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  1. Lol tongue in cheek reference to Mr Benz. Anyway sometimes I read some stuff that I want to share with my kids for them to understand their privilege. This is one of them I just read. https://mothership.sg/2022/04/malaysian-boy-want-to-study/
  2. Cscbb generated a lot of exciting debates about seemingly fair ministers salaries, unappreciative white collar folks, people who complain and grouse about life and government etc in the COE thread. In order not to distract the COE discussion, I create this new thread for cscbb to state his points here. I also like to invite all to participate in his debate and discussion here so that we all could leave the future COE threads alone so as to focus on COE price movement and discussion only. So please feel free to raise your points here.
  3. Showing 60 of 60 comments Sort by Popular now Best rating Newest first Oldest first Subscribe by email Subscribe by RSS Real-time updating is paused. (Resume) 0 new comment was just posted. Show Swei 5 hours ago The exact same experience happened to me -- I was told my Infinity membership was revoked about a year ago due to late payments. I spoke at length to a CalFit manager, and subsequently wrote a lengthy email to headquarters in Hong Kong, but was delivered the news that the appeal was rejected. I even offered to pay an additional late fee above the $8 late payments, buy they claimed that because I had paid previous $8 fees before, I "had no excuse for unknowing late payments". Since then, I have decided to boycott California Fitness due to poor customer service. I enquired how come I wasn't even given a late notice reminder, but was rebuffed that "their policy has changed". I relate this experience to all I know, and encourage others to join gyms that provide more desirable service recovery. Flag Like ReplyReply simonyw2007 7 hours ago Boycott! Boycott! Boycott! California Fitness! All this are unreasonable. Let the whole of Singapore peoples aware of this. Should not joined the membership. Flag Like ReplyReply Ntm-song 14 hours ago Victims !Pls step forward to stop them from conning people again my brothers so called diamond or platinum membership was seldom. The manager has no sense of shame working when we threw our card into his face when they told us to complain to case if we not happy Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Chris 13 hours ago in reply to Ntm-song I am a victim! Why don't we gather and sue them together? Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Kimakb2003 5 hours ago in reply to Chris That's a good idea. I am sure there must be hundreds who are affected. Perhaps A good way to start is a Facebook account or get a good lawyer and start a class action against cg Flag Like ReplyReply fatsparrow 15 hours ago Does California Fitness have any affiliation to the state of California, or to the Governator? And what do London Weight Management, New York Skin Solutions, and Yunnan Hair have in common? Hokkaido Ice Cream? All the way from Hokkaido? Flag Like ReplyReply Angelina Susanti 16 hours ago Thanks a million, Charmayne! I was on the verge of signing up for lifetime membership at California Fitness, when I read her ST Forum letter. I will be content with exercising at my condo gym after work and on weekends, instead of doing my workouts in the morning or during lunch hour. Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply leongfamily 17 hours ago If the intent is a lifetime membership, they should have waived the annual $8 admin fee. I'm afraid they have a reputation for such and I'm sure you are not the first to experience this. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Phototod 17 hours ago My wife thought she was the only one when she got booted out because she overlooked the $8 admin fee. She received no reminder. When she tried to use the gym their reply was "sorry you did not pay the admin fee ". When she protested that she did not receive any reminder they bluntly told her that she should keep track of when she should pay the admin fee. You want to use the facilities then pay $3000 for the membership. This is big news. I hope all the newspapers here and hong kong and mediacorp report this unscrupulous gym operator. Flag 3 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Valerie 18 hours ago "When we tried to reason with her, she brusquely replied that the decision was final and we could complain to the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) if we were dissatisfied." The above mention quoted, i find that the CASE should STAND UP for the VICTIMS and should do somthing about it rather than nothin and there will be more and more VICTIMS like US and also the Service Provider will be more and more BULLY. Flag Like ReplyReply Gussaxy 19 hours ago I am also a victim of California Fitness's unscrupulous business practice - I was a 'LIFETIME' member who on top of that signed up about 5k worth of Personal Training sessions. To simplify my story, I suspended my menbership and personal training program because I got pregnant, had a misscarriage, took time to recover, got pregnant again and delivered a healthy baby. All these while I thought I could continue with my membership and P.T program after my delivery. To my great dissapointment, California Fitness told me that my 'LIFETIME' membership had EXPIRED bacause I had not paid my annual $8 fee. On top of that my P.T program had also expired because the max time they allow members to suspend their membership was 1 year. I had lost not only the few thousand dollars worth of membership but also estimated 3.5K worth of P.T sessions. CALIFORNIA FITNESS pls stop treating your clients like dirt and refund us those money you don't deserve to earn! Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Geraldine 19 hours ago Dear charmayne My brother who bought the $4k life membership package faced the same problem as you. His was over due for 2 weeks due to outstation but they refuse to accept the explanation instead he was told to re purchase the membership again if he is still keen to use the facilities. I think this is the way they make money hopping that members overlooked the yearly renewal. Flag 6 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Valerie Lim 18 hours ago in reply to Geraldine Yes my husband encounter that too! He was told the same thing and was handled the same manner!!! Its was very very UNFAIR for the members when they are keen in exercising and now couldn't just because of the $8!!!! i think Carlifornia should not handle member that way!!! Flag Like ReplyReply Midnight2010sun 20 hours ago NEVER EVER trust any company that sells any kind of 'lifetime membership". Thats how they scam you upfront! And 'lifetime' doesn't mean YOUR lifetime..the company can close or tajen over by another company and your 'lifetime membership' can expire much shorter than you think! Flag Like ReplyReply Gunni 21 hours ago I think it unfortunate that some people here miss the point and instead brush the writer's concern away as 'petty' and a non-issue. Yes, there may have been a clause. And yes, it is the customer's responsibility to read them even though the agent/salesperson may have failed to highlight it. However, 'throwing' out customers who have paid $3000 each for a lifetime membership just because they have missed the deadline for the $8 payment? Shocking and unbelievable. One cannot help but think that any company that prides itself on providing good service to their customers, and have basic respect and regard for them -- potential, past or current ones -- would have reacted differently. I wonder if there were any attempts made to the customers to remind them of the $8 payment. And was there any customer service officer who were present or who contacted the couple to alley their fears and questions? From the writer's experience, it sure sounds like the company adopted a firm 'No, you're out. No space for negotiation or clarifications. It's your fault you did not read the clauses nor pay up on time. Unhappy? Then bring it to CASE'. The only 'human touch' here seems to be the receptionist who conveyed the outright rejection of her superiors, and even borders on smugness with an unspoken challenge to 'bring the matter to CASE. All this does not bode well with the integrity of the company at all. In the long run, greed and a lost of good, sturdy values will bring them to their knees. They may win the battle this time around, but eventually lose the war. Flag SEAH1975 and 6 more liked this Like ReplyReply Jonathan 21 hours ago Had the same experience with california fitness centre. They dont bother about being considerate, they just care about the money i suppose. Suggest to try other gyms and stop patronizng cfc. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply James Ong 21 hours ago Take it up with CASE. Even if one fails to pay a utility bill on time, there would be a reminder notice to pay up, before the utility is cut. I truly cannot comprehend how such a case can exist. It is mind boggling. I definitely will have to read every single fine print on all membership documents before signing them. Also, i think due to the complexity of some words on such agreement, I think it is best to be vetted by a lawyer. There must be posters put up around Singapore to remind consumers to be very very careful in taking up membership of any form, when the membership amount is high.. Flag SEAH1975 liked this Like ReplyReply Xiuxiu Wang 21 hours ago Money in the pocket is the best policy. Pay as you use, never mind the discounts. Treat discounts lost as insurance. Flag shantelle88 liked this Like ReplyReply hotwoks 22 hours ago Pay another $3K and become a member again. What a way for business to rip money off consumers when they say they can forfeit membership for late payment of fee. Really easy money for them when people are generally forgetful or late in paying up. I think you have to waste another $3k to engage a lawyer to seek redress. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply chubbycat 22 hours ago hmmm. I happened to be a california gym member and I remembered that there was a clause stating contract termination if I fail to make payment on time, I make it a point to pay in advance and to check with the reception regularly. Since the writer didn't pay on time, why make such a fuss out of it ? Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Chris 13 hours ago in reply to chubbycat I guess you do not understand that the customer lost 3000SGD because of not paying and 8 SGD admin fee => Unreasonable! Flag Like ReplyReply Maria Loi-terer 22 hours ago Why can't clients settle their problems with the respective organisations? Why does the whole nation have to be privy to this petty woman's $8 problem? What is the total number of Singaporeans who patronise these gyms? What is their percentage as a ratio to our population? So, why does the whole nation need to know of her squabble? She is a minute minority within a minute minority. Flag Like ReplyReply Chris 13 hours ago in reply to Maria Loi-terer Sorry, you are missing the point. Its about people having the right to go after bad practices of companies. May be you don't care and don't bother but there are people trying to do something about cheating companies. Flag Like ReplyReply Burnt 21 hours ago in reply to Maria Loi-terer You obviously miss the point. The issue is not the $8 admin fee, but the high handedness and arrogance spas and fitness clubs are acting with impunity, hiding behind small print and vague conditions in contracts. It's about time this industry is regulated. Flag SEAH1975 and 3 more liked this Like ReplyReply hotwoks 22 hours ago in reply to Maria Loi-terer At least victims have an avenue through ST Forum to share their plight to the rest of Spore. It is a good thing that sufferings of people are made known publicly so that people would be more careful and not fall into similar situations. Flag 3 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Gsuest 22 hours ago in reply to Maria Loi-terer It is to the public's benefit that such underhanded practices by unscrupulous retailers are highlighted in the media so that we can watched for ourselves and avoid becoming similarly victimised. Flag 6 people liked this. Like ReplyReply taekniu 23 hours ago CASE will only try their best to help. CASE does not even have any power when it comes to such dispute. Consumers sign up at their own risk. Little is done to protect consumers. Look at the spas etc.. These are good examples. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Valerie 18 hours ago in reply to taekniu Very very SAD to learn that!! Flag Like ReplyReply Chee Kit 23 hours ago same thing happened to me... im sure they say this to all customers in the same position! Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Zill Yvonne Tan 1 day ago have u complainted to CASE? Flag Like ReplyReply Leong 1 day ago The instructors are full of filthy filipinos Flag 32 people liked this. Like ReplyReply E2 23 hours ago in reply to Leong Shame on you. You filthy low/middle income, hdb dwelling, MRT traveling racist. Flag 5 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Bryan Choong 23 hours ago in reply to Leong I am truly disappointed with this remark. Clearly this is an unfair corporate decision that has nothing to do with nationalities or races, and nothing to do with the instructors. Why don't you say it is filthy Hong Kongers since it was the Hong Kong HQ who made the decision? What makes you think that the decision was not made by a Chinese boss in HK? Flag Like ReplyReply Antoinette Patterson 1 day ago in reply to Leong Sorry for your loss; hopefully CASE will actually do something about it once it's reported. Aside to Leong, that's just racist and irrelevant to her situation. Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply shantelle88 1 day ago I am a true fitness member and I wouldn't say it's more expensive than other gyms (you can bargain actually). They regularly maintain facilities and call in advance to inform you of any membership renewal or late payment (if there is). Before this I went to California fitness for trial and had a terrible experience with their staff attitude and the way they do things. I was speechless. When I see this article's title i knew it's gonna be somewhere Ive been. I feel sorry for you. Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply friedbeehoon33 1 day ago i used to be california gym member, i can only say the membership fee is not expensive as compared to true, pure and fitness first. and it ends there. then equipments are old, towels flimsy, crowded classes, smelly toilets. cali members used to be able to visit their overseas branches in seoul, kl, bangkok, taipei, but now the only overseas branch they can visit is hkg seems like they are not growing any more. Flag Henry Wong and 1 more liked this Like ReplyReply Henry Wong 1 day ago I have switched to Fitness First 3 years ago. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Cherish 1 day ago I will never in my life buy any lifetime memberships. thanks for sharing this and I'm sorry for your loss! If I ever get a membership, it'll never be California fitness . come to think of it, 6k is enough for me to buy my own gym equipments! Flag 5 people liked this. Like ReplyReply RGS001 1 day ago rules are rules. too bad Ms. Lim....sometimes you have to read the fine print. Flag chubbycat liked this Like ReplyReply Chris 13 hours ago in reply to RGS001 Hi RGS You must be working for California gym or you are used to bad customer service and accept being cheated through fine prints! Flag Like ReplyReply AJ 1 day ago Now its time that we ban them her and send them packing! I think they are broke, even their towels is like my floor mat and i would gladly provide them with my floor mat and maybe the boss would like to use it for his tears when his business go belly up! Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Jousterr 1 day ago There are many ways of amassing money. Robbery is one. Calofornia Fitness does this. Flag RGS001 and 2 more liked this Like ReplyReply Tweeseeng 1 day ago Good that Ms Charmayne Lim brought this up. CASE also mentioned there were many victims of California Fitness Centre (CFC) of this case. Life Membership or Platinium? I had the same problem, I had a overseas assignment for 5 years and when I came back and happy march into Fitness Center, they refuse my entry and told me that they no longer do Life membership and I have to buy a new membership for I did not pay the yearly $8 renewal fees (without any reminders from them). The Staff the sold me the membership- Atiq Chowdhury and the Personal Trainer who became the GM of Novena Branch-Collin both said they could not do anything and that's their policy from Hong Kong. I brought this to CASE and CFC Hong Kong replied that its the T&C which I did not read despite the salesman not pointing out. Flag Like ReplyReply SEAH1975 20 hours ago in reply to Tweeseeng REALLY!!! I signed up for the Platinium Lifetime Membership with California Fitness somewhere in 2005/2006 & have not visited the gym for the past couple of years too!!! So now...instead of telling people that
