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Come come, make a wild guess, how cheap can a functioning Ferrari be? ... It is a real deal, not some fake stuff ... Not the zhnged type or wanna be too ... Now, sit tight, the answer might make you fall off from your chair ... You Could Buy This Ferrari 599 GTB For Just US$250 (~S$340) In China This is a Ferrari 599 GTB which could sell for as little as $250. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. This particular Ferrari is currently in the possession of police in Dongguan, China after it was involved in an accident. It is claimed that the Italian supercar was uninsured and unregistered when police got their hands on it. This means it cannot be registered or driven anywhere in China and is being sold as scrap metal. “There is no information about this vehicle at the Vehicle Management Office, so it’s non-transferable and can’t be driven,” a spokeswoman from the Dongguan Third People’s Court said to The Sun. “That’s why it’s so cheap—we viewed it as scrap metal, and its scrap evaluation came to $347 (2,430 RMB). We then offered a 30 percent discount on that for our auction.” Images provided of the car show it covered in a thick layer of dust but the engine is said to be in working order. With a thorough exterior and interior detail, the 599 could look as good as new. No mention has been made about the vehicle’s mileage but let’s be honest, the mileage doesn’t matter. This is a Ferrari which will have a starting bid of just $250 when the auction commences in the coming days. Even if it’s the highest-mileage 599 on earth, it’s still the bargain of the century. It’s unclear if the car can be exported out of China and registered for road use elsewhere or if it must stay on Chinese shores. If it can’t leave the country, there’s still a lot of money to be made from the car. For example, the winning bidder could strip it down and sell it for parts. 拍卖一辆法拉利599,起拍价仅1701元,车友:按斤卖? 在人们的印象当中,一辆法拉利的价格少则几百万,多则上千万,就算是二手的法拉利也是普通人买不起的。但是最近有一位车友就看到有人拍卖法拉利599,心里正想着即使拍卖的话价格也不低,但令人没想到的是,起拍价仅1701元。为什么会这么便宜呢? 如果是买新车的话,法拉利599 GTB的价格大概在500万左右,而现在的起拍价只要1000多元,所以很多车友就很疑惑,难道是按斤卖吗?于是我们又算了一笔账,这一台车子的重量大概在1.6吨左右,如果是按照废铁的价格来算的话,简直是比卖废铁还要便宜。 后来我们才知道,原来这款车之所以价格会这么低,就是因为它没有任何的登记和购买手续,就连车牌也是伪造的,所以没有办法过户,只能按照零部件来拍卖。如果有人买的话,顶多是将它买回去拆成零件卖。 东莞一辆法拉利599被拍卖,起拍价1701元,5毛一斤还不如可乐瓶贵 但是就在前段时间,在阿里拍卖的网站上爆出了一款法拉利599拍卖新闻,看到拍卖价格所有人都不淡定了,印象中的法拉利都是几百万的价格,但是这款法拉利的网上拍卖价格竟然仅仅为1701元人民币,原定拍卖时间为6月20号上午10点开始,但是此车放在网络上仅仅一天的时间,就有四万多人围观,并且还有377人交了340元保证金,3164人设置提醒,加价幅度为30元,拍卖车辆所在地为东莞市横沥镇村头昌浩停车场内,说实话,这有可能是法拉利拍卖史上最便宜的一次,无疑是对这款豪车的侮辱。 东莞一辆法拉利599被拍卖,起拍价1701元,5毛一斤还不如可乐瓶贵。得知此消息后,很多网友都纷纷表示,这可能是这辈子距离法拉利最近的一次了,很多人都准备了3000大洋跃跃欲试,但是近日得知消息,当时这款车是因为特殊原因被东莞市第三法院查封,特此放在司法拍卖网进行拍卖,但后期因为当事人达成了执行和解协议,所以无需拍卖财产了,阿里拍卖便撤销了这次网络拍卖,因此,很多网友的法拉利梦便因此破碎了。 当年此车进入中国,亮相北京车展的时候,有多少人挤破了头颅就为了看它一眼,能买得起的人却屈指可数,在99%的人眼中,这是典型的别人家的车子,无奈,如今时过境迁,这款车落到了1701元就被拍卖的下场,不免让人唏嘘不已,曾经的王者就此落寞。要知道此车重达1.5吨多,按照重量来算,这个车子的均价在0.5元/斤,还不如可乐瓶贵呢,而且这次拍卖也因为各种证件不齐全,不能过户,当作零件拍卖。
Back in 2007, Ferrari released the 599 GTB Fiorano as their flagship two-seater model. With a V12 6.0 litre engine and producing 612bhp, making it the most powerful Ferrari production car. It is one of those few cars whose engine output exceeds 100bhp per litre. Rumours have it that Ferrari is set to replace the 599 with a much lighter and more powerful grand tourer. Ferrari will unveil a replacement for the 599 GTB Fiorano during the Geneva Motor Show this coming March. Codenamed F152, the car will have a new engine and transmission, developed from the FF model. The new car will feature an even more powerful version of the FF