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Found 15 results

  1. This is from the recent Superbowl commercial...cute...
  2. Max Factor Garage prides its workshop motto based on two key words - “Honesty” & “Integrity”. The automotive industry is a competitive one and we believe in fostering long term relationships with our customers through our excellent workmanship and having a hassle-free repair workshop. WE ARE BARDAHL SINGAPORE'S CONCEPT STORE! SOME SNIPPETS FROM MAX FACTOR GARAGE'S GRAND OPENING ON 02.05.2015! BARDAHL SINGAPORE RACING TEAM! SG50 PROMOTION at MAX FACTOR GARAGE! FOLLOW US AT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THE LATEST UPDATES AND PROMOTIONS. WATCH OUT FOR THIS SPACE!
  3. Watched this show. Very thrilling and nice! Worth watching, not loosing to Ang mo Hollywood movie!
  4. Piyopico

    S Factor

    Just found this. A bit dated but quite funny.
  5. I missed last Friday result show.... Who were the last 2 that got booted out for the 5 places this week show? Can't seem to get the show on Xinmsm, they only show Channel 8 home made movies ... Thanks.
  6. I have to admit I've never like it. But last week, by chance I saw a segment performed by this guy Leroy Bell(not very sure the name is correct) but wow,this guy is great.Vocal still ok,but farking well maintain for a 60 year old man. He looks more like in his 30s.Physically well built too.Not many men in their 60s are in this good condition. By the way,I'm no gay
  7. My knees were shaking just watching this video. Very impressed with their youthful guts and confidence. It gives the full meaning to Impossible is Nothing? http://gizmodo.com/5840774/these-daredevil...ir-bloody-minds
  8. I have at least 3 frens who divorce their husband becos of the above reason. In all the cases, it's the husbands who did not contribute or support the family financially. Any contributors???
  9. ...touching [/font]
  10. Kxbc

    The S-Factor

    Any of you guys and ladies caught the first episode last night (5 Apr 09) on Ch 5, 10pm? I was very intrigued to catch it after viewing the trailer. No, not for the babes (some look good) but for the interesting audition snippets. I am just curious but are those ladies for real or did they pay someone to act it out to make the show a little more interesting? The "FHM hopefully dellusional" (the short plump one) and the "overly confident lady in a green tube" are pretty hilarious. And the "girl in blue" edited with the cricket noise whenever she paused to think of an answer. Ok, who knows these audition ladies in real life? They could be your friends, colleagues, family members etc. I am just curious if they are really who they are or are they just "paid" to act in the audition? Anyone? A youtube for those who missed it. The S-Factor trailer btw, I don't think I'll be watching the 2nd episode. I sort of tuned off straight after the audition part last night.
  11. for the last 2 days, this show had been criticised by the press and public....any BF whose gf join this "S"h!t show care to comment? read the newspaper and the comments so funny, the next episode shows one of the "S"h!t girl had her nip/alorea expose while fooling ard, this was shown on the snippet on the TV....
  12. Who puts safety into consideration when purchasing a car? Eg. NCAP rating, number of airbags and etc Just curious on my part.
  13. bros and sis, heard so many times that such and such make is heavier so it is more stable at high speed. I thought about it for a moment, it is not the only thing that make a car stable. I just reason out with my limited physics knowledge. Please anyone chip in with your thoughts. A heavier object need higher force to get the moving and once it is in motion, it take larger force to slow it down. for example, at Mini Cooper needs less braking power comparing with a Mercedes limosine in order to stop from 100km/h to 0. why? I think the answer is inertia. Inertia can work in favour of the Merc in the scenario where by , eg. both car hit a brick the size of a fist. the mini has to fight very hard to stay on course. but the Merc could be not affected so much. by telling the uninformed about stable at high speed , it is only tiny bit of the whole picture. F1 car 600+kg only, they are stable and agile. The moral of the story is, there is a lot more that just weight to make a car stable at high speed. and weight is not neccesary a good thing. when the SE try to sell a heavy car, listen carefully. weight -> drink more petrol, only contribute to the inertia and momentum which can be good or bad. depends on what that car is for. :) stablility-> tyre grip, aerodynamics setup, suspension setup, centre of gravity.. just my thoughts.
  14. Some one asked me recently a relevant question on damping factor, here is one article that explain it in a more layman manner. Abstracted from http://www.crownaudio.com/pdf/amps/damping_factor.pdf UNDERSTANDING DAMPING FACTOR [/left] Loudspeakers have a mind of their own. You send them a signal and they add their own twist to it. They keep on vibrating after the signal has stopped, due to inertia. That's called "ringing" or "time smearing." In other words, the speaker produces sound waves that are not part of the original signal. Suppose the incoming signal is a "tight" kick drum with a short attack and decay in its signal envelope. When the kick-drum signal stops, the speaker continues to vibrate. The cone bounces back and forth in its suspension. So that nice, snappy kick drum turns into a boomy throb. Fortunately, a power amplifier can exert control over the loudspeaker and prevent ringing. Damping is the ability of a power amplifier to control loudspeaker motion. It's measured in Damping Factor, which is load impedance divided by amplifier output impedance. Let's explain. If the speaker impedance is 8 ohms, and the amplifier output impedance is 0.01 ohms, the damping factor is 800. That's a simplication. Since the speaker impedance and amplifier output impedance vary with fre- quency, so does the damping factor. Also, the impedance of the speaker cable affects damping. Thick cables (with low AWG) allow more damping than thin cables with (high AWG). The lower the amplifier's output impedance, the higher the damping factor, and the tighter the sound is. A damping factor of 1000 or greater is considered high. High damping factor equals tight bass. How It Works How does an amplifier control speaker motion? When the loudspeaker cone vibrates, it acts like a micro- phone, generating a signal from its voice coil. This signal generated by the speaker is called back EMF (back Electro Motive Force). It travels through the speaker cable back into the amplifier output, then returns to the speaker. Since back EMF is in opposite polarity with the speaker's motion, back EMF impedes or damps the speaker's ringing. The smaller the amp's output impedance, the greater is the effect of back EMF on the speaker's motion. An amplifier with low output impedance does not impede the back EMF, so the back EMF drives the loud- speaker with a relatively strong signal that works against the speaker's motion. When the speaker cone moves out, the back EMF pulls the speaker in, and vice versa. In short, the loudspeaker damps itself through the amplifier output circuitry. The lower the impedance of that output circuitry, the more the back EMF can control the speaker's ringing. To prove it to yourself, take a woofer that is not connected to anything. Put your ear next to the cone and tap on it. You might hear a low-pitched "bongggg" if the speaker itself is poorly damped. Now short the speaker terminals and tap again. You should hear a tighter thump. Damping factor varies with frequency. As you might suspect, damping factor is most important at low fre- quencies, say 10 Hz to 400 Hz.
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