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20 single-deck electric buses each from BYD and ST Engineering Land Systems 10 single-deck and 10 double-deck electric buses from Yutong The buses will progressively arrive in Singapore from next year, with the final batch delivered in 2020 Source: The Straits Times
We all have relied / are relying on public transportation to get around our sunny little island. For most of us, before getting that driving license, the 2 door Mercedes (front door+back door ) used to be our mode of transport growing up. Was reading up on the different types of public buses in Sg and realised that we used to have a much less homogeneous range of public buses in the past, so I'm just posting a few to bring back memories and keep them alive! Do feel free to add on and share your fond memories of the buses in your life, and the memories associated with them :) Mods please merge if there's a similar thread thanks, tried to find but can't 1. Starting with my fav, which I have taken alot (being a 90s kid) : Mercedes-Benz O405 This was used by both SBS(1989-2011) and SMRT(1994-2016) in various body types: TIB832Z, Hispano Carrocera Bodywork (last SMRT O405, retired in sep 2016) SBS O405, Duple Metsec bodywork 2. Volvo B57, introduced by SBS in 1979-1983 (New Zealand Motor Body) These ran till 1996, and was one of the common sights in the 80s and early 90s 3. Albion Viking EVK41L , in the 1970s when SBS was first formed Some units were first registered as early as 1967 onwards under the Hock Lee bus company, ran till 1987/88 before it left sg roads 4. Mercedes-Benz OF1413 ,1967 onwards source for above pic: Ran till around 1993, early buses were first registered from 1967 under the Green Bus Company 5. Leyland Atlantean AN68/2R , 1977 onwards Ran till 2001, one of the first few double decker buses introduced in Sg, one in the pic is with Alexander L bodywork, registered sometime in 1982-1984
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Buses with rooftop gardens will begin plying Singapore's roads, as part of an initiative to study possible energy and cost savings for bus operators. The Garden on the Move initiative, which was launched on Sunday (May 5), will see 10 SBS Transit buses ply Singapore’s roads for at least three months. The routes include one through the Central Business District and another through Orchard Road. Fares for these buses are the same as for regular buses. Touted as Asia’s first green-roofed bus initiative, the buses are outfitted with a soilless roof system - instead of conventional soil, the plants are secured on a lightweight mat used for skyrise greenery, said GWS Living Art, Moove Media, National Parks Board (NParks), Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) and Temasek Foundation in a joint press release. This makes it cleaner, easier to maintain and more economical than other conventional green roof systems, which are primarily soil-based, the release said. The aim of the three-month study is to confirm that the green roof will lead to a drop in temperature within the interior of the buses, and a reduction in the fuel consumption used for air-conditioning, the release said. Mr Oh Cheow Sheng, group director of NParks said: “This is a creative initiative that seeks to extend Singapore’s greening efforts, and which truly encapsulates the vision of a biophilic City in a Garden. We hope that this will spur others to explore other similarly innovative ways to green up Singapore." “Building upon the success of our Live.Work.Play.Green campaign in 2018 where we garnered massive support from the public on green buildings, this new initiative aims to once again drive green building awareness to the forefront of the public’s consciousness," said Dr Ho Nyok Yong, president of the SGBC. "We hope to sustain interest in green buildings by putting one of the most recognisable elements of a green building onto a very public platform.” this sounds funny. can tahan thunderstorm or not?
Interesting, I wonder if it will work or cause more issues Public buses are less likely to get stuck in traffic in future, with a new system that can prompt traffic lights to change in the buses' favour. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced yesterday that it is carrying out a six-month trial of the Smart Bus Priority System, starting today. During the trial, which ends next April, services 98 and 99 buses are fitted with Global Positioning System (GPS) trackers, which transmit the buses' real-time locations to a back-end assessment system. As a bus with the GPS tracker approaches a traffic junction, the system will communicate with the traffic lights and prioritise its movement, if required, by either extending the green-light duration or shortening the red-light duration. For instance, if a bus that has been delayed by a traffic jam approaches a green light that is about to turn red, the traffic light will stay green longer to allow the bus to pass. This will also benefit other vehicles travelling alongside the bus. After the bus passes the junction, the timing of the traffic light will revert to normal. The LTA said the system, which has a similar concept to one already in place in Australia, is aimed at providing faster and more reliable bus journeys for commuters. It added that a total of 56 buses which currently ply the routes of services 98 and 99 will have GPS trackers. Services 98 and 99 ply Jurong East Avenue 1 and Jurong West Avenue 1 between Jurong Town Hall Road and Jurong West Street 42/52. They were chosen for the trial because both routes have multiple traffic-light junctions, which will enable the LTA to better evaluate the effectiveness of the system. At the end of the trial period, data collected will be analysed to determine whether the system can effectively complement existing bus priority measures - such as bus lanes, B-signals for buses at junctions and bus priority boxes - to improve bus journey times and reliability.
