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  1. Millionaire in the making????
  2. https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/feng-blew-his-money-shui-mans-wallet-falls-marina-reservoir-scattering-50-notes?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR03YbmQwF_06BzrLfltGpiaketb0z6xEzeK9ej5O9QOGSpswy5uew1zLdA#Echobox=1659003668 'Feng blew his money into shui': Man's wallet falls into Marina Reservoir, scattering $50 notes JULY 28, 2022PUBLISHED AT 5:30 PM By CLAUDIA TAN Bryan Lee and his friends witnessed a man's wallet get blown into Marina reservoir, and tried to retrieve some of the notes. Screengrab/TikTok/Bryan Lee It's painful when your money "flies", even more so when it happens literally. Well, that's what happened to one man whose his wallet was blown into Marina Reservoir on Wednesday (July 27) evening. The aftermath of the incident was captured by Bryan Lee, who happened to be in the area with his friends. "Free money at MBS," the 32-year-old video producer wrote in his TikTok video which showed an assortment of $10 and $50 bills floating in the water. As if the man wasn't unlucky enough, he had been telling someone over the phone how to "keep their wealth". "Dude, your money literally just flew away into the water," Lee wrote. Speaking to AsiaOne on Thursday, Lee said: "We overheard him talking about things like keeping wealth, water and metal elements and their chart, as well as a few other fengshui items". According to Lee, the man didn't seem to realise his own "wealth" had slipped away. "He was still engrossed in his phone call. We're not even sure if he realised that he had lost his money," remarked Lee. At the time of writing, the video has racked up more than 300,000 views on TikTok. "The feng [Chinese for 'wind'] literally blew his money into the shui [Chinese for 'water']," one commented. Several others also chimed in about how they would've jumped into the water to retrieve the floating bills. Responding to some of these comments, Lee said that jumping in wouldn't be a wise move, as it is illegal to swim in Singapore's reservoirs. However, that didn't seem to stop his friends from trying to net some fortune for themselves. In a second TikTok video, Lee showed his friends trying to scoop the notes out of the water using a makeshift net, attached to some rope they had in their car. Sadly, their attempt didn't yield any rewards. "By then, most of the cash had sunk into the water, and my friends weren't successful in retrieving whatever was left," he said.
  3. when feng shui books mention the direction that the house is facing, what do they mean? Is the main door used as a gauge to determine which direction the house if facing?
  4. Anyone know the whole story? I heard from friend but don't know the real story.
  5. Anyone tried the Yong Tau Foo located at #01-23, Ang Mo Kio Food Centre, 724 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6 ? The taste was good but the queue was bad !
  6. Anyone here believes in car feng shui? Like after u put something in your car, it brings good luck or bad..? Recently, been having a streak of bad luck... wrong decisions, gut feelings.. all mixed up. Driving doesn't feel v.good either, car's been quite irritating to drive. or maybe it's just the rainy days. Had 2 accidents in the past 3 days . First one was 2 days ago when i made a wrong decision, which resulted in the car hitting the curb n almost mounting it. Alignment out, undercarriage dunno if damaged, and exhaust downpipe suffered a dent, leaking slightly. Second one happened 6 hrs ago.. wanted to change lane but saw a car coming fast. don't know why i hesitated, then went back to my lane... and couldn't brake in time for the car in front.... jam brake(mistake?), car skidded, and bang*. Front car not so bad, mine bumper + headlight gone.. A chain of bad decisions led to this... dunno is it luck or what.. I removed the only thing i added into the car for the past few days, a soft toy turtle from my previous car... maybe that's the cause? hope my luck changes. hai~
  7. As above, anyone? xie xie
  8. Anyone interested in Feng Shui ? let me start something for discussion and sharing . 2016 , Year of Red Monkey ...... Not a good year . Be vigilant zodiac ranking in 2016 ???