  4. interesting... Singapore most complaint car brand? Volkswagen still bugged by consumer complaints Christopher TanThe Straits TimesMonday, May 25, 2015 20150525_ST_volks.jpg 1 0 0 0 0 Print VOLKSWAGEN (VW) continues to have the dubious honour of hogging the pole position when it comes to customer complaints. Data from the consumer watchdog, Consumers Association of Singapore (Case), showed that the German brand garnered 12 new-car complaints from customers from January last year to the first four months of this year. The figure was more than double that of complaints made against BMW and Mercedes-Benz, which shared the second spot. The two brands had five complaints each for the same period. Comparing complaints measured as a ratio against new cars each of the three brands sold, VW's performance was even bleaker. It had 3.41 complaints for every 1,000 cars sold, versus 1.2 for BMW and 0.76 for Mercedes-Benz. VW fared worse than its previous record. Between January 2013 and April last year, it had 11 complaints, earning it the top spot on Case's list. The Straits Times understands most of the complaints pertain to glitchy gearboxes. Civil engineer Uttar Kumar, 52, who bought a VW Passat 1.4 in December 2012, was among those who filed a Case complaint this year. He said he did so after Volkswagen Singapore failed to resolve problems with the car's gearbox despite numerous attempts. He said he noticed the car made abnormal noises on the first day. The noises grew louder and the car became jerky. "It was in the workshop almost every two to three weeks," Mr Kumar recalled. The car, he said, is still not satisfactory, despite its clutch, a component of the gearbox that is used in changing gears, having been replaced in 2013. "It's still not smooth, it shakes when it starts, there is power loss and sometimes there is a grinding noise," he said. Volkswagen Singapore spokesman James Page dismissed claims that its cars were defective. For instance, he said two of the three complaints filed with Case in the first four months of this year were unfounded. "There was absolutely nothing wrong with the cars," he said. "The customers involved perceived there to be some faults, and requested a warranty extension and a car replacement respectively. We could not accede to their requests and they lodged complaints with Case." In the third case, the customer did have some genuine issues with his car, he said, and repairs were covered under the car's warranty. Volkswagen Singapore also extended the warranty by one year. "Nonetheless, he still made a complaint to Case," he said. Checks with independent service quality firm JD Power revealed that VW's ranking in other markets has not been sterling, either. In the United States, JD Power's 2015 Vehicle Dependability Study found VW had 165 problems per 100 cars - more than the industry average of 147. In Malaysia, the brand ranked last in the firm's 2014 Customer Service Index. Even in its home market Germany, VW ranked above average - but below brands such as Toyota, Mitsubishi and Skoda - in the 2014 Vehicle Ownership Satisfaction Study. [email protected] This article was first published on May 25, 2015. Get a copy of The Straits Times or go to straitstimes.com for more stories. - See more at: http://business.asiaone.com/news/volkswagen-still-bugged-consumer-complaints#sthash.Z8VrPB7W.SBUBorFC.dpuf
  5. Though it didn't affect me, I was damn TL to see those drivers. I was on my way back from Msia and was queuing up at the 2nd link yesterday afternoon. As the traffic was heavy, there was 3 lines instead of the usual 2 lines. The line on the left most had to squeeze a bit with the bus lane. There were few cuckoo drivers who drove their car so far left, which they could easily veer closer to the right to let the bus go. There was particularly this black matrix. I was this young lady, prob in early 20s, eating some tidbits while driving and the father sitting next to her. She was clearly obstructing the bus at the back and could just easily left the bus pass. Despite the bus driver horning at them, she just bo chup. This went on for like 15 minutes or so until when the bus manage to passby, the driver wind down the window to scold the driver, and the father had the cheek to scold back. What an idiot.
  6. My third thread on banks. Having problems with a bank here. Sent letter of complaint online and by post. Not even replies saying being dealt with after over a month. Then looking online and saw this complaint on a board: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/ocbc-bank-immoderate-ocbc-c723022.html BTW this is not my complaint and I do not know the person who made this complaint. Is there any way to be certain a complaint is dealt with because it seems to me all is marketing and no customer service or complaint procedure available. Speak to officers on phone they are completely clueless and have no script to follow as far as a complaint is concerned.
