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Found 11 results

  1. Yahoo Report: Marina Bay Sands basement floods A hall at Marina Bay Sands (MBS) exhibition centre flooded around noon on Tuesday. Exhibitors for Singapore International Water Week were at the area. An MBS spokesperson on Tuesday said, "At approximately 12:05pm today, a small area of Hall F was affected by an overflow of rainwater. Our teams promptly provided assistance to the event organizer and any affected exhibitors." She said the area was cordoned off and cleaning completed. MBS suspects the source of the overflow "is a drainage issue due to heavy rains in the morning". She said investigations into the incident are being made to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. How timely can it get when SG host & showcase "Singapore International Water Week" Timing to such perfection that it can never happen again in once every 50 years or a 100 years....
  2. do all SUV handle floods the same? what about sedans and sports cars? is it true that flood means disaster for such cars? with the freq rains in s'pore, does anyone have any views?
  3. Wah sibei bloody expensive cars. I feel so poor after seeing this. Expensive rides
  4. pappy always like to say no amount of engineering can prevent and anything if anything is gonna be costly. any experts here able to quantity the damage so far, and the cost of building the prevention if it was built already to prevent? damage costs: 1. damaged goods 2. loss of rental income (any goodwill from building management?) 3. insurance payout 4. contractors, etc. for pumping out water 5. renovation 6. scrapped cars 7. new road raising 8. loss of tourist spendings along orchard belt i'm sure there's like hundreds so everyone just contribute to the items or estimated costs. maybe easier if we were to contain it to only the town area.
  5. Yellowrx8


    Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong wants Singaporeans to follow Japan
  6. Can we start a thread to warn MCF about floods in any particular areas so as to avoid driving and adding to traffic jams there? Please list Flood Location and Date/Time spotted. Thanks!
  7. SYF77

    Driving through floods

    picture source:Yahoo! News It certainly felt like Christmas over the past few days with the continual downpour. The 3-day outlook by the National Environment Agency indicates that rain can be expected until Thursday, which is Chinese New Year day itself. Flooding has occurred in areas such as Tampines Ave 12, TPE and Ang Mo Kio Ave 5. It would be disastrous to have your vehicle damaged by floods during this period and below are some tips to observe and points to take note of. Happy motoring and have a pleasant holiday season!
  8. I was fortunate to live in Japan quite frequently in previous jobs, at times during their typhoon seasons from late August to October. It is really depressing to see flood, houses collapse, trees uprooted, etc, etc, whenever a typhoon crossed the land. And these kind of things happen every year many times without fail, at times more than 10 in a year. Do you see its people demand their government to SOLVE the problems once and for all? No! Every time it happens, the people will simply come together to help each other out, be it volunteering to help those trapped in their houses, cook hot meals, in logistics, or whatever way possible. Really heart-warming to see these in actions on TV. And as the weather here becoming more erratic, floods seems to be here to stay in certain part of lower-lying areas. Should the government be blamed for every occurrences of these floods?. Now do pause a while to imagine a whole month of rain water coming down within 2 hours. Do you think it should qualify as an act of God? To me, it certainly is. And do you think the government is able to stop it? Not possible unless it can blow the clouds away. Trying to channel the water quickly to prevent localised flooding will need many big drains which is not possible in our limited land. And mind you, it has nothing to do with influx of FT! So should the government be blamed for this kind of AOG? If yes, then all governments that has typhoons, tornadoes, heat waves should be replaced yearly as they are paid well, but the disasters just keep on repeating every year, and they are not able to prevent the consequences like floods from happening again! Surely I believe the government is not sitting pretty doing nothing, the people in the relevant departments are surely burning alot of mid-nite oil to come up with countermeasures. But do be patient and understand that not everything should be blamed on government just because its cabinet is paid well. Do give them some time to think of a practical solution to alleviate the situation. It will be too much to expect no floods. Let us come together to help each other out, and make this place a better place to live. It will be nice to see our local TV reporting neighbors helping each other to clean up the neighborhoods and each others' houses. Maybe if they are to have more air-time for this kind of actions will be good to encourage the society to be more kind and helpful.
  9. 拍淹水照片 《联合晚报》主任被上手铐扣留1小时 吴庆顺(左)的右手在手铐铐解后还留下红色印记;右图为铐上记者手铐的执勤警员。 为了拍一张照片,《联合晚报》资深摄影主任竟然被当成犯人般铐上手铐! 全岛今天凌晨一场豪雨,导致多个地区淹水。《联合晚报》摄影主任吴庆顺,赶往受影响地方拍摄时,在武吉知马路上段,申诉被警员被铐上手铐,在场扣留了一个小时,不获准离开。 武吉知马路上段今早淹水,有车辆被冲上路堤,吴庆顺早上7时许到场拍下现场情形。他为了取得更好的角度,上前要拍摄其中一辆受困水中的车子时,被一名警员阻拦。 吴庆顺说,警员叫他走开,他礼貌要求再拍一张照片,谁知话刚说完,警员已经将手铐掏出来,将他的右手牢牢铐起,还说要带他到警署。 吴庆顺说:
  10. Hi all, did anyone encounters any floods along the way from SG to malacca?
  11. heard bukit timah quite bad.
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