  9. i just want to pui him, no offence to the religion <_<
  10. found this entertaining read on the feng shui of Singapore $1 coin.. Nope.. Not only on the Ba Gua shape (and its myth) but more into details.. Part ONE: Have you even seen a $1 Singapore coin? It is hexagon shaped. The one dollar coin is inscribed with an octagon, which looks like a Chinese Bagua. It seems that the Feng Shui masters in Singapore said that the construction of the MRT tunnels through downtown Singapore would have a negative effect on the country and her people. To counter this, they recommended that every household display a bagua to negate this. As there were many locals who did not adhere to this Chinese belief, the hexagon shaped design was incorporated into the one dollar coin. Hearsay has it that Singapore's senior minister, Lee Kwan Yew who is a firm believer in Feng Shui was told by fortune tellers that his dynasty would remain in power as long as the octagon was spread throughout Singapore. There is another story about Mr Lee again making some changes on the face of the one dollar coin to correct the Feng Shui of his country's economy. Ever spotted the difference? I wonder how many of you noticed the differences between a more dated $1 coin and one that is more recently created. I
  11. STOMPer Rich says he met with a Fengshui master from overseas who told him that Singapore will experience severe storms between Nov 2 and Nov 17 this year, because we have disrupted our 'Dragon Venture' luck by constantly digging. The STOMPer wrote: "Are we digging our own graves? "Recently I met a master from overseas. Her predictions made me wonder whether our rapid development is going to cause the death of us all eventually. "OMG, we are digging our own graves! Hey, is there really a need to dig up the whole of Singapore? Well, I drive, so perhaps public transport has no consequence to my living standard. "Let me explain why. My understanding from her is that construction of MRT tracks by digging various underground tunnels had severely damaged the 'Dragon Venture' (龙 脉) of Singapore. "Remember all the deaths that happen in Bedok Reservior? It continued even after the elaborate rituals. "Digging and digging is also in sequence with recent Bedok Reservoir
  12. Most expensive matchmaker ever. Search is on for boyfriend for Feng Tianwei The search for a boyfriend has begun for Olympic bronze medallist Feng Tianwei (above). He must be Singaporean and someone who can speak Mandarin. It would also be better if he is supportive of Feng in her table tennis career. That means he must be willing to tolerate the likelihood that she may be travelling most of the time. The task has been entrusted to Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Chan Chun Sing, revealed Singapore Table Tennis Association president Lee Bee Wah yesterday afternoon. Link
  13. although both me and wife start work early, we enjoyed channel 5 last night from 11pm to 11:45pm. i tot it was a damnnnnnnn great fight ! not like the previous "girls" who whine and twist and turn, give funny faces, when they lose a point. salute
  14. Anyone to share any good contact? please not those atas type. cant stand them. Feng Shui for house. Thank you very much.
  15. Kungfu

    Feng Fei Fei

    Reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly gonna miss her song................wanna compile some of her video...............how to download youtube video
  16. Unbelievable! Any bro kenna the same fate during CNY? http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Online...ory_760050.html Give devotees a parking break during Chinese New Year VISITING Kwan Im Temple in Bencoolen Street on the first day of Chinese New Year is an annual family tradition for us. But this year, we were greeted by a parking ticket when we returned from the temple. For many years, the Traffic Police have been regulating and maintaining smooth traffic flow without penalising motorists who drive or ride to the temple. And we have appreciated the gracious and considerate practice. While I know it is an offence to park along a double yellow line, parking facilities are inadequate during such festive periods because of the extraordinary crowds. Furthermore, the traffic along the road where devotees park is light and parking there does not cause congestion. I have seen motorists parked illegally along the roadside at other religious buildings during different religious observances without suffering the fate of being penalised. I hope the relevant authorities will practise some consideration and flexibility and allow temporary parking along the roads near religious buildings during their respective ceremonial occasions as long as no inconvenience is caused. Low Hong Loke
  17. http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/Singapore...708362.html?x=0 If they are so chun, why must they waste their time advising their customers? They might as well "chong" themselves with all their savings. Agree?
  18. was watching ch8 and can't help to notice that quan yi feng boobs r getting BIGGER! WOW!! ITS HUGE!!!!
  19. Anyone has recommendation for fengsui master for home?
  20. Where to find feng shui water fountain !!! ( I dont want the ball turing type )Just normal water fall down. where can find it ? Thanks
  21. Any tips will be appreciated (in English only....my Chinese is )....preferably available in major bookstores in Orchard
  22. What do you call "Feng Fei Fei" in English? Carpark ticketers?
  23. I dun understand. Anyone can enlighten me?
  24. Exciting Table Tennis Q-Finals tonight http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/INF/...shtml#TTW001301
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