  7. yahoo news: An Ex-CPF Employee Exposes the 3 Biggest Complaints Singaporeans Have About Their CPF Accounts Few questions divide Singaporeans as much as this one – What is CPF used for? As you process your own answer to that question, chances are the words “retirement,” “housing,” healthcare” and maybe “Ponzi scheme” are running through your head. But no matter what function(s) you think CPF serves, everyone faces the reality of having to pay their “dues” to keep the system going. That means contributing 20% of your salary (up to age 50) every month to a scheme that only benefits those who vastly surpass the current minimum balance of $148K. Sadly, more Singaporeans who have money in CPF and need it can’t even touch it. An ex-CPF employee named “Brian” (who wishes to remain anonymous for very obvious reasons), who deals with the valid concerns of Singaporeans daily, was kind enough to help us shed some light on what Singaporeans complain about most when it comes to their CPF accounts. Here are Singaporeans’ 3 biggest complaints about their CPF accounts: 1. It’s Nearly Impossible to Access Your Retirement Account (RA) Funds The biggest limiting factor people have when it comes to their CPF accounts is the fact that their Retirement Account (RA) funds are about as inaccessible as Area 51 until you reach the drawdown, which varies from 62 to 65 depending on your year of birth. The problem with having an inaccessible RA account is that it leaves Singaporeans still servicing their home loan with their CPF in a helpless situation because: Retrenchment: No income means they can no longer make contributions into his/her Ordinary Account (OA). Contribution level: The contribution level decreases significantly after 55, making it harder to meet the minimum cash component in RA. “It’s sad, there were several occasions when we had to direct Singaporeans to HDB or the banks because our hands were tied – we couldn’t release their funds to them even though they may have thousands in their RA to help with their home loan repayments,” says Brian. Ironically, the only exceptions for using your RA funds involve purchasing property under the following conditions: You can only use the excess in your RA AFTER setting aside the minimum cash component, which is currently $148K. Of that $148K, you’ll need to maintain $74K in your RA, with the excess (excluding annual interests) being available for the purchase of property. *Note on property purchases: According to Brian, there is a way for you to use your OA towards purchasing property. If you have booked a BTO flat before turning 55, you can write in to CPF to have funds from your OA reserved for the purchase. In fact, Singaporeans have been successful in having these requests approved. 2. You Can’t Withdraw As Much from CPF at Age 55 Just a few years ago, if you turned 55 before 2009, you could have withdrawn 50% of your combined OA and Special Account (SA) funds! So if you had today’s current minimum sum of $148K, you could withdraw $74,000. Then in 2009, the limit dropped to 40%. And then… well, I think you know where this is going right? Let’s just say that CPF reduced the withdrawal limit faster than an Indonesian palm plantation owner reduces forestland. Today, if you don’t have the full minimum sum of $148K – you ONLY get $5K. The rest gets sent over to your RA, which you probably won’t see for another 7 to 10 years. The biggest complaints Brian received about the inability of some Singaporeans to get more than $5K were: Couldn’t pay off debts: Singaporeans who were financially troubled and had debts to pay off could not pay them even though they had thousands of dollars in their RA. In danger of home repossession: Singaporeans who were having trouble keeping up with their home loan repayments due to retrenchment or financial difficulty couldn’t access the money they needed to maintain their repayments even though they might have had $50K in their RA. Couldn’t go on pilgrimage: Many elderly Muslims who were waiting till age 55 to use their funds to go on pilgrimage (Hajj) were left disappointed when the amount they could withdraw wasn’t enough. *Note on pledging your property: Brian points out that if you’ve used your CPF to purchase a home, you can opt to pledge or increase the pledge of your property. So if you just turn 55 this year and you’ve got the full minimum sum of $148K, you can pledge your property up to $74K, freeing up the “excess” $74K in your CPF for withdrawal. 3. There Are Times When You CAN’T Use CPF for Housing When you buy a home, there’s a limit to how much CPF you can use to purchase a home, called the Valuation Limit (VL). The VL is determined by the lower value of either the market price or the valuation price of a home, and you cannot withdraw more than 120% of the VL, which is called the Withdrawal Limit (WL). So what happens when you reach the VL of your home? If you’re below 55, you’ll need to maintain either half the prevailing minimum sum cash component (Your OA+SA+SA investments) or the minimum sum cash component in your RA if you’re over 55 (and you can only use your RA excess to service your home loan). If you don’t follow these conditions, you CAN’T use your CPF to service your home loan. Not knowing when you can’t use your CPF to service your home loan is a huge reason why people contact CPF, especially when Singaporeans: Reach their VL before age 55 and haven’t maintained half of their prevailing minimum sum cash component (OA+SA+SA investments). Reach their VL after age 55 and haven’t maintained their minimum sum cash component in their RA (only RA excess can be used!). Surpass their WL. CPF Staff Are There to Help, But They Don’t Make Policy “We understand that CPF needs to be more flexible in allowing Singaporeans to use their funds. What’s the point of having thousands of ‘untouchable’ dollars set aside for retirement when Singaporeans are dealing with financial difficulty now? But we do our best to help people out as much as possible,” says Brian. Brian also stated that the complaints above made up about 70% of their total communications. That’s A LOT of daily gripes to deal with. Most Singaporeans have their reasons to complain about CPF. If you’ve read Dear CPF: Give Me Back My Money, you know just a few of the many grievances people have with the scheme. But before you call up or email CPF to give them a piece of your mind, please remember that the hard working employees don’t set policy – they’re there to help you as best as they can. Link: http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/ex-cpf-employee-exposes-3-160000084.html So.............. thats what peoples had been saying all this while. Can See The Money But Cannot Touch ....