Errors of the Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme
Bic_cherry posted a topic in General Car Discussion
[author note: this topic was previously discussed at 'New Rules : Giving Way to Buses Coming Out From Bus Stop.' (Dec2008)] Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme Is Mr Lui Tuck Yew crazy to bend the law to suit his convenience as Minister of Transport? [Source: OneMotoring: 'Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme''] [Source: She claims she's a "victim" of new give-way-to-bus rule] Yes, public transport (buses) is Singapore are slow and sucks "Mrs Teo said bus speeds have gone down from 19.1kmh in 2007 to 17.8kmh, as ridership went up from 2.9 million per day to 3.45 million per day in the same time." ['Bus hubs currently the priority and good progress made: Josephine Teo': (TDY18Jan2012)], and in fact, transport by bicycle for journeys 30km and up might average 25.750kmh. [source: ''] Rather than the drawing up of more bus lanes, it seems that the MOT is getting lazy and thus enacting some confusing stop gap measures like the ridiculous mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme (GWTBS)- a scheme whose logic if not legality remains both contradictory if not perplexing. It is in fact perhaps oxymoronic that the good Minister now says that the slow speed of buses exiting bus is due to the fast and continuous movement of other vehicular traffic on Singapore roads, since in stationary traffic conditions yellow boxes to provide for 'reserved' space so that exiting buses ALWAYS have right of way. [Dunearn-Newton Rd- bus bay with typical yellow box pict]. Wouldn't the provision of better public transport services cause fewer Singaporeans to demand travel by private car or taxi?- a largely carbon and road use intense mode of private transportation. Isn't the revolving door [wiki] effect of buses entering bus bays the occasion for buses to exit just the same since a bus awaiting entry to a bus bay effectively blocks off all oncoming traffic by virtue of its size? (that is if Minister Lui is adamant about saving bus-lanes painting costs). Mr Lui as Rear Admiral used to be Chief of Navy; with a cannon in front and torpedoes beneath, everyone gave way to the Admiral's ship. But road vehicular traffic is not the same, emergency vehicles get stuck in traffic jams just the same- nobody moves. Everyone needs space on the little land designated for road use: bus lanes besides allowing cyclist free passage (cycling is good for exercise (save govt healthcare costs) and good for the environment (low impact on global warming)) also allow emergency public vehicles free passage to conduct to their rightful roles, even during the heaviest traffic periods on all days. Emergency public vehicles stuck in jams remain a stain upon the efficiency that the PAP boasts its credentials by. The start stop driving by vehicles on the left lane caused by ambiguity as to whether a bus is indeed leaving the bus bay is also another cause for accidents occurring, if not a compromise in time and energy efficiency as drivers operate their brakes with unnecessary intensity. This adds to pollution if not frustration of driving on Singapore roads; foreign talents holding international driving licenses also cannot be expected to understand this paradoxical local law as it is international convention for vehicles along minor roads (bays etc) to give way to vehicles along major roads (e.g. trunk roads): wouldn't an accident due to this legal paradox result in more jams created by unnecessary traffic accidents? One side issue would be that the Minister is being unnecessary cruel to cyclist and motorcyclist in the enaction of the GWTBS law is that the poor rider/ pillion is then expected to breath in the diesel fumes of the exiting bus: not a pleasant experience nor a safe one- considering that the car driver behind might not be able to break in time, having not considered about the need to stop to give way to the exiting bus and result in the poor rider being crushed in-between- another tragic road fatality. Mr Lui's salary is one that mirrors the elite of the elite in Singapore [pict]. Surely being elite is not about just making more money? Don't the people of Singapore demand more than just hare brained stop gap measures in managing public transport and road use in hyper-efficient Singapore? Not everybody can afford a maid [pict link], nor the privilege of private transportation in Singapore [Saw Phiak Hua empress pict]. More for public transport, safer transport for motorcycles and bicycles. Good Minister, Thank you and have a nice day. References: Above: Dunearn-Newton Rd bus bay- yellow box pict. [pict source: Singapore's defense burden - Something no maid can carry] [pict source] - STOMP 29Aug09: “I gave way to bus -- and got rammed from behind”, [link] - STOMP 19Aug09: “I am one of many 'victims' unfairly fined $130 under new 'give way to bus' rule”, [link] [link] [img source] -
Got into an accident with an SMRT Bus. Anyone with experience dealing with SMRT? Or would does it make more sense to leave it completely to the insurance company? Thanks for any advice!
