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  1. These days even little animals got to do a song and dance to get sales https://m.facebook.com/100069321672388/videos/狗狗在店裡3個月賣不出去-結果就這樣了怎麼辦/1184309919110449/
  2. I have email and posted comments on his blog but NO reply questions to him 1. Have you declare that you do not have self interest (that is you did yourself invest in the minibonds) in the minibond that you appear to be fighting so hard for the people 2. If you want to run for the president why do you want to have 100,000 signatures before you decide to apply? Could this be just vanity or an ego trip? 3. While in NTUC as the Chairman what were you doing, hibernating or sucking eggs (must big ones like ostrich eggs) for the past 30 years AND suddenly you come out to grind your axe with almost everyone who had worked with you like your replacement in NTUC and the authorities. I asked if he stepped down or was removed but did not get a reply. These are just but few of the burning questions that people would like to know but you have kept mum. you seek greater transparency from the authorities but how about starting with yourself first especially if you already demonstrated your interest in running for presidency. What do you guys think?
  3. https://video-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtf1/v/t42.1790-2/11644470_1036268653083878_1082312275_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjEwNDUsInJsYSI6Mzg0Nn0%3D&rl=1045&vabr=581&oh=9b5d5d8a36e08ed831f8d9951f0998a9&oe=55E2CD65
  4. I had a operation on August.They dun provide letter of guarantee. So I pay around 8k cash n 3k medisave. They promise me, will pay me in 2week. Ccb. August 8th until now 3 fu(king long month, I have not even recieve a single cent. I keep calling them, they tell me need to investigate, zzzz . Investigate Wat? Trying to find out me n doc trying to cheat them is it. 100% screw up company. 11k , so small amount, fu(king big co can't pay, must delay so long. Next time buy insurance, please find those co that offer letter of guarantee!!
  5. Seriously the TP should interview this GT7774R driver. https://www.facebook.com/JBTALKS.CC?ref=stream&hc_location=stream#!/photo.php?v=10152532676330166&set=vb.204917265165&type=2&theater Sorry repost https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDYFExhR588qXDH&url=https%3A%2F%
  6. Good luck to them on holding expensive goods! will there be fire-sale coming soon? they mark up 20-30k for 2nd hand cars above parf+body...time for them to jialat jialat
  7. http://therealsingapore.com/content/prof-b...t-say-singapore Can anyone explain to me the meaning of this article? I dun get it...
  8. As per topic, is there such a condo in singapore anyone knows of?
  9. If say own a car but wont be driving at all, can apply to LTA don't need to buy road tax and insurance or not ? Asking for a friend in this situation. Friend was told by an anonymous car insurance agent that this is allow by LTA and can apply. Anyone knows ? There dont seem to be any infor on this in the LTA website. Thanks .
  10. Failed Beauty Personally, there are many risks associated with "cosmetic surgery" unless it really bothers U and affect your self esteem, then after consultation with your doctor then do it otherwise the benefits may not outweight the risk please do not subject your body to unnecessary punishment in the end also save lots of money
  11. http://theonlinecitizen.com/2012/09/jack-s...w-down-the-loo/
  12. http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/...924-373503.html http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/...924-373445.html
  13. be alert to your environment when driving
  14. Even if you dont believe PAP, please believe in international rankings. They wont lie or make Spore look good because they are neutral. If you are still feeling poor in Spore, please take Causeway link to Johor and hop on to a long-distance bus to Kuantan or Port Dickson to jump. Dont do it at Bodoh Reservior because its fully booked. No wonder this whole year I suddenly feel so radiant and rich .. S
  15. Something we tend to take for granted..have a look Click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXiWuCtE3cE
  16. http://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews...713-358934.html
  17. My civic is due for the 30k km servicing very soon. What happens if i dont send it back to KM? Will i void warranty or something. I have been sending my car for the 1k, 10k and 20k servicing to KM. Seems to me that the servicing is very expensive. They charged me close to $300 for the 20k servicing, so I think it will be even more for the 30k one. Am I right to assume that that it will be cheaper if done elsewhere. What are the consequences if I do it elsewhere?
  18. when you split up, dont ...... Bitter dentist pulls out all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth Monday, Apr 30, 2012 The Korea Herald/Asia News Network When 45-year-old Marek Olszewski booked an appointment with his dentist ex-girlfriend Anna Mackowiak, he thought she would put aside the fact that he dumped her and treat him like any other patient. He was gravely mistaken. Mackowiak now faces up to 3 years in jail for pulling out every single one of Olszewski's teeth, the Daily Mail reported Sunday. The vengeful 34-year-old dentist put Olszewski to sleep with a heavy dose of anesthetics and thoroughly emptied his mouth. She then strapped Olszewski's jaw with bandages, and told him he needed to see a specialist. "I didn't have any reason to doubt her, I mean I thought she was a professional," said Olszewski. But when he got home, he found out he was completely tooth-free. Olszewski said he was going to have to "pay a fortune" to get implants. Adding insult to injury, his new girlfriend left him because she "can't be with a man without teeth." Mackowiak said she tried to treat her Olszewski without letting her emotions get the better of her. "But when I saw him lying there I just thought, 'What a b******'," said Mackowiak. Mackowiak is being investigated for medical malpractice and abusing the trust of a patient.
