ordering two of the three men to squat down beside a the third who was already in a squatting position on the ground. The policeman proceeded to scold one of the men and slapped the latter repeatedly while asking him in Malay, “You mau kurang ajar dengan saya [You want to be disrespectful to me]”. The video ends abruptly when the policeman turns around and faces the anonymous cameraman, who appears to have captured the incident from across the street. The clip has attracted more than 127 comments on Facebook, most of which criticised the policeman for his actions. “Gangster berlesen” (licensed gangster) one Facebook user, KS Sim, commented while another user, Yu Min, said he “felt so sad for the police — kurang ajar scolding kurang ajar HAHAHAHA LMFAO”. Many other commenters simply used the slogan “Malaysia Boleh” [Malaysia Can] in a sarcastic manner, pointing out that such incidences frequently took place in Malaysia. link: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/recorded-slapping-migrants-cop-shifted-desk-job-094400430.html (sorry don't know how to upload the video here, can someone help before its gone) If more like him, less illegal immigrants in bolehland and even less crimes.....
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwjN1Wbr4B4&feature=youtu.be Transit link bus 190 driver cuts into my lane aggressively, forces me to gently steer into the left lane and brake to a stop. video captured him showing a middle finger to me as I drove past. driver is indian race, please advise me on the channels to lodge a complain. Thank you. Incident happened at 3 30pm on Orchard Road on a weekday afternoon, traffic condition is light and smooth. I seriously got no idea why the bus is doing on the fourth lane and then have to cut through 3 lanes just to stop at the bus stop which is just after the traffic light. Is there a need for such impatient and reckless driving? Please advise or assist me with regards to the various authorities which I can file a proper complaint against this selfish public bus driver who does not give a damn to other road users' safety. I only tap my horn lightly. I do not think that this tapping of the horn warrants a middle finger from him. Driver was caught on video showing me the middle finger as I drove pass him.
  9. The woman who miraculously survived a 10-storey fall last Friday and landed in a condominium pool, will leave the hospital today - with nothing more than bruises. In an interview with The Sunday Times from her hospital bed yesterday, Chinese national and karaoke hostess Zhou Zhi Hui, 25, said doctors transferred her from a high dependency ward to a general ward yesterday at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. 'The doctors said landing in the swimming pool saved my life. If I had landed on the ground, I would have been finished. I am very lucky,' said Ms Zhou in Mandarin. She looked tired and spoke in a soft voice because her chest would hurt when she spoke louder. She said the doctors had told her she had neither broken bones nor internal injuries, but she is taking painkillers to ease the pain in her chest and arms. Her dramatic fall happened last Friday morning when she climbed out of her 12th-floor Balestier condominium unit at The Citrine and lost her grip, landing in the swimming pool on the second level of the 20-storey building. She had apparently been arguing with a man she referred to as her 'landlord' over his refusal to apply for a work pass for her. She claimed the man grew belligerent, locked her in the apartment and even took away her mobile phone. 'Can you imagine what it was like? I was so frightened. All I could think of was to get out. I did not care how I was going to do so, I just wanted to get out,' said Ms Zhou. She said she tried to climb to a lower floor but could not hold on to the balcony as she did not have enough strength. That was when the Shandong native, who works here as a KTV hostess, fell 10 storeys into the pool below. 'The moment I lost my grip, I thought I was going to die. I felt that I was turning in the air. Everything was a blur. And then suddenly I hit the water.' She said she realised she had to get out of the water and began swimming furiously, before being helped out by one of the estate's cleaners. When Ms Zhou arrived in Singapore last month to work, she never imagined she would have such a close brush with death. She had heard from friends that she could earn good money as a KTV hostess here. The high school graduate was working as a makeup artist in a bridal studio and also at her family's steel parts shop in Shandong. She said she made just a few hundred Singapore dollars a month. 'I came here to earn money so that I can go home and get married. Most girls of my age in China have a few kids already. Of course, I feel pressured to get married,' she said. She borrowed 50,000 yuan (S$9,800) from her friends to pay her 'landlord' and buy a plane ticket. She did not tell her parents which country she was going to or what job she would be doing, as she knew they would object. She told only her younger sister, she said. Before she left, she broke up with her boyfriend in China because they did not get along, but is now dating a Taiwanese salesman who is working in Singapore. Here, she claims she worked at Tiananmen KTV & Lounge in Havelock Road and was earning more than $3,000 a month, but when The Sunday Times went there last night, all the staff members approached claimed they did not know who she was. 