SMRT has confirmed an order of 570 new buses, which includes 332 MAN 12-metre buses, 40 MAN articulated buses, and a total of 201 Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 double deckers. This the new livery of SMRT ADL double deckers to be launched soon As part of the initiative to increase bus capacity on longer routes and bring greater comfort to the commuter’s bus journey experience, SMRT has confirmed the delivery of over 570 buses. Orders are confirmed for 332 MAN 12-metre buses, 40 MAN articulated buses, and for the first time, a total of 201 ADL Double Deckers. This is the largest fleet renewal and growth initiative by SMRT to date, and re-affirms the company’s commitment to offering commuters the highest standards in safety, reliability, care and comfort. A first batch of about 30 buses will be delivered to SMRT’s bus depots in June 2014. The vehicles will undergo further tests including functional, systems and road tests before joining SMRT’s existing fleet of over 1,200 buses to serve commuters from July 2014. SMRT Buses will be introducing the rest of the fleet progressively till end 2016. The addition of the ADL Double Deckers in particular will help ease crowdedness during peak hours, particularly on longer routes with high passenger loads. Together with other bus orders, these new vehicles will replace older bus models, and address the need for more bus trips and better bus service levels. Mr. Benny Lim, Senior Vice President for SMRT Roads said, “We are very excited with this major fleet expansion and renewal initiative. Expanding our existing fleet with ADL Double Deckers and MAN buses will enable us to better address increasingly dynamic road conditions, and ensure enhanced capacity in handling increased ridership. We look forward to bringing passengers even more comfortable and reliable rides.” Of the over 570 buses that SMRT has confirmed delivery for, 218 are introduced and funded under SMRT’s participation in the Land Transport Authority’s Bus Service Enhancement Programme.
I've seen many buses operating on roads with huge black fumes coming out from exhaust. Will you report them? On 2nd thought it's a wise move to keep quiet cause 1) car park prices just increased 2) the last thing we would want is public transport to increase
Was in my colleague's car and he 'followed' a big truck with a long tail overhang.......... we were on the left lane, the truck right lane........... slow moving traffic but when the truck turned right its tail swung out and nearly hit the right fender of our car (our car was slightly 'behind' the truck at its left rear corner)... anyone experienceds similar near-miss??
Source: wright bus volvo bus is not under geely, right?
SBS will buy 450 Mercedes Benz Citaro single deck buses and 550 Volvo B9TL double deck buses at a cost of $443 million. They are scheduled for delivery from as early as January 2013. All buses are powered by Euro 5-compliant engines and will have wheelchair-friendly features. Of the 1,000 new buses, 260 will be funded by the Government under the Bus Services Enhancement Programme (BSEP), while SBS Transit will fund the 740 buses under its growth and fleet replacement plans.
I thought our bus companies are private companies how come government using tax payers money to by buses correct me please
- Fares for buses and trains to go up Posted: 05 August 2011 1018 hrs SINGAPORE: Public transport fares will increase from October 8 - concurrent with the full opening of the Circle Line. The Public Transport Council (PTC) has decided to grant an overall adjustment of one per cent. The amount is significantly less than the maximum fare adjustment of 2.8 per cent the public transport operators (SBS Transit and SMRT) wanted. Adults using ezlink cards for buses and trains will see a two cents increase per journey. Fares for senior concession card holders will increase by one cent per journey. But concession hours for senior citizens will be extended to the full-day throughout the week. Their fares on the North East Line and Circle Line will also be adjusted downwards. An estimated four in 10 senior citizens will see fare savings. There will be no change to child or student concession card fares. As for those paying in cash, adult commuters will see their fares increase by 10 cents per trip across the board. There will be no change to senior citizen and child or student cash fares. Overall, the average increase translates to about 15 cents more, per week, for the 85 per cent of commuters who will be affected. - CNA/cc Just as everyone guess, PTC is just another toothless tiger. on one hand try to please the public, on the other try to support the private operators....
ST Engineering's Land Systems Arm Secures Contract to Provide MAN Buses to SMRT Buses Singapore, 12 July 2011 - ST Engineering today announced that its land systems arm, ST Kinetics, has won a contract worth over S$65m from SMRT Buses Ltd (SMRT Buses), a subsidiary of Singapore's premier multi-modal public transport service provider, SMRT Corporation Ltd. This is the first city bus contract for ST Kinetics and it calls for the supply of the state-of-the-art low floor MAN A22 bus. ST Kinetics is the sole distributor for MAN Truck & Bus AG, as well as the exclusive authorised service support and spares provider in Singapore. Delivery is expected to begin in August 2011 and it will be completed by end of 2012. Equipped with a patented PM- Kat
anyone read today's Straits Times? SMRT has ordered 10 electric buses and an unknown number of electric taxis from chinese automobile manufacturer BYD. The delivery of the vehicles will depend on when the charging infrastructure is ready. The right hand drive version of the electric buses will go into production in August, while the right hand drive version of the electric taxis will be made in June next year.