  8. The Singapore Vehicle Traders Association (SVTA) clarified today (Oct 21) that of the 2,438 motor vehicle complaints reported by the Straits Times on Saturday, only 1,084 were related to defective goods. The article — “Grouses about car dealers speeding up” — stated that the 2,438 complaints the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) received from January to September this year has exceeded the 2,255 made in the whole of last year. SVTA President Neo Tian Ting explained that the figure of 2,438 also includes enquiries and feedback, which do not require CASE to take action. Mr Neo also said that the spike in complaints this year can be attributed to the lemon law, which came into effect last September. Consumers, he said, could be contacting CASE more often as there is a misunderstanding of the lemon law. In fact, only 156 were filed and assisted cases pursued against SVTA members in relation to the lemon law and other complaints such as delays in delivery and misrepresentation — meaning CASE handled claims on the consumers’ behalf or assisted the consumers in drafting letters to approach the vendors themselves. Singapore has about 800 to 900 car dealers. About 410 of them are SVTA members. Source: http://www.todayonline.com/singapore/only-1-2-complaints-against-car-traders-were-about-lemons-svta
  9. After a long day at work, you head towards your car (those that can afford one) and all you really need, is a relaxing drive back home. Unfortunately, more often than not, that isn't the case. Aside from the dreadful traffic we have on our little island, inconsiderate driving is a major reason for an unsettled drive home. There are certain rampant cases, for example, at a junction when the car in front can either go straight or make a right turn but there's no signal from the joker. Or when you intend to make a right turn out of a secondary lane, and the oncoming car from the right who wants to turn left doesn't signal his intention, leaving you stranded for safety reasons and missing the opportunity to turn. And then there are times when you want to change lanes, but the clown tries to be funny and closes up the gap, not allowing you to pass. That's not all, how about those jerks that tailgate as though they are going to miss their flight? And just when you think things are looking up, you turn into the carpark, only to find drivers who park like crap. The usual suspects are those who love to cross the allocated boundary (thankfully for one), those who have parallax errors of a good 20 to 30 degrees, the huge ass truck driver who should jolly well park in the heavy vehicle carpark as well as those who park horizontally in a vertical lot (rarely, but believe me, they exist). Perhaps this is one of the pet peeves I have besides our infamous COE system and what nots. Then again, who doesn't have one?
  10. I doubt very much after the fiascos (MRT, Floods, etc) in late 2011 anyone can come up with new complaints for 2012...... if you can prove this wrong, please put your 2012 complaints here... or shall we let this open until 30 days have passed in 2012?? we'll never know? I have one complaint to kick start 2012, and here it is..... I want to complain: why there's no complaint now that its already one and a half day into 2012??? why, why, why??
