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  1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/japan-earthquake-northeast-coast-tsunmai-warning-fukushima-miyagi-2569286 Earthquake again. 7.3 on Richter scale
  2. HuaLien had 7.4 mag earthquakes 30 minutes ago
  3. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/powerful-earthquake-hits-southeast-taiwan-2022-09-18/
  4. Magnitude 5.9 earthquake hits southern Iran, no casualties reported https://www.straitstimes.com/world/magnitude-59-earthquake-hits-southern-iran-no-casualties-reported "A magnitude 5.9 earthquake on Sunday (April 18) struck Iran's southern province of Bushehr, where a nuclear power plant is located, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage, state television reported." "The quake was centred 100 km (60 miles) away from the plant and was relatively shallow – only 10 km deep according to Iranian media – which would have amplified the shaking. Iranian media reported nine aftershocks and posted pictures that showed collapsed mud brick walls in some villages."
  5. Altivo


    Earthquake in Jakarta!! My building in Shenton way just shook!!! 7.9 on the richter scale.
  6. September 6, 2018 Tokyo (CNN)Yet another natural disaster has struck part of Japan, continuing a summer of chaos that has seen the country weather deadly floods, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides and heatwaves. At least two people were killed when a magnitude-6.7 quake struck the northern island of Hokkaido early Thursday, causing landslides which buried a "large" number of homes at the foot of a ridge. Dozens of people were injured by the quake, mostly in Sapporo, said Kazuya Isaki, an official with the Crisis Management Office of Hokkaido Prefecture Government. Around 20 people are missing in Atsuma, near the epicenter of the quake. Public broadcaster NHK reported that flights and public transport across the region had been brought to a standstill. Nearly 3 million households lost power, according to the Hokkaido Electric Power Company. Officials said a main power station lost operations, affecting other sites. Independently owned power generators were assisting. "The electric supply was stopped to Tomari nuclear plant, but it can operate without external electric supply for one week," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said. Risk of aftershocks The powerful quake lasted almost a minute, jolting residents from their beds and collapsing roads. Near the epicenter, landslides wiped out houses in the tiny town of Atsuma, home to 40 residents. Officials told NHK at least five people were buried in the rubble. Photos from Sapporo, Hokkaido's main city on the western part of the island, showed huge cracks in the street and subsided houses. More than 4,000 defense force soldiers have been deployed to help with rescue operations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, and that number could rise to 25,000 if needed. Helicopter rescue crews were also dispatched and have airlifted around a dozen people to safety. Evacuation shelters have been set up in many towns and cities around the region. Aftershocks were continuing Thursday morning, and could pose a risk for the next week, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, which warned residents of the increased risk that buildings could collapse near the epicenter of the original quake. Copy from https://edition.cnn.com/2018/09/05/world/japan-earthquake/index.html
  7. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/japan-earthquake-has-preliminary-magnitude-of-59
  8. http://www.moe.gov.sg/sabahearthquakefund/ "...‘Sabah Earthquake Fund’ has been set up for the dependents of Singaporeans who have lost their lives, as well as for the trainers and guides in Sabah who have lost their lives or had their livelihoods affected by the quake (the “Beneficiaries”). MOE will handle the collection of donations to this Fund, which will be administered by the Temasek Foundation. Donors should take note that the money collected in the Fund will only be used to help one or more of the following groups of Beneficiaries: The family of the late Mr Mohammad Ghazi Bin Mohamed; The family of the late Mr Loo Jian Liang Terrence Sebastian; The family of the late Mr Muhammad Daanish Bin Amran; or Mountain Torq trainers (or their families) and Sabahan mountain guides If no specific group of Beneficiaries is identified by a donor, the way in which the donation will be allocated amongst the four groups identified above will be determined by the Committee in its absolute discretion."
  9. http://www.domainofexperts.com/2015/06/letter-to-parents-who-lost-their.html If only more Singaporeans were more sensitive like this writer.
  10. [extract] Lamborghini has opened a new design center aimed specifically at the development of prototypes and concepts in a multi-storey building in the Sant
  11. [extract] Ferrari has announced plans to hold an online auction in aid of those affected by the two earthquakes which rocked Northern Italy
  12. BMW has overtaken Toyota as the world's most valuable automotive brand, according to market research company, Millward Brown. "As one of the great brands in the world, BMW has been absolutely consistent in the long-term regarding what is meaningfully different about their brand, in highly competitive market places," said Peter Walshe, Brown's global brand director. BMW was also the most valuable auto brand in 2010, while Toyota held the top spot from 2006 until 2009 as well as 2011. Unfortunately for Toyota, the company lost its top place in the ranking in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that affected all Japanese carmakers last year. As expected, the brand-value rankings of Honda, Nissan and Lexus were also affected, but the consolation is that all three remained in the top 10. For German car makers, namely Audi, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen, their ranking improved as a result of expanding presence in Asia, especially in China. With the economic uncertainty in Europe, it would be wise for these premium automakers to look towards Asia for future growth. Perhaps, Ferrari
  13. As I write this article (27/12/11), there will be only a few days left to 2011. Many things have happened in the automotive industry in 2011. This is not a list of the best or worst of 2011 in the automotive industry but more like a recap of some of the incidents/news that took place in the automotive world in 2011. Japan earthquake and tsunami catastrophe The 9.0 magnitude earthquake that happened in Japan on 11 March 2011 caused extensive damage to a lot of things. Not only properties and infrastructures were damaged, a significant number of human lives were lost as well. It was further made worse by a tsunami which was triggered by the earthquake. Video footage and images of people running to save their lives were broadcast on the news and it was a painful moment for everyone in the country. The earthquake also damaged a nuclear power plant which emitted harmful levels of radiation after that. On the business side, many automakers suffered huge losses when the earthquake and tsunami destroyed their manufacturing plants and new cars. Several of them had to shutdown their manufacturing operations and it took them months to get back at the same level before the disasters occurred. Toyota
  14. Toyota has announced profits of US$314 million for the first three months of 2011, down 77% as compared to the same period a year ago. Fortunately, Toyota still managed to remain profitable in spite of the March 11 earthquake that caused most Japanese plants to shut down. Toyota's sales were predictably low for the quarter, and revenue was hurt as a result. Toyota's profits for its fiscal fourth quarter may be disappointing, but the automaker is likely to release even less promising figures for the first 6 months of 2011. This is because Toyota is still struggling through supply issues, with many plants running at only 50% capacity, if they're running at all. Further, Toyota says that dealers in the U.S. and China are likely to see less products in the coming months, which could lead to much lower revenue. On a brighter note, Toyota now says that production should ramp up to 70% of capacity by June, up from previous estimates of July or August. That should help get Toyota back on its feet faster, which is good for employment as well. For the whole fiscal year, Toyota earned US$5.9 billion or nearly three times the profit of fiscal year 2009. Revenue was also up by 0.2% to $237 billion on sales of 7.3 million vehicles, up by 71,000 units as compared to 2009. The outlook for Toyota doesn
  15. The ongoing disaster in Japan caused by the massive earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 is forcing many automakers to extend production halts on domestic plants well into next week. On 16 March 2011, Toyota announced that it has decided to continue the production halt started on March 14 at all of its plants in Japan, including all subsidiary vehicle manufacturers through 22 March. According to reports, the suspension of production has already cost Toyota some 40,000 vehicles up until now.
