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Found 4 results

  1. Some of us might had reservation about the extensive use of computers and digital media in today's classrooms. A recent OECD report confirms this: Computers 'do not improve' pupil results - latest OECD report warned. The OECD's education director Andreas Schleicher says school technology had raised "too many false hopes.. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-34174796 The report also mentioned: Students who use computers very frequently at school get worse resultsStudents who use computers moderately at school, such as once or twice a week, have "somewhat better learning outcomes" than students who use computers rarelyThe results show "no appreciable improvements" in reading, mathematics or science in the countries that had invested heavily in information technology.High achieving school systems such as South Korea and Shanghai in China have lower levels of computer use in school.Singapore, with only a moderate use of technology in school, is top for digital skills
  2. Currently my GPS is mounted at about eye level near the A pillar to my right. I find it easy to take a quick glance at it without moving my eyes too much / too long from the road in front. My right hand finger can reach the touch screen quite easily but it leaves only my left hand holding the steering wheel (may not be too safe in case there's an emergency). This position also blocks the views of cars coming from the right hand side road on some ocassions. Any bro knows a safer yet convenient position for the GPS screen? Btw, how you guys hide the cable for the plug-in power socket (usually connecting the GPS to the cigarate lighter socket on the dashboard or near the gear console)?? Many thanks
  3. just yesterday was at a 7-11 at Changi Business park... Bought a btl of eye drops... Gave $50... Tried small talk to ask if its busy at night... The indian cashier mumble don't know what we both couldn't understand each other... Wtf... So I simply said nevermind. While he was preparing my change my phone rang... I chatted on the phone while taking the change n walked away to the side... Decided to enjoy the aircon while on the phone so stayed in 7-11 for a while longer. Call ended... Put my money in my wallet... Usually I will just put my $ in my front pocket but this time it was into my wallet n realized got no receipt... And I counted only 30+ dollars... I went back to the counter n asked the a-----e how much my eye drops... He keep quiet... I looked at him while waiting for my answer n then he said 6dollars... I show him I only had 30+ n my whole wallet had no more $10 notes... He immediately gave me another $10.... Hey I know its my fault I didn't count my change... But he didn't even dispute my claim... Shows he is guilty of purposely giving me less change cause I on the phone?... If its a genuine mistake he shouldn't like just give me back $10 just like this? DEAR ALL PLEASE BEWARE OF THESE KIND OF CASHIERS!!! Other examples of distraction getting me... today was cruising on the BKE towards town... speed ard 90km/h... plus minus... reaching camera so concentrate abit on my foot to maintain speed... then phone rings... talk and talk and when i hung up, realised i have no idea what speed i passed the camera at... KNN.... sotong sia... last week, i went to AMK Jacks Plc for lunch... as i entered a lot, this very very and i mean very pretty lady in her 20s walked towards my car with one hand with a slight wave at me, as if she had a question for me... short hair, flawless skin... can see a bit of a gentle long kang... figure super... i was almost drooling... i got out of my car and i tried my best to look up at her face level as she asked if she could buy a dollar coupon for me... i said sure and gave her one and said its ok she can hv it for free... but she insisted to pay and reached into her bag to get her $$$... my eyes were roving all over her... she paid me $1 and thanked me with a smile that almost gave me a hard-on... as she left i stared and stared and stared at her... like a bloody pervert... i continued to tear a coupon for myself and hurried for my lunch appt at Jack's plc... after lunch i was hving a smoke outside the restaurant and looked around, and saw a BLOODY CASH CARD GANTRY... NB... Wtf sia... bloody stupid man!... (anyways just for the record, AMK Jack's Plc open space carpark only started gantry just recently... for years since i was a kid and dined at Jacks with my mum, i always helped her tear coupons before we reach...) Bros... no matter how important or serious the things you do everyday, ALWAYS concentrate on watever you do and dont let distraction get you... hahaha... Damn bo liao right?... was free while waiting for an appointment that was late today and ended up typing n typing...
  4. It's a sin to be sexy..... KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIA'S Muslim men are suffering sleepless nights and cannot pray properly because their thoughts are distracted by a growing number of women who wear sexy clothes in public, a prominent opposition cleric said. Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, the spiritual leader of Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS), said he wanted to speak about the 'emotional abuse' that men face because it is seldom discussed, the fundamentalist Islamic party reported on its website yesterday. 'We always (hear about) the abuse of children and wives in households, which is easily perceived by the eye, but the emotional abuse of men cannot be seen,' Datuk Nik Aziz said. 'Our prayers become unfocused and our sleep is often disturbed.' He has made controversial comments about women in the past, including that women should stop wearing lipstick and perfume to lower the risk of being raped. Women's groups have slammed his statements. They say comments like his encourage rapes because they put the blame on women. Datuk Nik Aziz is also the Chief Minister of Kelantan, the sole Malaysian state that is not ruled by the Barisan Nasional governing coalition. In the northern state, the Islamic party has fined Muslim women for not wearing headscarves in workplaces and implemented separate check-out lines for men and women in supermarkets.
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