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Not only the processed meat are dangerous. The commercially farmed livestocks and aquaculture products are also dangerous. There is over-usage of enzymes, growth hormones and medication, including regular dosage of antibiotic, in the livestock industry. They are constantly increasing the cycle output and animal nutritionist are constantly under pressure to add new additives to the feeds or injection to promote body mass growth of the livestock. Fast mass body growth means shorter production cycle and increase profit for the farmers. Eat meats in moderation and at your own perils. Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer. Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness: Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives. Processed meats include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, sandwich meat, packaged ham, pepperoni, salami and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are usually manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient known as sodium nitrite. This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite also results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body. And this leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for those who eat them.A 2005 University of Hawaii study found that processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. Another study revealed that every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 50 percent. These are alarming numbers. Note that these cancer risks do not come from eating fresh, non-processed meats. They only appear in people who regularly consume processed meat products containing sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite appears predominantly in red meat products (you won
Powered bicycle exceeds 60km/h while playing with ‘lightsabers’
Fadevfast posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
Another day, another PAB/PMD story. Why is it always the younger people using these? What happened? At 1.32 A.M, a PMD and PAB (Power Assisted Bicycle) were spotted going over 60km/h on Jalan Eunos. The PMD is initially in the lead but that changes at 0:34 in the video, when the PAB surges past the PMD like a turbo kicked in. Impressively, it looks like this was all while the PAB rider was using one hand to keep the bike steady as he held a flashing traffic wand in his left hand (our aforementioned lightsaber). His passenger held a flashing traffic wand in his right hand as well in order to keep things perfectly balanced, as all things should be. So? As cool as this may be, it doesn’t change the fact that the riders were breaking the law and endangering themselves, as well as other motorists. People caught up on this too. Others asked what would the LTA and traffic police do to stop this from happening. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today! -
TL;DR - Cam-car's attempt to filter behind the McLaren Convoy was disrupted by a McLaren 720S that sped past to prevent overtaking. A perfect example of monkey on wheels. Watch this 33-second video to see how this cam-car tried to sandwich between two McLarens but almost got 'rekt'. So what happened? The cam-car signaled right with the intention to filter to the next lane behind the McLaren Convoy. However, his/her attempt failed as a McLaren 720S sped up to prevent the cam-car from cutting into the lane - which was not wrong of the 720S but the cam-car definitely thought otherwise. The space between the 720S and the Convoy was the safety distance maintained and it was unsafe for the cam-car to overtake in that situation. But of course, the cam-car was clearly unhappy about it. In case you didn't know how powerful the 720S is: It's a supercar for a reason. Online Chat: Seems that everyone felt that the cam-car was the one in the wrong; he/she should’ve waited behind the trailer until the 720S has passed before filtering. Guess the cam-car just self-sabotaged him/herself by sending this clip to SGRV...? Bottom Line Driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users constitutes aggressive driving that can cause harm to other road users - it pays to be extra cautious on the road! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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Audi A4 driver arrested for drink driving in a hit-and-run accident along the PIE
millanda posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
TL;DR - A speeding Audi A4 driver knocks down a motorcyclist and pillion before driving away. The driver eventually gets arrested for suspected drink driving. Drink-driving cases in Singapore are on the rise after our nations battle with Covid-19. Source: Singapore Police Force PDF report While people are getting more brazen post-covid, it takes a very special kind of human to speed, hit another vehicle and run away... WHILE DRUNK (at friggin 8am in the morning) Watch this 47-second shocker of a video. So what happened? The cam car caught the A4 speeding (way over the limit, that’s for sure) and colliding into a motorcyclist and pillion, sending them off the bike. Several road users rushed to help the injured but the culprit did not bother to stop and instead, fled the scene. According to the caption, the driver was eventually apprehended and arrested for suspected drink driving. Drink driving carries a heavy penalty in Singapore. In fact, to deter anyone else from drink driving, we even have a colleague who got caught drink driving and wrote about his experience! The consequence doesn't sound fun at all. With my civic duty done, let's look at some nasty comments shall we? Online Chatter Lots of nasty and angry comments made as expected. Folks, always remember: No matter how good your alcohol tolerance is, the immediate effect makes it extremely dangerous to engage in any activity requiring skill, attention and coordinated movements. That includes driving! Don’t put the lives of yourself and others in danger by drink-driving. Call a cab or a valet and get home safe. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!- 4 comments
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I was diagnosed my blood has high platelet count five years ago and the condition has evolved to life-threatening level. High platelet makes the blood thick which can result in stroke or heart attack. My Bone marrow keeps producing excessive platelet. I have been on aspirin last five years for diluting the blood but there is no significant help. There is no medication can control bone marrow in platelet production (in reducing it). Normal platelet count is 150-450. My reading was 580 five years ago and risen to current 1001 last week. I have been seeing a Hematologist in SGH last five years, blood test on quarterly basis, one aspirin a day. i am told my condition is very rare. I am 53 y/o. my blood pressure and cholestrol level are normal. No diabetics. I know i have to look for alternatives and more opinions. i went to chong hwa toa payoh last night but there is no specialist there knows how to treat my condition. I was prescribed some medications and had 30-mins of acupuncture. i am looking for some real experience in treating high platelet count problem. my life is in danger. Please help to recommend / share anything you know including specialist / medication recommendation. I will be very grateful of it. THANK YOU.
