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  1. Can Anyone VW car owners, advise if u had such experience code? The code came out but it goes away after some distance. But this had been coming back a few time already. As no error code when I drive to workshop. They can’t check for me!!! Don’t feel comfortable. Thanks
  2. As per title, I can't shift my car out of park position and so I've been using the shift lock override to shift it out of park for the past one week. Googled around and found a few possibilities for this. Wondering if this is a common problem. Car is currently at my workshop getting diagnosed. 1. Incline Induced Pawl Pressure - happens when your car is parked on an incline, not for my case 2. Brake switch failure - I checked and my brake lights are working as they should 3. Faulty Shift Interlock Solenoid 4. Malfunctioning Ignition Switch 5. Open circuit in the shift interlock electrical system
  3. My VW Jetta 2014 model recently have "brake servo failure" with 3 error signs shown (photo). Now this sign came out every time after engine starts. In march 2021 VW Singapore quoted me replacement of ABS/EDL Control Unit for $3,974, of course I refused to do so. Anyone can offer your solution?
  4. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/ford/gt/first-drives/ford-gt-2017-uk-review Looks chio...
  5. This bimmer kept horning me to get out of the carpark. To me i rather wait for the road to be really clear so I waited. Den he swapped to the next lane. After that keep horning me assuming i cut his lane. The yellow box only 2 lane wide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWV9lt7yXoI
  6. Hi. Was driving almost 9 year-old verna on Saturday. Went couple of places, then on way home after buying breakfast near my place, the aircon suddenly just went off. The a/c knob is the turn (not touch) type and it was still at '1' position. Turning the knob to '0', then to '1', '2', '3', '4', all no response. Fed up and upset already, as it was 5.15 pm so was thinking of where can I go to see what's wrong... Then at traffic light 2 min later, my daughter sitting in front passenger seat, turned the a/c knob again, and this time the a/c came back on!!! Reached home 3 min later and it was ok, still cold as before. Did not drive on Sun, and today drove to work, and out for lunch. So far no noticeable problem and it seems to be working fine. Does anyone know what could be the problem with my a/c system? I changed the cooling coil 16 mth ago, and really dread having to spend more $$ on repair, as car is no longer new... tks...
  7. GIA choose not to reply me despite email to them and writing to them via ST forum for response. I wonder which side they are on... Drivers think carefully your options during accidents whether at fault or not at fault...
  8. Baal

    Is it the Govt

    http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/05/14/is-it-the-govts-fault-or-plain-old-singaporean-greed/ Is it the Govt’s fault or plain old Singaporean greed? May 14th, 2014 | Author: Contributions Blame our own True Blue Singaporeans, not others Recent discontent with influx of foreign workers has always placed blame on the Government. There is always another story to other side of the coin. I did a renovation project for a wealthy Singaporean family years back, I spent quite a long time in their bungalow for almost a month. Somehow, I followed their life a little bit and heard many of their conversations. When it comes to spending on themselves, name it Prada bags, cars, overpriced restaurants, renovation, they NEVER complain. They can spend $2k for a feast at a restaurant to please their friends or relatives (to show off), or $35k for a watch, or half a million for a car, but when it comes to increasing their maid’s salary by just $100, they can argue for an hour with the agency. YES, that’s our True Blue Singaporean. Their $1 is very big when it comes to your salary. But a $5,000 Prada bag is cheap. In fact, those foreign workers are VICTIMS. They are being used as cheap labour for years without any prospect of getting better, because the bosses in the first place never had intention to spend more on them. Do you know that those foreign workers have to work for FREE for months to pay the employment agency fees? Nobody forced them to come here, it’s your own TRUE BLUE SINGAPOREAN BOSS that asked them to come here!!!! And the Government is a VICTIM too. We have nothing in this small island, therefore, Gov has no choice but to be PRO BUSINESS for our country to survive. Gov tries their best to keep as many businesses alive as possible, but it’s been taken advantage of by those greedy Singaporean bosses. They will do anything they can to get a cheap source of workers. They will declare their uncle, mother, sister, auntie as working at the company, just to get a bigger quota of foreign