Pure Hydrogen Decarbonize Service Car below 2litre Capacity @ $48 only (usual $128) Car above 2Litre Capacity@ $68 only (Usual $188)
With the Hydrogen Engine Decarbonizing machine, she will decarbonize your car engine, which removes carbon, sludge and other deposits from your engine and this results in the following benefits:Quieter Engine
More Responsive
Less Vibrations
Restored Horse Power
Fuel Saving Enhanced Driving Experience
Smoother Engine
Restored Torque And Feels Lighter
Proven safe:Environmentally Safe
No Chemicals or Additives Used
Total Green Technology
Will Not Void Your Vehicles Warranty
No Dismantling Of Any Engine Parts
Hydrogen Decarbonizing services now available in DM woodlands/ DM kaki bukit. Promotional pricing now! Don't miss it. Clear your accumulated engine carbon for more efficiency and smooth driving. You will be surprised. Call 6341 6164 / 6363 5112 for more info now!