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Found 3 results

  1. It's now easier than ever to keep an older Toyota in the best health with the new Toyota Assure programme! Toyota's vehicles are well known for their reliability. But keeping a car in sound operating status involves more than just securing a reliable vehicle to start. Then there's also spare parts and servicing to think about. Thankfully, all these are now taken care of thanks to the new Toyota Assure programme. Just what is Toyota Assure? Toyota Assure is warranty programme designed to give owners of older Toyota vehicles greater assurance and peace of mind thanks to easy access to affordable parts alongside an industry-first extended warranty on their vehicle's engine and transmission. Keeping you moving for many more miles That's right! Failures of either the engine or the transmission of your vehicle can lead to inconvenient interruptions to your busy schedule, or worse, leave you stranded on the road and with expensive repairs awaiting on the horizon. But now, you can make sure you're protected against such a possibility by joining the Toyota Assure programme. Toyota Assure not only extends your warranty for your vehicle's transmission and engine for up to 10 years of vehicle age but is also open to owners of Toyotas regardless of whether they bought their car brand new or pre-owned! Ensuring that mobility remains affordable for years to come And there's more to be had by joining Toyota Assure. For those still on the fence on whether they should join, consider also how securing parts for your car will get more difficult and expensive as it has racks up more years under its belt. But even here, you'll be protected with Toyota Assure. The programme seeks to secure Toyota owners from the escalating difficulty and costs of securing parts for their vehicle by offering owners of vehicles on their sixth and seventh year up to 35% off Toyota genuine parts. And owners of vehicles on their eight year and above will get a whopping 50% off their Toyota genuine parts! All these, of course, are critical for ensuring that your vehicle's performance stays a good as possible for many more years to come. And as an added benefit, your vehicle will always get serviced by the skilled technicians from Borneo Motors. Talk about added assurance! Getting protected is easy And here's the best part: Joining the Toyota Assure programme is easy. Owners simply need to complete one servicing in a year to enjoy access to the discounted Toyota genuine parts and will only need to complete one standard and one major servicing to be eligible for the warranty extension until your vehicle reaches 10 years of age with Toyota Assure*. *Terms and conditions apply. See if your car meets the full conditions to be protected with Toyota Assure here. Get the best assurance there is for your car now! Give your car the care that it needs so it can keep you safe on the road for many more years and miles to come! Send your enquires about Toyota Assure to Toyota Singapore here, or schedule a vehicle servicing with Toyota Singapore here to get your car protected!
  2. The Review & Win campaign is back! Feeling lucky lately? If so, this is your chance to win some prizes!🤑 Simply write any reviews on car tyres, lubricant, car audio, car care product or accessories on sgCarMart’s Product Guide now to stand a chance to win the attractive prizes below! Submit via sgCarMart / MyCarForum account 1) Go to the Product Guide section on sgCarMart 2) Search for the product that you wish to review and click on the “Submit a review” button 3) Fill in your review and click “Submit” Submit as a Guest 1) Log on to https://m.sgcarmart.com/review/ 2) Select “Product Review” and you will be directed to a review form 3) Fill in your review and click “Submit” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This campaign will end on 30 June 2022. Submit your review and you could be one of the winners! Good luck! 🍀 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. What comes into the mind when you see this 2 logos? Nope, it is neither a JV nor acquisition (I hear some screaming heng ah), but for the development of sustainable material as part of the corporate initiative to go green. Ford is turning McDonald's coffee waste into headlights New York (CNN Business)Ford has tapped McDonald's to help it turn coffee parts into car parts. Starting this year, Ford is incorporating coffee chaff — coffee bean skin that comes off during the roasting process — into the plastic headlamp housing used in some cars. It's asked McDonald's, which doesn't roast its own coffee, to connect it with suppliers. In recent years, as consumers become more concerned about plastic pollution and carbon emissions, companies have made sweeping commitments to reduce their impacts on the environment. They've also been developing innovative, sustainable materials to build consumer products. Traditionally, Ford uses plastic and talc to make its headlamp housing, explained Debbie Miewelski, senior technical leader of materials sustainability for Ford. The coffee version is more sustainable because it's lighter and doesn't use the talc which, as a mineral, isn't renewable. Coffee chaff, on the other hand, is widely available, Miewelski said, and much of it goes to waste. Eventually, Ford hopes to incorporate the material into more cars and use it for more parts. Ford decided to work with coffee chaff a few years ago. But it's been experimenting with organic materials for over a decade. The auto company has been using soy-based foam in its cushions since 2011. It also uses waste from wheat, coconut, tomato and other plants in its cars in order to help meet some of its sustainability goals, which include using more renewable materials. "If you came to our lab, it looks somewhere between a landfill and a farm," Miewelski said. Her team decided to examine the potential of coffee because the beverage is so ubiquitous. Once the Ford team figured out how coffee chaff could be used to build car parts, it reached out to McDonald's because of the restaurant chain's scale and its comparable sustainability goals, Miewelski said. Like Ford, McDonald's also wants to incorporate renewable and recycled materials into its products. The partnership between Ford (F) and McDonald's (MCD) is an example of how brands with distinct sustainability initiatives can work together. McDonald's recently achieved its goal of sourcing all of its US coffee sustainably, one year ahead of schedule, and is also working with competitors to develop more environmentally friendly coffee cups. When Ford approached it about the coffee chaff product a few years ago, the company was able to consider another way to make its coffee greener, said Ian Olson, senior director of global sustainability at McDonald's. "We've conventionally thought of collaborations as within the food industry," Olson said. The Ford partnership can help McDonald's see "what kind of larger impacts are possible," when it works with a company in another sector. "This is just scratching the surface of trying to understand what's possible," Olson said.
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