workers. One of my True Blue Singaporean friends who runs a very profitable business, gets so angry that his application for foreign workers is rejected by MOM. He went to MOM, bangs at the door of the officers, and scolds them for not being pro-business. Then he goes to the Business Association and laments his woes and asking for help. The Association then helps him to talk with MOM. He also goes to speak to his MP, complaining how tough the business environment is, but in fact he is doing very well. So he goes through all the hassle just to avoid hiring locals. Somehow, our own Singaporeans never trusts our own Singaporeans. Because of these greedy people, the Government gets the blame for bringing the foreign workers. But in fact, it’s our own True Blue Singaporeans that die die must get foreign workers. They will do whatever they can to get the cheapest manpower they can. Somehow, Singaporeans are always not in their choice. They will share experiences among bosses on how to get around Gov rules and regulations to get as many foreign workers as much as possible. I lost count on how many of my own Singaporean boss friends always complaining about Singaporean workers, and always find ways to get cheap foreign workers, even though they drive BMWs and have a couple of properties. The only Singaporeans they hire are their own family members. And how about Singaporean doctors? You blame Government for importing foreign doctors? Not because we are short of good doctors, but because True Blue Singaporean Doctors prefer to be RICH then serving the society. Irony isn’t it, our own Singaporean serving rich overseas patients, and we import foreign doctors to serve Singaporeans. Is it Government fault? Can Government stop them? NOP….simply human GREED. I can guarantee you, even one day when Singaporean is ruled by another party, this problem will NEVER go away. This is the MENTALITY of our Singaporeans, plain and simply GREEDY. If GREED is at the first place, they will close the option FOREVER, no matter what rules and laws you implement. In America, where law is super tough, there are still companies hiring illegal Mexican workers, although the companies are generating billions in revenue. They can actually hire many homeless Americans, but they just don’t bother. For shareholders, PROFIT is above everything, including humanity and country. We all talk so much about nationalism, but when it comes to money matters, the color is only green. Yeah, this is capitalism. Have you heard recently that many rich China’s businessmen want to switch nationality? Do they care about their own country that gave them wealth in the first place? And do you think our own Singaporeans will not do that? SAME, LAH !!! There are netizens saying that if war happens, foreign workers will flee first. Let me tell you, it’s our own True Blue Rich Singaporean that will run first. They already own properties in other countries. Recently, you heard many FAMOUS eateries closing shop, complaining that cost is too high. Netizens quickly blame the Government for their problems, without realizing the other side of the story. Those famous eateries have basically been operating for decades, and reaping HUGE profits, some eateries’ profit will make your jaw drop, really. They close down NOT because of the cost, but because they had ENOUGH and are not willing to share with others. They simply do not want to spend more on manpower. If they can’t get cheap foreign workers from China/India, they threaten to close down, and tell the media that the cost is too high. But have you checked their bank accounts and previous sales figures? These are our own True Blue Singaporean BOSSES. They just can’t share their profits with their workers. For them, to get cheap workers is their right. And how much they want to pay, is their choice… without realizing that the workers are humans too, and have families to support. So, before you put the blame on Government, you should see the real culprit in your office… your own BOSS. Your boss wants to buy a new BMW series, therefore, he needs to hire another Pinoy… greed knows NO limits. This is my proposal. I find it’s ok for small companies, or newly started companies to hire foreign workers. This is not only to lighten their cost, but they also can’t find Singaporeans to fill the positions because most of us are not interested in small or startup companies. BUT, for those companies that have been running for a while, or at least where sales exceed $1M (meaning those who pay GST), they should no longer be allowed to hire as many foreign workers anymore; die die must hire locals. Cut their quota. They should be able to afford hiring locals and give proper salaries already in their financial situation. NO EXCUSES. If those bosses threaten to move out, let it be… there is ALWAYS another company to take over their market. Once again, our problem is not the Government or the foreign workers. There is NO SUPPLY if there is NO DEMAND. You can’t blame those sex workers in Geylang for coming here if not for our local uncles’ needs. They are simply working like you and me. But it’s our own Singaporean who gets them here, sells them, profits from them, and abuses them. It’s our own True Blue Singaporean after all… SUSU BESAR * Submitted by TRE reader. http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/05/14/is-it-the-govts-fault-or-plain-old-singaporean-greed/