'It is not good to let others know that KTV hostesses can earn so much. They won't want to leave the job. Unlike me, I know this is a temporary job. I want to go back to China,' she said. She said she had worked from 6pm to midnight almost every day for the past month and entertained customers by chatting with them and singing. There were seven other KTV hostesses staying at her Balestier apartment, but Ms Zhou said they left one by one. Since Friday, only one friend has visited her at the hospital - her ex-roommate, a fellow Chinese national whom she will be staying with when she is discharged today. She said she does not plan to meet her landlord again and will try to pay part of the money she borrowed from her friends with the money she has earned so far. She said the police told her that they will speak to her when she is discharged today. 'I plan to go back to China soon. I don't know when exactly though. I came here to earn money but I want to avoid trouble,' she said, looking resigned. Source: The Straits Times Interactive
  10. Think not posted before...though the video date is last year April... Duno why the cyclist was gesturing at the oncoming silver car (vios?) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1387908474811590&set=o.584838411601398&type=2&theater
  11. A 40-year-old man and eight other gang members attacked two men having dinner with their family members at a hawker centre last May for "talking too loudly". Soh Ying Kuan and his accomplices rained punches and kicks and even used empty beer bottles to hit the victims' heads and backs while shouting their gang's slogan. Although the injuries suffered by the two men were not serious, this did not save Soh from a long spell behind bars. In passing sentence, District Judge Low Wee Ping said that while the usual penalty for gang-related rioting with no grievous hurt to victims was two-and-a-half years' jail and six strokes of the cane, he was sentencing Soh to four years in jail and six strokes of the cane because of "the manner (Soh) had executed the violence". The judge pointed out that the victims were "innocent members of the public having dinner" and that the assault had left their family members "heavily traumatised". Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/gangster-jailed-and-caned-assault-innocent-men-20140204
  12. Hilarious! http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_813445.html Want to act ah beng then in the end kenna whacked by someone twice his age.
  13. Walau this one is extreme...wonder if the guy is drunk?? location is Sophia Road foodcourt near Peace Centre. 麻辣汤溅到脸 恶汉暴打大肚婆 被麻辣汤汁溅到脸,壮男发飙拳打孕妇,还把她踢飞2米,猛踹她肚子6脚,惊动警方到场。 事件发生在今天凌晨12时47分,地点在苏菲亚路建安大厦1楼食阁。 被打的中国女小霞(20岁)来自湖南,怀孕2个月。她是在2周前来狮城旅游,原本准备过了端午节就回国。 她告诉《联合晚报》,当时和朋友到食阁吃夜宵,朋友吃着麻辣烫。 壮男惹众怒 遭人扔筷子;胎儿恐不稳 壮男谈判 要赔500。完整报道,请翻阅23.06.2012《联合晚报》
  14. Internet rumours say this Tiong Gangster lost his hp and these pics were inside.
  15. Chelsea901


    hi forumers, pls beware of this comfort sonata driver SHC2575J as he is a reckless driver, nearly causing a road accident. i was at upper seletar reservoir when i first met him. he was with his friend in a shelter beside his car with his boot up and i was parked behind him. i was testing out my headlight and accidentally highbeamed him and he turned his head to look at me and my friends(2 girls). we decided to test the headlight in front of him instead. when he saw us in front of him, he highbeamed at us back for abt 5-10mins. my friends and i decided to get down to chitchat instead. when i walked past him, he stared at me and shouted at me in hokkien stare what stare and asking if i am finding problems. i did nt look nor reply back and continued walking. when i went back to my car, we decided to leave the place. abt half an hour ltr, we decided to go back to get his license and report him to the police. we reached and stop a few metres behind him. when he saw us coming, both of them stood behind the car and waiting for us to leave the place. we waited for like 10mins then they decided to leave. but what shocked us was that he drove abit out to block the exit and i tot that he was going to drive out, so i decided to chase him, but i cant move and he got down the car with a metal rod and wanted to whack us. i immediately reversed the car and stop awhile to prevent myself from hitting other vehicles(there was another passerby car at the shelter). i saw him doing a u turn and turning back in to the shelter. i realised he wanted to tailgate me, so i just immediately left the place with my friend calling the police. it was a high speed chase and he was dam close to hitting my car and my speed was 100kph. we went out of there and went into the main road along mandai road towards yishun. he chased me down the stretch of road for a few mins. he was quite near to my car and i nearly went up the kerb(i was on lane 1 and he was in lane 2). i saw that he kept staring at me. he suddenly overtook me near the junction of mandai and sembawang road(before a camp). he suddenly jam braked in the middle of the road at lane 2 and lucky i saw what he was doing and i stopped too. he almost got out of the car and when i saw it, i immediately reversed and overtook him. there were cars at the junction and i guessed he was scared to do anything to me at that time. we reached the traffic light and my friend was on the phone with the police. the police just directed us to the nearest npc. the driver just followed us for abt 2 mins and he was gone. then i went straight to the police to lodge a report. does anyone know how to make him kantong license? or say it goes into court or tp or anything. P.S. i do not want any silly comments or stuff(any good or bad comments are acceptable). i oso have pictures of my car mounting the kerb at the reservoir.