  11. Just when we thought China's automotive industry had made some headway in the quality department, we get word that complaints about new car quality in the country have risen significantly over the past few months. During the first quarter of this year, complains on vehicles purchased within the last six months climbed 15 percent over last year's figures. Those numbers come courtesy of the China Association for Quality. Even more surprising, the increase marks a nine-percent jump over the number of complaints filed during the fourth quarter of 2009. By and large, the defects concerned engine issues as well as small parts. A total of 94.6 percent of the complaints were lodged against cars costing less than $44,000. [source: Gasgoo]
  12. was really fed at meeting such a lousy taxi driver from Transcab after such a long flight back to SG... never know that I would have the "honor" to meet such a driver... [shakehead] [shakehead] I have wrote a complaint letter to their GM Jasmine Tan below.... ******************************************************************************** ************ I would like to lodge a complaint against Transcab taxi driver SHD76R. The incident happen at Changi Airport Terminal 2 Taxi Pick-up stand. The complaints against the said taxi drivers are as follow: 1. When I first boarded the said taxi at around 11.37 am, the taxi driver scolded me for cutting queue and boarded his taxi. However, it is the taxi marshal at the airport that directed me to the said taxi. He has absolutely no right to scold me for boarding his taxi, if he wanted to choose his customer than in the first place, he should not have queue up at the airport to pick up arriving passenger. 2. When i arrived at my destination, i told him to park under the shelter as it is drizzling. Instead, he parked outside the shelter and asked me to alight. Not only that, he did not even bother to step out of his seat to help open up the bonnet to take out my luggage. He just seat at his car seat counting his money. When he see that I have difficulty opening up the bonnet, he step up of the taxi and seeing that I managed to open the bonnet, he just go back to his seat and close the front door. *What kind of attitude is this?* As both of my hands are full of things and not able to close the bonnet, he stared at me telling me to close the bonnet for him. This really make me angry. I would really like to ask what kind of attitude in this in treating a paid passenger in such a manner. Does he think that driving a merc cab make him very high class? Is this the kind of value that Transcab, a reputable company, teaches his employees to treat its paid customer in such a rude manner. I have never come across such an arrogant taxi driver before. I demand an explanation from Transcab on this incident and a letter of apology from your "high class" taxi driver. This incident really give me such a horrible experience taking Transcab.
  13. Investors of failed structured products to know outcome of complaints by mid-Jan SINGAPORE : The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) on Wednesday said investors who have bought failed structured products will know the outcome of their complaints by the middle of January. Investors had alleged that distributors had mis-sold the products and misrepresented the risks. Minibond investor Ismail Deen was told last week that his complaint is still being looked into. He is one of nearly 5,000 investors who have complained to 10 financial institutions (FIs). Like Mr Ismail, most investors of DBS High Notes 5, Lehman Minibonds and the Jubilee Series notes will get some answers by mid-January. Final checks are being done on some complaints. Shane Tregillis, deputy managing director, Market Conduct Group, MAS, said: "That is to take into account the recommendations of the independent persons and to make sure they have taken into account any investigation findings, and also to check for consistency." MAS said 9-in-10 complainants have been interviewed. FIs have also decided on 80 per cent of the cases, but have yet to inform investors. For clear-cut cases though, investors have already been told of the outcome. The central bank has been working with financial institutions in the past 10 weeks. Mr Tregillis said: "We have been visiting, checking ourselves just to ensure the process, looking at the teams... the FIs have put in place in recent weeks, some of them are up to 100 people." MAS said the FIs will review the complaints in a non-legalistic manner and it will be based on principles of fairness. However, they are expected to take legal defence if the investors decide to take them to court. The central bank also said investors should be prepared to bear responsibility for their investment decisions. - CNA/ms what outcome, no case means no case liao... compensate to those who do not understand the meaning of "investment"? compensate to those who do not understand english at all? then u will see sudden surge of ppl claim dun understand english, all switch to their native language liao compensate to those who "teh gong" and hope to receive some form of compensation???
  14. ... so, who is at fault first? tail gaters or road hoggers? I hate both actually. But just to send message to those bros and sis out there who like to drive on the right lane with speed limit 90km/h. For Road Hoggers, get your mentality right! Right lane only is for overtaking, if your front is clear and there is a car rushing behind you, you suppose to give way. Now for Tailgatters, you think you can brake your car on time that won't cause collision?? If the idiots in front of you blocking you, just overtaking from the left and move on, don't need to challenge the idiot who is roadhogging.
  15. Extracted from The Straits Times Friday, 18 May 2007 H10 - Home "189 grievances in 4 months, according to consumer watchdog. Parallel Importers might be giving authorised car agents a run for their money, but they are also notching up the bulk of complaints from buyers. >> WATCH LIST: Vehical Parallel Importers with 5 or More Complaints Jan to April 2006: -Auto Magic 9; -Car Resources 13; -Chip Guan Credit 6; -GV Credit 7; -Hua Yang 6; Jan to April 2007: -Carmax 5; -Cars Motor Enterprise 10; -Chuan Car International 5; -Golden Vision 5; -Hua Yang 9; -Kent Corp 10; -Koh Brothers 19; -Motor Traders 10; -Pinnacle Motors 10; -Shun Heng 11; Source: Consumers Association of Singapore." --- It's good for the consumers to know all these infamous PI. Is your PI one of these? Any close encounter and experience with them? Perhaps the list should be longer than that, and you would like to share?