  19. Singapore banker detained in China Ms Wu was due to return to Singapore to get married next Saturday, but is being detained for allegedly aiding a client of embezzlement. Sat, Mar 17, 2012 AsiaOne Miss Eden Wu Yidian and her American fiance, Mr Jason David Tan, who are engaged and had planned to get married in Singapore on Mar 24. A Singaporean banker working in Shanghai as a relationship manager for Standard Chartered Bank's private banking business has been detained in China. Ms Eden Wu Yidian, 31, has been held in a Wuxi jail near Shanghai since March 6 for allegedly harbouring a client who is on the run after embezzling US$50 million (S$63.4 million), according to news reports quoting her fiance. Ms Wu was due to return to Singapore to get married on March 24, said The New Paper. Although she has not been charged with any crime, Chinese police are investigating a client of hers who allegedly fled the country after embezzling money from the state-owned Agricultural Bank of China. The client was an employee of the bank's branch in Jiangyin, a city in Jiangsu province near Shanghai, reported The Financial Times. According to The Straits Times, Ms Wu came to Singapore 10 years ago after graduating from a university in China. She is said to be fluent in English, Mandarin, Hokkien and Japanese. She started working in the banking sector after passing an accountancy exam. Ms Wu eventually took up Singaporean citizenship and is engaged to business consultant Mr Jason Tan, a 34-year-old Chinese-American living in Shanghai. Mr Tan told Lianhe Wanbao that he had not been able to see his fiance for nine days but was allowed to speak to her on the phone. The last time he spoke to her was on Thursday. He added that he and his parents are worried for her and she had pleaded for help. Since January, Ms Wu had been summoned by Chinese police for questioning five times, said Mr Tan. Ms Wu did not think anything of it initially and had told the police that she had to return to Singapore by March 8. However, she was detained when she visited the police station with her fiance. Mr Tan told New York Times: "After I had waited outside the police station for about an hour, the police told me she was being detained." The police also handed her diamond engagement ring, watch and necklace to him, reported Shin Min Daily News. Mr Tan said he had accompanied her at least twice on her earlier visits to the police station and even witnessed her putting her thumbprint on some documents. He was not allowed to sit in when she was questioned but she had told him of the sessions, said Mr Tan. He also told Lianhe Wanbao that Ms Wu had not taken any money and was not aiding or harbouring anyone involved in the case. Mr Tan said that since she started working in the private banking division in Shanghai nine months ago, Ms Wu had had the opportunity to mingle with some of the wealthiest people in China. The Straits Times said that a Standard Chartered spokesman confirmed that Ms Wu was the bank's employee and said it was providing support by liaising with her family and legal representative. The Standard Chartered spokesman also told The New Paper: "We are unable to comment on Eden's detention as this is part of an ongoing investigation by the police, but we can confirm that Standard Chartered is not being investigated." Mr Tan said that the stress, anxiety and sleepless nights had caused him to lose 6kg since he last saw her. Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Singapore Consulate-General in Shanghai is aware of the case, which is currently under investigation. It said it will render all necessary consular assistance, including paying visits to Ms Wu, said The Straits Times.
  20. I like the body configuration of the RX8:- 4-seater, with better than 2-door access for the rear passengers by use of rear-half-doors. But my concern of high maintenance etc of the rotary engine (which doesnt really improve performance by a lot vs mazda 2.3 turbo engine) keep me away from this model. If Mazda produced the RX8 with a more convention power plant like the 2.3L T as an alternative, they may sell more RX8s? Similarly, proven engines like the old evo engine or the STi engine can also be used in other models for more ommphs.... The Jazz/Fit lineup also lacks a performance version wherelse Polo, etc have it. A great body needs a great engine to produce a winner while the B&B verison can continue to sell to the general car buyers. What other mix-and-match models you can think of?
  21. Excluding bulldozer.... For me its hard to say. When a car model becomes popular with pimps, ahlongs, haolianers, gays, etc proabably its about time I consider 'blacklisting' them.... But the big question is: how to tell? any ideas?
  22. My passport has a validity of 10yrs...left about 1.5yrs to go. Just wondering if I can renew in advance? My photo taken 10yrs ago doesnt look like me cos i put on weight LOL.
  23. Check out the following: "Couple of weeks ago though, I was in Tokyo and when I was in Tokyo, I took some samples. Now, I did not look for the highest radiation spot. I just went around with five plastic bags and when I found an area, I just scooped up some dirt and put it in a bag. One of those samples was from a crack in the sidewalk. Another one of those samples was from a children
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