  9. Recently encountered this scenario at a shopping center. There is a loading and unloading area nearest to the supermarket at the entrance linking the supermarket and the carpark. Beside this entrance, as well, there are about 4 lots for shoppers to park. The way the entrance and the lots are position, one has to do a 3 point turn to get out of the loading area most of the time. during this 3 point turn, your car may be facing the lots, or you could be reversing into the direction of the lot, depending on whether you are doing a clockwise or counter-clockwise 3 point turn. I was loading my shopping into the car at the loading area. To get out, i had to do a counter-clockwise 3 point turn, such that the rear of my car will face the parking lots before i can exist the loading area. the lot which my car will be "reversing" towards became free. These two woman walked by, decided they want their family car to be parked there as it is nearer the shopping entrance. so the driver when to get his car, while the two woman stand within the lot to "reserve" the lot. I am fine by that. in fact, i do not really care as i do not need that lot anyway. Then the younger woman decided to sit on the kerb while waiting for the car to arrive. I then return the trolley and tried to turn out of the loading area. Because she is sitting on the kerb, i could not see her in any of my mirrors and was afraid to reverse too much, making my 3 point turn into a multi-point turn. Frustrated, i got out of the car and confronted the woman :" Do you know it is dangerous to sit on the kerb in a high traffic area? what happens if i knocked into you cos i cannot see you?" She retorted:" you got pass your license or not?" boy was i peeved. a few angry words were exchanged, and they hurling insults my way wasn't helping. I drove of, angry at the whole situation, and amazed at the stupidity of these two women. Long story short, what would you have done in a similar situation? would it be your fault if you accidently droved into them because you cannot see them, when they delibrately sit on the kerb knowing that you are gonna be reversing into the direction where they are sitting?
  10. Hi all, I just got into an accident outside clementi mall taxi stand/bus stop area. I dropped off my friend already (along double yellow line). As I moved off and was WITHIN the lane (in the centre of the lane), a guy driving a rental car swerved into my lane despite me having the right of the way. It happened so quickly (he swerved at a high speed) that we hit each other like that. The front head lamp of my car against his car door. What are your thoughts? Who is likely to bear the greater burden/responsibility? I am driving the white car by the way. Thank you.
  11. SINGAPORE - The lorry involved in the accident that killed a cyclist on Changi Coast Road last Saturday was stationary at the time. The cyclist, whose name was not given, was a 29-year-old Briton who was working in a bank in Singapore. He is understood to have been riding in a small group along the popular 7km stretch when he collided with the rear of the lorry. He was pronounced dead on the spot by paramedics. Mr Nanda, an architect's assistant who goes by one name, told The Straits Times that he had cycled past the accident scene at about 10.30am, shortly after the collision. He saw the man's companions seeking help from passing cyclists. "There were a handful of cyclists, including a Caucasian woman, who were trying to find any cyclist who was a doctor," said the 34-year-old. Mr Nanda added that the man was in a cycling jersey and riding a racing bike fitted with clipless pedals, which attach to cleated bike shoes. Retiree Benny Khaw said he had cycled past the place 15 minutes after the accident occurred. He said the front of the road bike was badly damaged and the rear of the lorry was dented. The man's helmet had been removed and a white sheet was draped over his body. "There were two Indian men, one in blue overalls and the other in white overalls, talking to police under a tree next to the lorry," said the 53-year-old. Mr Khaw added that the man's bike sported aero bars , which are handlebars parallel to the bicycle frame. Last Saturday's crash was the third fatal road accident involving a cyclist in three days. On Sunday, the cyclist's body was claimed by eight friends and family members at the mortuary. They declined to speak to the media. Police said the 40-year-old driver of the lorry is assisting with investigations. http://ride.asiaone.com/news/general/story...gi-0?page=0%2C1
