Found a Galaxy S4 on Bus 174 when i boarded at the busstop opp Mandarin in direction of SGH on 18 Mar 2014, around 0615hrs
Noticed it at City Hall, when a shiny object caught my eye, and it was there in the middle of the seats
No batt, so could not switch on. Believe could have been there since perv night? but not possible as bus captains chk the bus before closing shift
I charged it today and no more telco signal. Owner could have disabled the 3G. Phone locked so cannot go in to see any last calls, etc.
The back of the phone says OLLEH! Did a search and it is Korean Network. Doubt if NKorea as they hv no network...haha
So to all Bros here! Kindly pass the word that I wish to return the phone and if you can, post on other forums. I believe the owner could be a Korean...duh! I will deliver to house
PM me if you have any leaks!
Now tikos, dun ask if the person if i do find is chio anot....knn! I know how you all think...hahahaha. Chances are male cos may have fallen out of side pocket
Thanks for reading!