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Found 11 results

  1. I don't know about you but I find it unhelpful to users now that the dislike count is put to private. The dislike button will still be there and we will still be able to dislike the video but only the content creator can view it now. YouTube says it is supposedly meant to discourage trolls from doing a group attack. I do rely on the dislike count to decide if the video is worth my time or not, especially if it's an educational or tutorial type of content.
  2. Recently come across more and more disgruntled voices (some that I can think of in recent memory includes @Turboflat4, @jamesc, @eviilusion, myself) with regards to the anonymous function when giving praise or dislike, especially the dislike portion of it. I do recognize that MCF points cannot be exchanged for grocery vouchers and one should not be overly mindful of the points since it has no impact in your real practical life what so ever. I also recognize that anonymous function do have it's positive role and use eg. when we want to give another person further praise and need to cycle through at least 10 other person, sometimes I will use the anonymous like to give 1 point to some posts that did not particularly shout out to me but is fair in the contents. In between 5 and 1 point, given the current "market rate" , 1 point will seem a little stingy, therefore anonymous function will be useful here. If anyone have used the dislike function before, one will know that to give a dislike, you will have to enter some reason for the dislike before the system allows you to do so. I will assume that is some sort of deterrent for wanton use of the dislike function. But frankly, is this system effective? Do the mods monitor the content entered? I did get some dislike points with the comments totally not linked to the topic the supposed anonymous person is disliking for . or Simply a "haha" or some nasty words. That to me is personal attack. And the funny thing is I have never even met the person in real life. I also realised that this function has been abused by intellectually challenged people with oversized ego to "get back at the person" when they have been out debated in the open. If the system owner thinks that giving a dislike (reasons required) should be handled differently from giving a praise (no reasons required), then shouldn't it be time to review if anonymous function for the dislike should be abolished? If the anonymous function for dislike is abolished, it will make people think harder if they really want to give the dislike and if they are willing to stand by their differing point of view and defend it in the open in an intellectual discussion rather than sniping in the dark. I must come up and say outright that I myself have used the anonymous dislike function during the early days of my forum participation when I was too hot headed and taking things too seriously. I apologize sincerely to those (not that many lah ) I have given anonymous dislike to previously. That is not something I am particularly proud of and is hoping we can make some changes for the betterment of MCF.
  3. Please be reasonable and polite when you using the "Dislike" function.
  4. Dear Admin can we have a feature which allow us to click like / dislike on every comment same as Facebook or yahoo comment?
  5. This is just too funny that I had to post. ----- Mon, Apr 04, 2011 The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network Email Print Decrease text size Increase text size The hard truth: People in Asia dislike sex by Nury Vittachi A newly-wed bride on honeymoon put on her sexiest clothes. Her husband reacted in the obvious way
  6. It is not really amusing to find some of us naturally irked over comments or posts being junked especially when it is anonymously disliked. Somehow, it can become a pain in the pinny when the dislike is not accompanied or supported by reasons or opposing views. Perhaps, this forum should follow what facebook does i.e. have only *like* without dislike or have dislike but compel the one who junks a post to log-in as a member but deny those who want to dislike as an anonymous. This way, those who dislike a post or comment will have to take some kind of responsibility to oppose a view? Will this be of any help? Perhaps, more will feel better this way since their post may not be junked by someone with ill intention? No?? Just my 2 cents as a member.
  7. i notice alot of ppl reaction to like or praise is like u tio 4d or promoted from work. kenna dislike nia is like the whole world is falling. come on, what u say or your comment cannot be like by 100 % of the community right? giving dislike for a post that u dun like is part and parcel of this forum, ( at least till now, unless rules have been change) unless the ppl giving u a dislike start calling u names , if u receive any dislike, even if no name is given, u should not start calling him bad name, and start degrading him. i alway trash cyclist in the forum, i myself receive alot of dislike, i give my comment and view and debate with my own pov, we can have different view, but we do not call ppl name because of that.
  8. The Junk button was intended for users to have an outlet to express their negative emotions on posts. It could be for disagreement, anger, annoyance, disgusted, etc. We have received much feedback that Junk is too strong a word to use. The administrators including myself also agree that this word has a much stronger negative connotation than we had intended. Therefore, we have changed Junk to Dislike. Receiving a few negative points should not be taken too seriously. But if you get it all the time from many users, then you should reflect on your own words and behaviour. We welcome all feedback on this change. Hope everyone can Dislike and get Disliked in peace.
  9. As above. Do you dislike the driver in front of you smoking, window winding down, 1 hand holding a cigarette, flicking the cigarette ash onto the road and some landed on your car bonnet/bumper? or u hack care/dun mind at all?
  10. Just to share : ) http://news.xin.msn.com/en/sci-tech/articl...umentid=4278362
  11. Like: Relatively honest Dislike: Breath of knowledge is lacking
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