  16. Feedback / Complaint on Seah Lee Cheng Cecilia (1 Yio Chu Kang Road) Yesterday (26/Sep/07) at about 130pm, I went to the above location to close my 2 daughters accounts. I'm the 1st customer queuing while the 2 counters each serving their customers. I waiting patiently for my turn. Just then, a auntie walked in & queued behind me. Both waited for about 10 - 15 mins. Suddenly, this auntie walked infront of me, standing infront of an empty counter. I knew - she intended to jump my queue. I was thinking perhaps she will failed this attempt since I'm the customer whom walked in before her. We waited for another less than 10mins impatiently. And to my horror, this Customer Service Ms Cecilia attended to the auntie whom jumped my queue!!! Now, my questions & feedbacks are : - 1) RHB has 6 committments, but where are they? Ms Cecilia has failed all these 6 committments to the customers she has attended. No smile, no greeting, though is not an issue to me. 2) Should Ms Cecilia attend to me 1st or to the auntie whom jumped queue 1st??? 3) Should the waiting time be shorten & customer service improve their speeding & performance? Honestly, as RHB customer, I'm very dissapointed about RHB & Ms Cecilia way of handling their customers. She adopted a very poor customer service & has ruin RHB's reputation.. (I may sound overboard but it's true) If RHB staffs are unable to fulfill the 6 committments, advise to remove these clauses will be much more better, don't you agree? Well, this feedback may sound rude to you, but if you put your shoe in your customers' shoes, you will feel the same as me. I hope RHB Management will seriously look into this matter & also to review Ms Cecilia's performance seriously.
  17. Everytime my wife sits next to me while I am driving, and if I spot a reckless driving subaru(usually the WRX, STIs, sometimes also got legacy models..), I always go " See.....yet another subaru driver with big ego problem and cutting in/out, tail gating, etc etc" My wife will always say..."Dont say all lah, I believe some subaru drivers are OK one, eg our neighbour who drives the blue one?" Ok sure, its probably wrong to generalise every subaru driver because there are good mannered drivers on the road. However, its also probably correct and fair to say that most are not like that, for whatever reason they seem to pick up some bad driving habits from one another. It would probably be correct to say out of 10 subarus I see every morning/evening on the roads, 8 of them drive like a 'kunt'. So, I am starting and building a collection of reckless driving subarus from now on . Hopefully the TP can come and peek at my thread every now and then and throw some of them a traffic summon for dangerous driving. Forget those I ve seen previously as I cant remember their car numbers. I will begin my collection as of today: 1. 11 Sep 2007. 8.30am CTE towards City. Car number SF# 333 # - Blue STi S204. Ah, the one Ah Seng from AS Aquarium who was trying to get a test drive. I was actually quite amazed to finally see one today, after all that hyped advertsiement on radio. Nice looking car, BUT driver drove like . I dont think I need to go into the usual details. 2. coming soon 3. coming soon 4. 5.
  18. Hi All, I recently have many problems with my Sonata 2.0l having issues like ABS & Fuel Gauge lighted up, Engine lighted up, Temperature pointer point as high as to the RED LINE. Did any of you had such a problems with 2.0l Sonata? I have been going back to KMC and still the problem exist after a week or two. Can anyone advise me? How can i claim to KMC for such a problems that still exisits after much repair and rectifications works? Is there anyway where i can exchange this car for the same model or same capacity? Thanks for the feedback.
  19. 1) Battery CMI http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=685542;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=683960;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread 2) Poor fuel comsuption http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=534391;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=639275;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread 3)Brake http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi...=brakes;#697088 http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi...=brakes;#577386 4)Rpm problem a) high idling rpm http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=648119;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread b) rpm struck when up slop http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=666104;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread 5) Car dies off http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=638346;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=628800;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread 6) Lousy tires (yoko S306) http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi...ly;so=ASC;mh=25; 7) suspension sound http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=552307;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread 8) Fluctuating fuel gauage http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=551674;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread 9) Engine mounting recall http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=607339;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread Reviews by some member http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi...ly;so=ASC;mh=25; http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=519361;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread://http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/gfo...=un read#unread
  20. I was at McWell yesterday to rectify my PBV and happened to overhear a conversation between a middle age guy and McWell's sale staff. The man was complaining about Cefiro's high fuel consumption. Said the car drank petrol like water. It was so bad that he eventually sold the car. If I'm not mistaken, he is presently driving a 3-litre car. According to him, the 3-litre car's fuel efficiency is much better than the 2-litre Cefiro. He complained about the hype over Cefiro being the no. 1 selling 2-litre car in Singapore. Said he was misled into buying the car. Is Cefiro that bad when it comes to fuel economy? Actually this is not the first time I heard about Cefiro's fuel efficiency.
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