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Found 12 results

  1. Forget about erections lasting four hours or more. One California man claims he has had one that's lasted 20 months
  2. Picture speaks a thousand words.
  3. Dear bros , On such an auspicious day, I tio a small problem... While parking at Mustafa centre's basement carpark , my side mirror tio the pillar.. Side mirror no problem.. Just the side mirror indicator's light casing tio crack.. So , I can get the cover changed right ? Or is it the whole side mirror.. . And should I do it at BM? Picture attached..
  4. 86-1 any takers 82-5 any takers 81-6 any takers an australian paper conducted a poll study that the PAP will win about 63% of the votes what is the ground feeling in your area after the election we will visit this and see who got it right
  5. For once, I noticed that in this erection the issue of foreigners have have been brought about quite intensely...in media, in papers,in offices, in coffee shop and in the streets...maybe alot more. I have nothing against them.......FT Now my question is, why ALL other countries having their erection do not emphasize so much on FT...in fact not an issue at all but only our unique erection. Something must be very wrong that have created such a BIG hooha. Your feedback please....thank you
  6. I got some info,almost confirm and chop but not sign yet... 7th May 2011 Saturday!
  7. Is dangling upgrading and scholarship carrot near erection right thing to do? vote above wisely.
  8. Let's look around and read some posts... especially those posts which 'discreetly' 'leaks' info on the wealth of the posters.......... Not to worry, it's safe place here coz no kidnapper really surfs forums to check out who their next target should be......... but things may change.... so we must help these bros keep a low profile to prevent ransoms being paid unnecessarily......... Any nomination for the list of 'protected species'.???.............
  9. Nowadays we can feel lots of foreplays around us....... positive announcements / goodies for ppl... all these are overspilling from news reports and whatever propoganda.... wonder if condoms are still necessary??? ....
  10. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_609606.html wonder if they will cancel the upgrade if they lost just like for potong pasir...
  11. everybody is guessing election is round the corner, what with all the pay rise, bonuses, good economic report, etc, so watz ur wishes/views? for me, 1) frankly speaking, anyone in his rite sense of mind will know tat p&p will not be voted out, but i hope that the opp party will win at least 1 if not 3 GRC plus the 2 single ward. winning a GRC will be a good start, with their limited resources, i believe it will also do the opp party a lot of good to start slowly & built up from there. this will also deal a blow to the p&p tat they cant always do as they like and there must be accountability sometimes. 2) i understand the wp is targeting aljunied grc with possibly their strongest team. i dun really understand their rational behind this as aljunied is helm by george, and him being in charge of foreign affairs tat dun deal with bread & butter issue which is the main concern of most voters, thus my guess is tat most of the voters will think he is not a bad guy & vote for his team. my hope is tat wp go challenge grc helm by MBT with their strongest team instead. 3) the opp party draw out a alliance and consolidate their resources, some party should dissolve and merge with the bigger opp party. lets face it, apart from wp & possibly sda, the rest of the opp party will not be able to mount a strong enough team to take on p&p. 4) from reports, it seems like this is gonna be mr CST swansong year, & is highly likely he will come out from potong pasir & contest a grc. CST is a good old man & i hope he will win a grc & also his wife or whoever is contesting potong pasir will continue to fly the opp flag there. the above is purely my views only, but i think it can happen as we are the one holding the important vote.
  12. that time old one hint hint maybe got then younger one said dont have. But these few weeks my ward saw quite alot of TCSS activities e.g. home visits etc etc. Then quite a few of my friends in garmen received LOA for their "sacred duty". Any such happenings in your ward?
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