  16. Audi shows that it is a company with rings of love and compassion. The German carmaker and its workforce will donate one million euros for victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The money will be made available to charities aiding in the humanitarian relief effort. The donation is part of a joint initiative by the Volkswagen Group.
  17. Haiz !! .Japan issued its top tsunami warning after a massive 8.8 magnitude offshore quake on Friday, with reports of 'numerous' injuries and ships being washed ashore by waves. The US Geological Survey upgraded the quake to 8.8 from 7.9. Numerous injuries were reported by police in Japan's Miyagi prefecture and there were reports of scores of cars floating in Iwate prefecture harbour. The meteorological agency issued its top-level evacuation alerts for the entire Japanese coast, warning of a tsunami of up to six metres (20 feet). A tsunami warning was issued for Japan, Russia and the Mariana Islands, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The quake struck about 382 kilometres (237 miles) northeast of Tokyo, the US Geological Survey said. Smoke could be seen rising from a building in Tokyo port. Shinkansen bullet trains stopped when the quake struck. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/japan-issues-top-...224304-913.html .
  18. Blog by someone in Japan. Even in disasters, japan drivers don't panic or get impatient like some of our drivers here. Cut here, cut there, horn this, horn that, not to mention high beam all the way... Are those drivers rushing to hospital becoz they are getting radiated?? * 渋滞した交差点での出来事 http://twitter.com/micakom/status/46264887281848320 一回の青信号で1台しか前に進めないなんてザラだったけど、誰もが譲り合い穏やかに運転している姿に感動した。複雑な交差点で交通が5分以上完全マヒするシーンもあったけど、10時間の間お礼以外のクラクションの音を耳にしなかった。恐怖と同時に心温まる時間で、日本がますます好きになった。 At a congested downtown intersection
  19. There is a saying that worst of times bring out the best of mankind. In this case, the animal-kind. Latest from Japan reporters who found this at one of the disaster sites:
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...112906715.html TOKYO -- A 6.9-magnitude earthquake has hit Japan swaying large buildings in the center of Tokyo. The earthquake hit Tuesday afternoon, centered off the country's southern coast, Japan's meteorological agency said. There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The agency said there was no danger of a tsunami.
  21. Taken from Mr Brown site: Friday, January 15, 2010 Singapore Government donates whopping US$50,000 for Haiti relief efforts I would like to commend the Straits Times for finding a red line thin enough to print, that represented the Singapore Government's donation to the earthquake victims of Haiti. You can see the line if you squint hard enough at this chart comparing the donations of various nations. It is that 0.1 point hairline my finger is pointing to in the photo. In fact, I think the line for Singapore may even have been rounded up because you can't print half a pixel of a line. 100,000 estimated deaths. US$50,000 from our generous government. That's 50 cents for every dead soul. US currency, ok? So it is almost a dollar Singapore money for the Haitians. Why ah? GIC lost too many hundreds of millions in that Manhattan project ah? I have two words for you, Singapore Gahmen: Cheap b------ds. I cannot believe it when I see in the ST that Singapore only donated US$50000. Rip us off so much money but only donate such an amount. Surely they can do more? Greed at work. Am even more surprised that ST published the article. Hell, even US actress Alyssa Milano can donate US$50000 from her own pocket. Singapore as a country is donating the same amount as a person? Disgrace... Alyssa Milano has donated $50,000 to UNICEF to aid in the relief of Haiti earthquake victims, and she is challenging corporations to match or better it. “Last night, as I sat in the comfort of my living room, watching the news and obsessively checking my Twitter homepage for the latest developments, I felt completely helpless,” she wrote in the Huffington Post. "I cried, and then I did the only thing I could do…I wrote a check to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF for $50,000. But I woke up this morning feeling that this wasn’t enough. As I sat in my bed trying to brainstorm how to raise more money… “I challenge any corporation to match my $50,000 donation to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. 100% of every dollar will go directly to supplies that include tarpaulins, water-purification tablets, oral rehydration salts, family water kits, medical supplies, medical kits, food, shelter, and protection.”
  22. CH_CO


    I just felt temors .. this time quite serious the whole place shake
  23. http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews/Story...1533-89661.html
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