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Found 6 results

  1. What is the average range of brand new Japanese car depreciation rate? Ppl always say car deprec highest in first 2 years? 1 year old: XX% 2 year old: XX% 3 year old: XX% 4 year old: XX% 5 year old: XX% 6 year old: XX% 7 year old: XX% 8 year old: XX% 9 year old: XX%
  2. Starting a thread for noob questions you always wanted to ask, but didn't dare to or didn't know how to. Let me start the ball rolling. Why does property appreciate? Does it not experience wear and tear like any other material possession? Is it because of demand vs supply and inflation?
  3. Visit My Website This kind of rubbish car also have such a high depreciation???? I wonder what kind of fool would buy it. Its such an old car, no power, no looks, no gadgets, no comfort....i am flabberghasted.
  4. http://www.sgcarmart.com/used_cars/info.ph...5179&DL=504 According to my dealer friend, probably can bid and get this car at $60K+. Given that the Chrysler 300C new car price now is $140K, its a 60% depreciation for a 3.5 year old car. See here : Chrysler 300C new car price Great value? Anyway, really wonder how people who buy 300C cannot afford to pay instalments.
  5. I think v few cars hold their value well nowdays unlike the the past where Toyota, Honda etc can still be sold at good values. Nowadays seems like 3 year old cars are sold close to scrap values esp the outdated models & looking that sgcarmart, it seems harder & harder to sell 2nd hand cars cos Singaporeans all want 1st hand spanking new cars. Dont believe? Just give a call to a dealer to find out what is ur car's trade in value. Certain exotic cars like coupes, cabriolets, sports cars appear to hold their values better but I suspect not easy to find a buyer of those cars. Whats your take on this trend?
  6. For those new car owners or cars bought under the latest parf system, can we see how much will the car price drop once it is on the road? As we all know, dealers will only take in cars for parf + a few $k. So what will our cars be worth after, say only 1 yr? Or even just after it is on the road? Info required in your reply for all to compare - Car model: Mth/yr registered: Purchase price ($): OMV ($): COE ($): PARF ($):
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