  12. In 2009, Hyundai and KIA had to recall 700,000 units of their models due to defective brake switches. Unfortunately, not learning from their experiences, these South Korean automakers repeat their mistake and this time, it's even worse. They now have to recall a total of 1.6 million units of cars they have produced due to the exact same problem. The brake switch defect may prevent the brake lamps from illuminating even when the brake pedal is actually stepped on. Of course, this is a big deal as it may trigger rear-end collisions. In addition to that, the defect may fail to cancel the cruise control feature while braking, prevent the push-button starter from functioning, and may even block the gear shift in the neutral position. Both KIA and Hyundai will start contacting dealers and customers of the affected models in June 2013 and will provide necessary replacements free of charge. The list of the affected models is as follows: - 2007 KIA Sedona - 2007-2009 Hyundai Tucson - 2008-2009 Hyundai Veracruz - 2007-2010 KIA Rondo - 2007-2010 KIA Sportage - 2007-2010 Hyundai Elantra - 2007-2011 KIA Sorento - 2007-2011 Hyundai Santa Fe - 2010-2011 KIA Soul - 2010-2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe - 2011 Hyundai Sonata - 2011 KIA Optima
  13. Jman888

    Whose fault?

    plastic surgery for a dog? can anyone sue the owner for putting the dog through the unnecessary ordeal that causes it death? <_<
  14. It has begun... From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1243747/1/.html Train service disrupted on NEL due to train fault Posted: 20 December 2012 1658 hrs SINGAPORE: Train services on the Northeast Line have been delayed due to a train fault on Thursday. A caller to the MediaCorp hotline said a train has apparently broken down. She said commuters have been told to take the bus to Serangoon station to continue their journey. Delays of up to 20 minutes can be expected in train services in both directions. One commuter said she had been stuck in the train for about 30 minutes. - CNA/xq
  15. Hi guys, Anyone know if there's any good basic Fault Code Reader that just displays the fault code number, and can reset the ECU or better still, turn off that darn Check Engine Light (CEL) ? Please let me know where in Singapore do they sell it. Thanks in advance!!
  16. A real Singapore Case of SG vs MacDonald's Let debate
  17. ppl bang u from behind which caused u to end in ppl butt and goes on... who claim who?
  18. Hi bros, Recently having this weird problem with hand brake indicator. Whenever I move off on 1st and 2nd gear, my hand brake indicator will light up and go off. my scangauge never show any error or whatsoever. Any advices?
  19. saw an accident today involving a L-plate and and motor bike. Was wondering who will shoulder the liability for insurance claims? the motor bike or the L-plate?
  20. Came across this news from google and wanted to take this oportunity to educate my kids.... but ended up as a minor flame war in my family My daughter asked me that why is the lorry driver penalised when he follow the traffic rules (drive off after green light)? Its very obvious th its the pedestrian fault since she was so far away from the pedestrian crossing... My wife explained to her that the driver should keep a look out of the pedestrian when driving.... I do not agree with my wife and told her that the pedestrian should not assume that all drivers could see them cause there are many other things that the driver need to pay attention with, afterall, its the pedestrian own safety and if they dont care, who else would?? ... My wife buay song after hearing what i said and the argument started,..... ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNew...608-351433.html A lorry driver has been jailed for one week and banned from driving for three years for causing the death of a pedestrian, reported The Straits Times. Muhammad Jufri Sukaimi, 38, came to a stop at the junction of Orchard Road and Grange Road when the traffic light signal was red in March 2011. He made a right turn when the lights turned green and ended up hitting Madam Han Ai Lian, 61, who was crossing about six metres away from the pedestrian crossing line. The Straits Times reported that she died two days later from bleeding due to blunt force injury to the pelvis and left lower limb. Madam Han was on her way to work as a cleaner at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard. Muhammad Jufri pleaded guilty to the accident. He could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined for the offence. ___________________________________________________ So who do you think is wrong??
