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Found 6 results

  1. Contraband cigarettes found hidden in car boot, driver arrested By Gamar Abdul Aziz, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 15 May 2008 0111 hrs SINGAPORE : He was well-dressed and drove a brand-new car but he was also a cigarette smuggler. The 30-year-old man, who was dressed in suit and tie, arrived at the Woodlands Checkpoint on Wednesday in his brand new Sports Utility Vehicle. Upon checking, officers from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) found cartons of cigarettes hidden in the speaker box compartment in the car boot. A total of 100 cartons of duty-unpaid cigarettes was found hidden in the vehicle. The man was arrested and his vehicle seized. The customs duty payable was estimated to be about S$7,040, and Goods and Services Tax at S$640. The driver claimed he would be paid S$500 if he successfully delivers the contraband cigarettes. Preliminary investigations reveal that he had collected the cigarettes from a shop in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. He was supposed to wait for further instructions upon arrival in Singapore. The case has been referred to the Singapore Customs for further investigations. If found guilty, first time offenders can be fined up to a maximum of 20 times the amount of duty evaded. Repeat offenders can be jailed for up to two years and fined. - CNA/de http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin.../347803/1/.html can sell backside liaoz..
  2. Seen quite a few posting unsavory comments or controversial photographs on FB or Tweeter and their posters kena from netizens or the authorities jialat jialat but folks still continue doing it. And there are internet vigilantes regularly on cyberspace patrol duties and will not hesitate to announce to the whole world of what they deem not right. So bros be careful what you post online bec the whole world will know...& that some may take action against you in the event they feel aggravated. From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...cigarettes.html Posted on 14 May 2012 Police: Officers posing with cigarettes while wearing police tees will be disciplined A spokesperson for the Police said that the guys who were wearing police tees and posing with cigarettes have been identified, and that they will be disciplined. The pictures of the two men were posted on Facebook. Said the spokesperson: "
  3. So many..... ICA officers also detected and intercepted more than 200 travellers involved in bringing in dutiable items such as duty-unpaid cigarettes, liquor and tobacco through the Green Channel between 28 and 30 May at the two land checkpoints.
  4. cant find the previous thread so ok this is from the horses mouth yesterday night came back and realise i forgot to throw the balance of 10 sticks of malaysia ciggies since the queue is very long from the custom check, i drove into red lane and just went up to declare and pay the ciggy tax. this is what i found out from them: you can never bring in even 1 stick of ciggy. if you were caught during the check, it will be $200.00 fine even if it is only 1 stick left for first timer.$500 for the subsequent. if you smoke singapore spdc ciggy, when u bring it back, it will still subject to be tax again. failure to declare it will subject to fine same as above. as up till now, the tax per stick is $0.38 for normal ciggy those gudang garam is $15+ per pkt. if you dont want to pay the tax, you can throw it providing you drove into red channel and enter custom office to declare throwing it away. you cannot declare to throw it away once you are found in possession at the check area. BTW, if you want to declare your ciggy, please make sure you dont have alot of groceries with you as it is subjected to 7% gst. yesterday after paying for the ciggy, the custom open my boot and ask me about the groceries amount i bought. lucky me i got the receipt which is less than rm400 and since i got 5 adults in my car which translate $50x5 = $250 which is more than rm400 i am clear. regards
  5. Hi all, Wanna relate my experience about bringing Malaysian and other foreign (non-Singapore) cigarettes that happened yesterday. Went to Holiday Plaza to tailor made a couple of pants and had me hair cut with my OC yesterday. After that went makan then headed back to SG; it was only 5+pm when we reache Gelang Patah (the one before the last toll to Malaysian customs and immigration) and ALL (Petronas, Shell, Mobil) were jammed packed with SG vehicles, had to queue for quite a while to top up petrol. Anyways, after I've finished pumping, went to pay at the counter and bought a packet of smokes (Malaysian of course). Forgetfully, I didn't opened it and smoked a stick and I left it in my OC's handbag. BIG MISTAKE. So off we went to clear Malaysian customs then proceeded to SG's customs and immigration.. cleared the passport then went for the inspection. The officer checked almost every part of my ride and when I noticed the officer asked my OC to open her handbag, only then did I remember that I had one packet of unopened smokes in it!! I was also body searched by a male officer. Naturally, the officer found it and both me and my OC had our passports withheld by the officer and then told to park our ride somewhere near the exit. In my heart, I was bloody panicking lah i tell you.. my OC, to my surprise, remained very calm (they always say before the big storm, it is always calm.. how true.. hahahaha). I was also body searched by a male officer Since the packet of smokes were found in her bag, she was unfortunately answerable for it. In the Customs office, I was asked to wait outside. From the window outside, I was able to see what was going on. The officer was naturally giving him a piece of his mind for bringing in smokes but thank god, she was let off with a warning and to pay the tax for that one packet only. (Together with my OC was a middle-aged guy, strange thing was, he had ONE OPENED packet but yet he was taxed too. That led me to wonder.. I think he could have either forgotten to declare or maybe he did it on purpose. Maybe when the officer asked if he had any smokes on him, he could have forgotten about it totally or he could have just play ignorance. Anyway, he was called into the office too.) What was shocking to me was, the officer who was collecting the money (very friendly chap i must admit) reminded us not to offend again as he had JUST fined one young chap S$1000 for bringing in 05 packets of dutiable smokes WITHOUT declaring it. What I understand was, for first time offenders, it'll be a fine of S$200 per packet and S$500 per packet thereafter. More importantly, the fine had to be paid ON THE SPOT. If not, the officer said it's off to the courts. So guys, just be very careful ya? For the kind of embarassment and possible fines per packet, i think it's just not worth it to try to hoodwink the authorities.. Oh by the way, the 'storm' came only after we reached home.. kena teruk teruk by OC!! Cheers Dex
  6. Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story Sep 10, 2008 Ciggies to get new stamp FROM Jan 1 2009, all duty-paid cigarettes sold in Singapore will need to be marked with the letters 'SDPC', which stands for Singapore Duty-Paid Cigarettes. Once this new ruling kicks off, all unmarked cigarettes sold here would be deemed illegal. This means that anyone caught selling, buying, or having in possession cigarettes without the SDPC marking would be committing an offence under the Customs and GST Acts. 'The availability of cheap duty-unpaid cigarettes will hamper our national effort to discourage to discourage smoking', said Mr Fong Yong Kian, Director-General of Customs. 'The marking will serve as deterrence against the peddling and buying of contrabrand cigarettes and help our officers in the enforcement efforts,' he added. Under the Customs and GST Acts, smoking and possession of duty-unpaid cigarettes is an offence. For every packet of duty-unpaid cigarettes, the offender can be fined $500. Members of the public can visit the Singapore Customs website for more information. http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNew...ory_277105.html will the dye used in the tattoo for ciggie cause cancer?
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