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Guys I do not know is it just me, apparently i have more close/dangerous encounters with food delivery cyclists on the roads. I almost had a few close encounters with the cyclists for past few weeks dashing in front or beside me when turning. i know its tough for them to deliver food on two wheels, but i suppose being safer n follow traffic rules might be better?
Here's a video uploaded by SG Road Vigilante showing a speeding Volkswagen Scirocco zig-zagging along PIE, which also reminds me of another infamous incident caused by a speeding Kia Cerato last weekend. This happened along the Upper Bukit Timah Exit with another unrecognisable car seemingly chasing closely behind him. Putting other road users in danger The Scirocco driver then channeled his inner Alonso to manoeuvre between a tipper truck and a silver Van, overtaking both vehicles in one go. Although i have to admit that this was a well executed move, this act of weaving in and out of traffic puts other road users in danger. Reckless or dangerous driving Many drivers with common sense would already know this, but i'd just like to remind everyone that anyone driving a motor vehicle recklessly, or at a speed or manner which is dangerous to the public, is guilty of an offence. Netizens on Youtube has some comments to say about this: CNY is coming. So please ladies and gentlemen, do drive safe.
Two cyclists dash across red light: Are they exempt from traffic rules?
lonlonlon posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
Here we have two cyclists caught dashing across red light, at a junction near JCube along Jurong Gateway Road (Uploaded by SG Road Vigilante) From the footage, looks like these cyclists are not wearing helmets. The video is also accompanied with some strong language by the camcar driver: Camcar Driver (in Mandarin): 这两个XX来的。人家在过马路,#$%@$!@。这个是XX来的这种人!! (Rough translation in English): These two people are XX!! Other people crossing the road! #$%@$!@. These two people are XX, these kind of people! Are cyclists exempt from traffic rules? Obviously not, because LTA has already defined a specific set of rules for Bikes, Electric Bikes, E-Scooters & PMDs. While his strong language is dramatic, I can understand the camcar driver's frustration. Understandably, it is difficult to enforce these rules on non-motorised cyclists as they usually do not have license plates, and do not have to register their 'vehicle' with LTA. The repeated honking is pretty much all he can do - as a driver on the road, there's almost no way to properly identify these two cyclists. Here's some reactions from fellow netizens on Youtube: Safer roads for all. What do you think we can do to help enforce these rules for all road users? Let us know in the comments below 🙂 -
Is it really so difficult to use your signals on the road?
Typicalcarguy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
So, I chanced upon a video posted on Facebook page with the caption: "Posting as video witness. Lorry driver changes lanes without signalling or checking blindspots, causes Pizza Hut delivery rider to slip and fall to avoid collision. Wishing rider speedy and full recovery. Happened along Thomson Road on 12/01/2021." My first thought: What exactly is it about turn signal / indicators that makes them so difficult to use?! Whenever an incident occurs, only the first party would know what exactly happened, however, some Facebook users felt that the lorry driver wasn't in the wrong: Indeed, when you take a closer look, it does seem like the slippery white line on the road might have contributed to the Pizza Hut delivery rider's loss of control of the bike. Whether the delivery rider fell because of the slippery road conditions, he was forced to react in a split second (likely after a long tiring day of riding in the rain)to save his own life, all because the lorry driver didn't felt the need to use his signals. At the end of the day, we should always be considerate on the road, nobody can read your mind, if you want to make a turn or lane change, is it really that much to expect everyone to use their signals?- 1 comment
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Hmm, what's that in the middle of the road? What's she doing in the middle of the road?! According to "A woman was seen sitting in the middle of the road at night with busy traffic around her. Luckily all the vehicles saw her and slowed down. A man can also be seen standing by the roadside looking or talking to her." So that's the obstacle in the middle of a busy road... Here's what some Facebook users have to say about it: While we do not know the entire situation, sitting in the middle of the road sure is a hazard to all road users, and of course the woman who's putting herself in harm's way. Does the driving schools include such scenarios in the driving simulators? Maybe they should start...
