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Found 1 result

  1. While browsing online I recently came across this contraption that supposedly adds a dash of style to the roof of any type of car (with a steel roof). I present to you the magnetic sunroof. This has to be at the top of the list of totally useless car accessories, just below the fake rear window wiper and the world famous 'Type-R' sticker. It comes in roll up form like a carpet. Or like tinting film. You take it out, unfurl it on the roof of your sunroof-less car and wallah! You have an instant sunroof without cutting a hole through the roof of your car. Now why in heaven's sake would anyone want to put something totally useless on one's car? It's not as if this is like a Road Runner cartoon where the road runner can actually run through a black hole painted on by Willy E Coyote. As if you can put your head through or tilt it up to let air in. It is totally useless. Sometimes people will try to do anything for a quick buck. Sometimes people will think that buying, installing or using such an accessory is actually good, useful, adds style, adds class, adds horsepower or makes the car look like a million dollars. "A vehicle just looks better with a sunroof" says one of these ads. I have to say that a vehicle looks better with a REAL sunroof. If you readers know of anyone using one of these, please, for the sake of all that's holy tell them to remove the item immediately from the roofs of their cars. I beg of you.
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