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Found 4 results

  1. ...towards the road divider and the result is a collision. Here's how it goes, at a right bend, this CityCab moved to the left lane and as I was overtaking, it suddenly cut back into my lane as I was already halfway beside his car. I blasted my horn and braked hard to avoid a collision but couldn't prevent it. Initially, he accused me of rear-ending his vehicle, say it was his lane, but of course, as the video shows, I was in the same lane all these while, and it was him who changed lane without checking his blind spot or signalling. He was ferrying an air stewardess on the way to airport and I asked her for her opinion. She said she turned her head and saw that my car was already to the right of the taxi when I sounded my horn. Initially he didn't budge and kept saying it was my fault, but I told him I have a video proof, he immediately suggested that we settle this case privately and not file for claims. I urged him to finish his job of sending the passenger to her destination after we exchanged name and contact numbers. In the end I was late for my Home Team Real Run by 10 minutes. Later that day I went to my insurer to file for third party claim as he could not agree to the workshop's quotation in our phone conversation.
  2. failure to keep a proper lookout for pedestrians at a zebra crossing and yet no apology..and dare to challenge others to a fight!
  3. Are we seeing a "jasmine revolution" here? http://news.insing.com/tabloid/all-87-seat...ged/id-66173500 For the first time in Singapore's history since independence, all 87 parliamentary seats will be contested in the coming General Elections. The Opposition has earlier declared that all parliamentary seats will be contested when details on the delineation of constituencies were announced. However, the Opposition later fell into internal dissent in several constituencies, leading the public to believe that some constituencies will be unchallenged. Yet, as Nomination Day approaches, the Opposition seems to have reached a resolution. They are reportedly sending candidates to previously unchallenged Sembawang, Ang Mo Kio and Tanjong Pagar GRCs. According to the latest reports, the Singapore Democratic Party has decided to contest in Sembawang GRC, the Reform Party for Ang Mo Kio GRC, while the Singapore Democratic Alliance and the Socialist Front will form an alliance to contest in Tanjong Pagar GRC. If the Opposition goes all out in the coming General Elections, all the constituencies will be contested and all the 782 polling stations in the country will open simultaneously for the first time in history. The coming General Elections will also be the first time in Singapore's history since independence where every parliamentary seat will be contested, compared to a total of 70 seats in the heated 1988 General Elections. A three-way battle in Joo Chiat and Punggol-East single member constituencies? Singapore Democratic Alliance Secretary-General Desmond Lim said,
  4. Test drove over the last few days - Megane, Astra, Peugeot, Mazda3, Mazda6, Corolla, Civic, Optra5. My personal conclusion is that setting road tax increase at the 1600 cc level is a bummer. For continental cars, with their more rigid and heavier chasis construction, 1600 cc is not enough for a spirited drive unless you use a manual transmission. Even that does will not raise your blood pressure much. So, the Japs, in order to boost up pickup and pulling power reduces the weight of the chassis and thereby safety level. So, we, poor Singaporeans have to compromise safety with pulling power. I would not drive the auto versions of the continental cars above on the NS highway, overtaking 2 trucks at a time, I will probably get myself killed on the first trip out. The Astra, with its semi automatic geartrain is the exception, but its Easytronic transmission needs getting used to. The Civic is too light at speeds above 120Kmph, its double wishbone suspension is a joy to drive on turns and winding roads. The Corolla rolls too much on bends and turns, speed in a straight line is ok. The Mazda 3 exhibits good handling, but road noise is louder than what you find in a Corolla and the pulling power is sluggish. So, none of the above cars really meet my expectations. Does that means that we will never ever get a decent car here in Singapore at a 1,600 cc car price ?
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