  21. CNA report : Train fault causes service delay between Jurong East & Joo Koon stations Posted: 10 May 2012 1227 hrs SINGAPORE: Train service on the East-West Line between Jurong East and Joo Koon stations was delayed on Thursday morning due to a train fault. Operator SMRT said that this started at about 8.30am, when an eastbound train experienced a train fault and was withdrawn as a safety precaution. Passengers on board were asked to alight at Jurong East Station. The train travelling behind the stalled train was used to help send it back to the depot. This affected service between Jurong East and Joo Koon stations, in both directions. Passengers at these stations would have experienced a delay of 20 to 30 minutes. SMRT said the high train frequencies during the rush hour can lead to congestion when there is a train fault. To minimise the impact of the service delay, some trains were turned around at Jurong East, Clementi and Queenstown MRT stations for the eastbound service. Announcements were made at the affected stations and trains, while commuters were kept informed through Traffic Watch via radio stations and SMRT's Twitter account. SMRT has apologised for the inconvenience caused. - CNA/cc So high frequencies during rush hour can lead to congestion when there is a train fault...
  22. [extract] A Ferrari FF owner in Shanghai has to endure the pain of watching his pride possession of 5.3 million Yuan goes up in flames. The incident took place near the Shanghai World Expo Avenue in China. This is not the first time the 6.3 liter V12 supercar has caught fire spontaneously. In one such rare incident, a Ferrari FF caught fire near Frankfurt on a German autobahn some time end of last year. According to reports, this unfortunate FF was travelling at a low speed on the Shanghai World Expo Avenue when the incident occurred. The Chinese media are speculating that the Ferrari
  23. I heard on the PA system on the mrt platform that south bound train got train fault. Anyone heard?
  24. In the case of an unwanted pregnancy, who's fault is that? I have a gf who got pregnant lately and her beau chided her for not taking birth control pills. ZOMG!!! some kind of guy that is... worthless trash I say *curses* Prevention of pregnancy is a shared responsibility and us women shouldn't be expected to shoulder this accountability all by ourselves *sings... all... by.... myself.......* Since this is a male dominated arena, I want to hear what guys have to say.... Guys, please shoot, women... please gripe. Also, I believe in karma. Abortion will incur bad karma.. My gf has since undergone abortion and trust me, I still curse that animal responsible every night before I sleep.
  25. SMRT certainly deserved to be rapped but what about the authorities? When this latest embarrassment was reported, all started coming out and pointed fingers at SMRT, baying for blood. After the first incident, one would expect them to closely monitor SMRT's follow-up action to ensure that such a serious breach of security will not happen again. We are not talking about a neighborhood mama shop being broken into but a heavily-used public transportation system carrying thousands and thousands of folks daily. While the guidelines or recommendations by the PTSC are being implemented progressively, what is the stop-gap measure being done in the mean time? Is it enough/sufficient? Most important question is: IS ANYONE FOLLOWING UP ON THE FOLLOW-UP ACTION BY SMRT? Tonnes and tonnes of questions to be answered after this latest incident. We are again lucky this time that it was graffiti. We may not be so lucky again if it is something else next time. Sick to hear the latest outburst coming out from this woman. We certainly must whack SMRT jialat jialat and take punitive actions against them like heavy fines but the authorities are not totally blameless either. Some how I suspect they will point the finger back at us and utter "Complacency" once again... Really leave a bitter taste after they approve the latest fare hikes citing these companies deserve the additional revenue... From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1148092/1/.html LTA won't hesitate to penalise SMRT for security breach: Josephine Teo By Hetty Musfirah | Posted: 20 August 2011 1344 hrs
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