  16. Was searching the Singapore national songs on youtube.....found this instead... Solid Techo soong from the local gangs?
  17. TWO youths were sentenced to the Reformative Training Centre on Wednesday for stabbing another in his back. Sean Lim Zhi Han, 18, and Alfrey Koh Chan Hoe, 17, had earlier admitted to causing hurt to student Vincent Koh, 17, with knives at Elias Mall Shopping Centre on April 8. A Community Court heard that the victim had stepped out of a LAN gaming shop for a smoke at the mall when he saw Lim and Koh approaching him from across the road. Lim accused the victim of staring at them. There was an exchange, and the victim fled, pursued by Lim and Koh. They attacked the victim after he had tripped and fallen. Despite the pain, the victim picked himself up and ran. He saw the duo chasing him with a foldable knife each. Further investigation showed that Lim was angry with the victim's friend, known as Gordon, for apparently posting some bad remarks at him on the Internet. After buying the weapons at Causeway Point, Lim and Koh went to the gaming shop at Pasir Ris, to cause hurt to Gordon or his friends. The victim was warded for six days for four stab wounds on the back and another on the right upper arm. Both could have been jailed for up to seven years or fined or caned or received any combined punishment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN ALTERCATION in the grounds of MacPherson Secondary School in July turned bloody when two feuding sides met in a basketball court near the school to settle the matter. Knives were drawn and Liu Zheng Tao, 17, did not come out well: He had to be treated for deep cuts to his head, hand and back. A friend with him was also slashed. The pair were believed to have been unarmed. Yesterday, two teenagers from the group that attacked them - Mohamad Fazlie Azmi, 17, and Muhammad Farid Abdullah, 16 - were sentenced to reformative training for the fracas. Probation was recommended for the pair, but police prosecutor Sheik Allaudeen argued that it was too light a punishment, given that the duo had used 'unjustified, mindless violence'. District Judge Ng Peng Hong agreed, noting that in light of the recent spate of violence among youths, the courts had to send a strong message that such acts would not be condoned.
  18. So after today's beating of an Aetos auxiliary policeman by 7 youths, what do you think? What if your son is a gangster. How would you feel
  19. 10) Your turf is frequented by middle aged couples and little kids 9) You angrily confront a cameraman whose camera is still filming your face 8) You bring fists to a knife fight 7) Your brothers always watch your back - from 100 metres away 6) You name your alpha male gang after a feminine bird 5) You think four men sharing a honeymoon suite is natural and low profile 4) You jump 3 storeys into a shallow pool because you missed physics class 3) You think its a good idea to cause a commotion when you are supporting a bro who is in court for causing a commotion 2) You think repeating the same crime within 1 week is a good idea because the cops are busy with the first case 1) You can only recite the first 3 numbers of the 3 times table.
  20. Buy a toyota harrier, zhng into FAKE lexus and try to act gangsta occupy 3 lots to park. really sia suay and embarrassing.. hahaha PUI Pictures linked from STOMP website
  21. Is this the kind of taxi drivers you got in singapore? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzq6XQ3laJM...feature=related
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzq6XQ3laJM...feature=related
  23. March 25, 2008 Man attacked by mystery gas at shopping centre goes on rampage at coffeeshop By Sujin Thomas and Diana Othman THE man who was attacked with an unknown substance outside Golden Landmark Shopping Complex on Monday went on a rampage at a Geylang coffeeshop on Tuesday. He had refused to be warded after the attack, which had left 17 others gasping for breath, was questioned by police and then released. But at about 7am on Tuesday, he created a scene in front of about 10 people patrons and stallholders at the Victoria Food Court coffeeshop where he was having breakfast. Coffeeshop manager Mr Ng Ket Geap, 66, said the man who had ordered a bowl of fish soup and a drink, refused to pay. The man then grabbed a fruit knife and a slice of papaya from a fruit stall and kicked chairs onto the adjacent road before sitting down to cut the fruit. Mr Ng, who was at home at the time, received a call from his staff about the incident. He advised them not to go near him and asked them to call the police. The man's actions were caught on a closed-circuit camera installed in the coffeeshop. The man was arrested about 10 mins later and is still under police custody. Police confirm that this was the same man who had been attacked with a substance at about 4pm on Monday at the entrance of Golden Landmark Shopping Complex after a dispute with two other men. The substance which wafted into the North Bridge Road building caused about 100 tenants and shoppers to be evacuated. http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/...51.html?vgnmr=1 aiya... must b he mizzed the Lor 39 mitup becos COMFY neber turned up...
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