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Found 6 results

  1. Why do we need 3 or 4 categories of COE when they are same? The recent improvised COE cats, all same price, takes a genius to figure that out... The best solution to your traffic problem or the best tweak to the previous coe formula is to have the same coe price for all categories.. [laugh] This to due to the economic law of convergence, where it states that the optimum coe prices must converge for all 4 wheeled motor vehicles in the long run. CAT A Car (1600cc & below) & Taxi [View Past CAT A Results] Quota Premium Change Prevailing Quota Premium Quota Bids Received $62,497 Up $1,468 $81,237 333 993 CAT B Car (Above 1600cc) [View Past CAT B Results] Quota Premium Change Prevailing Quota Premium Quota Bids Received $62,000 Down $5,010 $84,879 310 683 CAT C Goods Vehicle & Bus [View Past CAT C Results] Quota Premium Change Prevailing Quota Premium Quota Bids Received $58,502 Up $2,491 $55,590 225 354 CAT E Open [View Past CAT E Results] Quota Premium Change Prevailing Quota Premium Quota Bids Received $62,000 Down $4,989 - 240 421
  2. Just for discussion purpose Do you think its kind of bo hua to buy 1.8L cars? Cause they are just 200CC more than a 1.6L (not much more power as well considering alot of development is put into 1.6L engines recently) and you have to pay alot more for the COE because it belongs to CatB COE. Not to mention higher road tax and insurance too. At least 2L cars are 400CC more and have more power etc..... Lastly, what do you think about having more category of COEs? Instead of just below and above 1.6L, how about Cat A up to 1600CC Cat B up to 3000CC Open Cat (all the big CC cars will fight it out in this category). Then seperate CatA COE with taxi. I feel its kind of unfair that cabs are taking away so many of CatA COE (last heard around 40% goes to cabs). At least those who intend to buy 2L-2.5L cars don't need to fight with those who want to Buy Porsche, Ferrari or Lambos. Right now, whether you buy a 2L Cerato Forte or a Lambo you pay the same COE and needless to say, the person who can afford a Lambo can definitely afford far higher COE prices. Btw, the allocation will be the same method cause LTA can know the engine capacity of the cars that deregister every month and cabs as well. So they can allocate COEs accordingly. Lastly, perhaps they should have some incentives/discounts for people going for smaller and greener cars. Purpose it to get people to go for smaller cars that gives out less pollution (eg. KEI cars in Japan). Right now, I see more and more big CC cars which is not a good sign.....
  3. Congrats to all car owners in MCF with award winning engines!! Pls click below to know which exact engine won which category http://www.ukipme.com/engineoftheyear/categories.html
  4. COEs for all vehicle categories surge in latest bidding exercise By Mustafa Shafawi | Posted: 24 March 2010 1721 hrs Photos 1 of 1 SINGAPORE : COE premiums for vehicles across all categories surged in the latest bidding exercise that ended on Wednesday. The highest increase was in the Open category, where premiums jumped S$14,411 to S$42,001. COEs for big cars rose S$9,700 to S$36,089. Premiums for small cars jumped S$7,587 to S$28,389. COEs for commercial vehicles rose S$5,889 to S$32,890. Motorcycle COEs rose S$41 to S$1,200. This bidding exercise is the last under the current quota system. From next month, a new system to determine COE quotas will kick in. This will result in fewer COEs available monthly from April to July. - CNA/ms
  5. Hi guys, Glad that i have bought this car. Have a look at the survey by BBC. Ivan http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/survey/top_10.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/survey/category.shtml
  6. In my search for cheaper engine oil with better lubrication and cleaning efficacy, I have read extensively on Bobistheoilguy forums. This is for the cheapos out there. Firstly check this website: http://www.micapeak.com/bike/ST1300/API.html OK here is the low down. There are cheaper oils out there and the cheapest around are diesel engine oils. Why? companies that maintain vehicle fleets buy them. So there are plenty floating around (pun intended). Some of these companies maintain both diesel engines and petrol engines. So to cut cost, they rely on an engine oil called "fleet oil". Otherwise it is an engine oil that can be used on either engine. So in your search for a cheaper oil and you encounter a fleet oil, look at the API Service Category on the bottle. It must be rated C(something) for diesel AND S(something) for petrol. Check the webby as a reference. There are plenty of old stocks in the market. As long as your vehicle is capable of taking that rating, that oil can be used. For example, you own a COE petrol car with date of manufacture in 1985. Any oil with at least an SH cat will do even though SH is obsolete. If your car is bought after 2001, make sure the oil is SL and SJ cat for petrol. OK, why fleet oil? DD package! Diesel engines are the filthy. The oil must have low evaporation, high temperature resistance and soot control. So lube engineers put the best in diesel engine oil. Basically a better mix of detergents/dispersants. Much higher than petrol engine oil. So with mixed fleets, engineers of major lube companies made the oil multigrade. So it is easily taken by petrol engines as well. The DD package is very high in these oils and will keep your engine clean. You will often hear that Mobil Delvac 1300 Super is the best mineral oil around in the BITOG forums. My search came up zilch in SG but to my surprise, it has been renamed! Mobil Delvac MX is Mobil Delvac 1300 Super. The MX is the new name to denote (MiXed) for mixed fleet. It is cheap at $30 for 5L and is rated up to SJ and SL SAE 15W40. Available in any Mobil station. The other Delvac which is hard to find is Mobil Delvac 1. Very expensive because it is a synthetic version of Delvac MX. $85 for 5L SAE 5W40. Found only one source and that is Torino which is next to the AMK Ave 1 Caltex station. An acquaintence is now trying Fuchs Titan CFE MC 10W40. It too is an SJ cat fleet oil. But you will be surprised, the oil is completely black due to the amount of molybdenum inside that helps in lubrication. Cheap at $20 for 5L. Available from a shop in Lim Tua Tow Rd. OK why don't people use them? Marketing! The lube and petrol companies hype up their petrol engine oils. They also deny or restrict the availability of these oils so you keep buying the expensive petrol engine oils or buying the inferior petrol oils. Much like the supermarket tactic of placing the expensive items at eye level on the shelves while the dirt cheap ones are at the bottom where you won't look. I hope this helps the lot of you confused about which engine oil to use. Especially those that are completely aghast at the prices of Mobil 1, Amsoil and Redline.
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