Hi guys,
Just want to clear some doubts in my mind,
I recently sold my previous car to a buyer at the end of 2016 via a 3rd party. (basically carro, one of those new companies that facilitate the whole process between buyer and seller.) it went smoothly.
However, i provided a transaction pin when doing the sale and have a few questions as i'm just a little paranoid. Hope some of the sempais here can enlighten me.
- Is the transaction PIN specific to only 1 vehicle and 1 transaction?
- If unused, can the transfer pin created be used for a future asset that it was not intended for. (for example, is the a risk of the middle man moving any new assets under my acc?) i just want to be sure that this isn't possible.
- Since the transfer is already done for my sold vehicle since dec last year, can i assume that the transfer pin is already used and cannot be used for any transaction in future?
Thanks for any help or advise in advance.