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After going through my experience to enrol my kids in P1 in Tao Nan, I always gave this advise to my colleagues and friends that the number one thing they need to do to get a good chance is to move house to within 1 km of the school. I happen to pass by the school general office while running an errand and was shocked by the information about this year P1 registration. Now even those kiasu parents who stay within 1km also have no guarantee for a place under phase 2B! Prior to 2008 exercise: less than 1km and less than 2km no need to go through ballot. 2008: less than 2kn need to ballot - only 8 places for about 30 applicants 2009: no idea 2010: even those less than 1km need to ballot - 63 places for 94 applicants! (Every year there are only about 60 places for phase 2B.) So if you are still serious about it, moving to within 1km is a MUST, else please consider other schools nearby as got no chance at all. There are simply too many landed being redeveloped into condos and apts in Telok Kurau area. How sad that the situation in TNS is now the same as other elite schools.