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- sit in middle of road
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For me personally it would be animals (dogs/cats) dashing out onto the road. Even if you're traveling at a reasonable speed (say 50-60), if the said animal is too near, it would be almost impossible to avoid it. My friend has ever encountered a car tyre in ECP. He was lanesplitting on his Hayabusa when the person infront jammed brake but he couldn't change his course or ebrake. He went right over it and broke his gear lever and chipped off some fairing. Lucky to be alive. If his bike was any smaller, doubt he would be able to make it across.
Dangerous games that young children may be playing, including hurting others or themselves. A few years back they had the blue whale game.
Irresponsible motorists to face harsher penalties, with new rules to deter dangerous, careless driving
Should cyclists be banned/fined on the road given that the Park Connector is just beside the road? So many millions have been spent on Park Connectors to bring safety to cyclists and yet some still cycle on the road.
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It is only me who felt this ? The new bridge across from Toa Payoh to Bishan looks kind of dangerous without the supporting column. Every morning when I drove under it, I will quietly murmured "那摩阿弥陀佛 “。
gt this in my email..... The Most Dangerous Potato Chips to Eat Public knowledge of the serious dangers found in potato chips may finally be surfacing. The California-based Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) has filed notices with the state's attorney general against potato chip manufacturers:
Video: Speeding, hit-and-runs and sudden cuts and turns - these are some cases of reckless driving which have made news headlines over the past few weeks. Videos of these incidents have been posted and shared online, thanks to motorists' increasing use of car cameras. Several members of the public have also been sending their videos to citizen-journalism website Stomp to alert others of errant drivers. The official figures for inconsiderate and careless driving are indeed alarming. In 2012, Traffic Police reported 243 cases of reckless driving, which is a 50 per cent jump from the 163 cases in 2011. The number of speeding offences in the first six months of this year has also increased from 109,960 to 129,578 - an 18 per cent rise compared to the same period in 2012. Mr Eugene Lee, a driving instructor at the Singapore Safety Driving Centre, points out that one mistake Singapore drivers often make is to jam their brakes suddenly and excessively whenever they spot a potentially dangerous situation ahead. But "by braking, they will cause danger to others", he adds. So, what should you do when you encounter a dangerous driver? Watch the above RazorTV clip to find out, and click here to see the top mistakes by Singapore drivers. Source:
Heard from friends this plant is dangerous popular plant amongst Chinese and elderly my neighbour also have such plant...everyday walk pass
Omg! Just saw a grey Porche guy driver driving with a baby in front of him at the wheel! I don't dare to imagine what happened if he e-brake.. Brainless or what??
The new road to CTE via Seletar West Link opened a few days ago. Seems like the black Odyssey and City Cab got confused. But hey it was dangerous and I almost got into an accident.
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This afternoon, 23 July 2015 @ 1250 hrs, was on my way back to office in Jurong Island. At the junction of Sakra Road and Jurong Island Highway, a tipper truck suddenly turned when I entered the junction. Luckily I was able to brake on time. To think I nearly died. My_Movie.wmv
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Recently I see many companies chartering private buses to ferry their staffs. I see many of these mini buses driving recklessly. Which company is the one with white paint work and light blue + red strips at the bottom? Someone should warn those company who engage them that they are putting their staffs in peril everyday riding in those mini buses. Mostly are those Toyota Hi-Ace vans. Some of the daily violations I see on the road, especially around 430 - 5pm around Tuas/ Jurong area. 1) Speeding - Speed up to 100kph along 80kph stretches of PIE and AYE 2) Driving on Lane 1 3) Recklessly changing lanes 4) Failure to form up - Cutting queues 5) Turning from wrong lane The transport companies should bear more responsibilities towards their customers and road users. Even the management of the companies that uses these companies should make sure of the safety and welfare of their staffs. Otherwise, it is just an accident waiting to happen.
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something I saw on facebook and decide to share
- On Tuesday 14th Oct 2014 at 9.30pm, I was driving along Jalan Besar and come across a road hogger (SGH 2683R) who was driving at about 20-30 km/h. When i signal to him that he was blocking the road, he deliberately jam brake a few times, trying to cause an accident. When i signal left to turn into a side road, he abruptly change lane to cut into my lane and stop by the side of a double yellow line to block me from moving forward. Trafiic Police, please do your part by booking him for inconsiderate driving, dangerous driving, illegal parking on the double yellow line. Please see video at
A report has been filed with the Singapore Police Force.. here is the transcript: A white colour Honda Jazz SGNxxxxx did an illegal U-Turn on Lorong Chuan (towards Serangoon Garden Way). When being horned of his dangerous driving by the oncoming vehicle, the arrogant Honda Jazz driver attempted to jam the brakes to intimidate the other driver. - Illegal U-Turn on Lorong Chuan (which is a very narrow & busy road) - Dangerous driving - Driving without due care