For safety / aesthetic reasons, what you want to see in new dashboard? what should be removed? (same for interior of cars)
1 Bigger touch screen for controls, info, etc. This will replace switches, toggles, buttons, stalks, etc which can be usightly, or dangerous in case of accidents. But currently, the centrally located touch screen takes our eyes from the road, how should the new touch screen e positioned to avoid such dangerous distraction?
2 Steer by wire ----> do away with steering wheel using a handheld control pad, or joystick (like those in video game)?
3 Redesign seating arrangement: make the 4-5 seats like a U-shape (similar to that in lounges/ktvs)?
4 Thick, soft carpet on the floors
5 Touch pad / button on doors for window / door controls?
6 Ceiling:- LED design which can change colours / patterns (clouds, blue sky, starry nite, etc) as the passengers wish?
7 With touch screen replacing conventional control switches etc on the dashboard, the new dashboard can look totally different from what we have to day ----> design built-in coffee maker, food-warmer, etc for long distance drives.