China always seems to come up with the strangest ideas and some of them actually seem pretty amazing. This is no exception. One geek managed to turn an Ipod into an Iphone, now they're thinking of making a bus that cars can drive under them to ease congestion.
It is a good idea to start of with as driving behind a bus is avoided most of the time by motorists. The reason is simple; buses are slow, huge, takes forever to change lanes and if they cut across the entire road to turn right at a junction from a bus stop, its no joke for the motorists behind as the entire road is jammed up till the lights change. With this 'innovation' of theirs, cars can now travel underneath the buses and the problem is solved! No more jams and the roads will be smooth and seemingly rid of buses.
However, there is a problem. What if the bus decides to change lane and you're driving under it? Or... what if there's a lunatic with a bomb in his car and wants to explode it just beneath the bus? It appears that by having this system, its almost like having a tram/train on the road where it can only travel on a fixed rail or route.
So not that feasible in our already congested city I would say.. what do you think?