This fella jia pah bo sai pang. So free to write such things in. Feb 24, 2011 Rattled by rattling buses LAST Thursday, I took SBS service 143 from UE Square to Scotts Road and back. Both the double-decker buses I was on rattled non-stop throughout the whole journey. On Monday, I took service 64 from Sim Lim Square to UE Square. It was not a double-decker bus, but it rattled non-stop too. I hope the Land Transport Authority monitors the bus services as the rattling reminds me of the old days when the buses were operated by private companies. Perhaps we can learn from Britain where the buses are rattle-free and the drivers do not execute knee-jerk stops at bus stops to the detriment of senior citizens. Ong Tiong Meng
Notice nowadays private buses wait in public bus bay along the roads for their passengers and these buses usually just park there for 10-20mins even during peak hours.... for example the Sentosa Resort World buses at bus stops along the main road near Vivo city etc etc. The result is that normal public buses have no place to pick up / let out their passengers in the bus bay so they just stop along the road, causing traffic jams behind.... It is ok if private buses just stop and move off like public buses at these bus bays, but they just simply park there to wait for passengers to fill up the seats ... ignoring the traffic jam they are causing
Do you support the extension of the Mandatory Give Way to Buses Scheme to more locations to speed up bus travel? Your vote is keep in strict confidential. Just take a look what had happen at our Legend. He had was being involved in a traffic accident causing unnecessary delays to others. If that there wasn't any mandatory give way to buses scheme, he would not had stopped and being hit from behind. I believe that the accident had happen in a non-peak period thus traffic delays are manageable. However if that this accident happen in a peak period in a 3 lane road. Closure of 1 lane = less 33.3% efficient + merger of lane 3 to lane 2 causes other % less efficient + safety distance, braking and acceralations delays % less efficient + people looking at Porchse of 4 digits = more delays. And also ambulance to arrive = vehicle had not planned to travel to that destination = more space for another vehicle = delay yet again. Recovery vehicles & cleaning crew = more and more delays. If that the bus have no mandatory give way to buses scheme, bus driver had graciously "give way" to others = improving overall efficent = better flow for the next bus to arrive as well. Solved the bottle neck congestions & overall logistics.
China always seems to come up with the strangest ideas and some of them actually seem pretty amazing. This is no exception. One geek managed to turn an Ipod into an Iphone, now they're thinking of making a bus that cars can drive under them to ease congestion. It is a good idea to start of with as driving behind a bus is avoided most of the time by motorists. The reason is simple; buses are slow, huge, takes forever to change lanes and if they cut across the entire road to turn right at a junction from a bus stop, its no joke for the motorists behind as the entire road is jammed up till the lights change. With this 'innovation' of theirs, cars can now travel underneath the buses and the problem is solved! No more jams and the roads will be smooth and seemingly rid of buses. However, there is a problem. What if the bus decides to change lane and you're driving under it? Or... what if there's a lunatic with a bomb in his car and wants to explode it just beneath the bus? It appears that by having this system, its almost like having a tram/train on the road where it can only travel on a fixed rail or route. So not that feasible in our already congested city I would say.. what do you think?
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I was driving to work just now and was in a hurry. Now, my estate has only one entry point from the main road and I was turning out via that. Just then a whole convoy of YOG buses come along and take up the main road on one side. Never mind, I'll just turn out. one of the buses puts itself right smack in the yellow box at the entry point so no one can leave my estate nor can anyone drive in. After stopping, the then proceed to just SIT THERE FOR A WHOLE FARKING 15 MINUTES, with their passengers blowing vuvuzelas and the buses playing stupidly offkey music. Their police escorts just signaled me to stop and not move. I leaned my head forward and gave the retarded reveillers a wave, which I then turned into a one-finger salute the moment their police escort's back was turned towards me. I only managed to move off after the buses went on further down the road to harass other people And this is why I hate the YOG....
Do I need to give way to these #@%!$^ buses on those non designated GIVE WAY lane in the major expressways? (ie. on other trunk road) Pardon if I have not been following other threads.
just curious..whats the "pssst" sound that buses make when they are moving or stopping? been taking buses so long still dunnoe
Just a couple of days ago, I spotted a YOG bus cruising happily at 60KM/H on lane 2 CTE. I was like WTF...... Its more like they are hogging the road and blocking our way than we blocking them..... YOG buses should just keep left with good vehicles and stop blocking us!