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Found 16 results

  1. Happy Deepavali to all Hindu bros and and sis................. Welcome the Festival of Lights............May the supreme light of lights, enlighten and enrich all our life!!!!...........
  2. I guess the authorities aren't a huge fan of this tradition! In the first few seconds, large crowds have gathered on both sides of the road as a mass of motorcyclists roar through the street. Another video showing a different perspective of this gathering captures the magical moment when the large party passes through the crowd. Riding through the roads, a cambike manages to get a glimpse of all the bikers waiting patiently at a traffic junction just before the 'parade' starts. However, it appears that a few of these motorcyclists might have attracted some unwanted attention from the Traffic Police (TP). Several officers issued fines to these cyclists as they stood around in a large grass patch. Some of these motorcyclists could be seen not wearing masks while they're waiting. Gathering during COVID-19 While it is unclear as to why these motorcyclists are getting stopped and fined, one possible explanation could be due to the fact that this event resulted in a major gathering in public. According to the latest COVID-19 rules in Singapore, individuals are required to wear a mask and stay at least 1 meter away from one another while in public. Additionally, the TP has stopped motorcyclists during a similar event last year over the Hari Raya weekend. Netizens' reactions Upon hearing of this incident, netizens were quick to point out the difference in standards between the treatment of motorcyclists and cyclists by the authorities. Most of them did not see a problem with the event, since it was intended to spread some joy during the festive season. While we don't know the real reason as to why the authorities have stopped these bikers, it is evident that events like this attract large crowds and could potentially be a new hot spot for the COVID-19 virus. --------------------- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
  3. https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/deepavali-coming-it-too-early-xmas-decor-orchard this is an old article dated 2016 but there are fresh debates again this year, actually every year tbh this has been goin on for years x'mas light up mid nov overlaps with deepavali but isnt deepavali also the festival of lights? that said the x'mas lights were not lit yet when i drove to orchard.. decor also toned down this year i hope im not being overly sensitive or insensitive but seems like everything these days can be used to cause singaporeans to become divisive / political this can be seen on facebook comments i'm all for the lights no matter the festival i think common knowledge for singaporeans.. to celebrate deepavali go little india, serangoon road, x'mas will be orchard road because too commercialized celebrated worldwide, chinese new year go chinatown, hari raya go haig road or geylang serai that said does anyone still go orchard road at all??
  4. To all Indian friends of MCF. .......... HAPPY DEEPAVALI .............
  5. if anyone can help it wld be much appreciated. It's a public holiday today and my IU chose to die all the vicom n sta inspection centers are closed. Does any one know where I can go to repair it pls? Thanks much bros.
  6. As per subject title, free use of Revised OPC scheme for whole day on TUE, 21 Oct. Eve of Deepavali. Don't blur blur buy $20 OPC license. *OPC = Off Peak Car
  7. Best Wishes to all Indian Bros and Sis ............... [laugh]
  8. one farker in CCK Ave 4 decided to blast hokkien songs since 8am in the morning. been wanting to have a long sleep and rest over the weekend for the past few weeks and thanks to this inconsiderate fella. i wonder if his kids are all gg to be like him in the future.. really "bo ka si"! wad wud u do to make him stop?
  9. In a press statement on public holidays for 2009 released on 21 February 2008, the Ministry of Manpower announced that Deepavali would fall on 15 November 2009 (Sunday), subject to confirmation when the Indian Almanac becomes available. The Deepavali date for 2009 has now been confirmed. The Hindu Endowments Board (HEB) has advised that Deepavali will fall on 17 October 2009 (Saturday) instead of 15 November 2009 (Sunday). The variation in date was due to the rare occurrence of two
  10. Anyone going up to Port Dickson for this coming holiday? Was trying to have company on the way up... thanks!
  11. What's Bruce Lee's favourite drink? Wa-taaah--!!! ================================================================================ ====== A woman in the bar says that she wants to have plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts. Her husband tells her, "Hey, you don't need surgery to do that. I know how to do it without surgery." The lady asks, "How do I do it without surgery?" "Just rub toilet paper between them." Startled the lady asks, "How does that make them bigger?" "I don't know, but it worked for your ass." ================================================================================ ====== Okay. Your turn.
  12. To all Hindu MCFers and their love ones.
  13. though it is updated in the MOM website, but calendars display the outdated date, so do take note when you plan for holiday...is a long weekend
  14. Interesting pictures and news article: http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,302...pos=TAB_CONTENT
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