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Found 5 results

  1. The popular saying, "It takes 2 hands to clap" has stuck around for a long time; and it could not be more true for many drivers locally and worldwide. I think most Singaporean drivers have this phrase engraved into their hearts, haha! Recently, a video showing a Mercedes-Benz S-Class (cool car) misbehaving on the PIE (not cool behaviour) on the way to the ECP made its rounds on the various Facebook traffic communities, garnering a lot of activity in the comment section. Video here, below: Laying it down As you can see, the video has it all: showing the Mercedes swerving from lane to lane abruptly, flashing the hazard lights and of course, playing the braking game! These are very dangerous actions to make as they will endanger the safety of other road users by acting so recklessly. Wait... Could there be a backstory here? That's what we're all asking here, and that's what we all want to know! We should be asking ourselves, does it make sense for the owner of an expensive car to act out like that for no reason? Why risk the demerit points, and the opportunity to drive around? That's where the adage "It takes 2 hands to clap" comes in mind. We were thinking--- since the video was cut and edited, there could have been a series of events that occurred before the misdemeanours occurred. Court of public opinion Netizens weighed in, and readers can see that many of them share the same idea: People were suspicious of the cam car's intentions. Yes, why not post the whole video? More and more people chimed in: We want to see too! Oh dear... Like we said before, "it takes 2 hands to clap." The popular conclusion was that the cam car driver must have done something to provoke the Mercedes driver, causing him to lash out in such a manner. But of course with such antics, backlash also came: After all, roads should be safe for all to use. There were also more level-headed commentators: We agree! A better use of his resources for sure. We saved the best for last: Yes, the Mercedes driver may have been angered by rudeness from the camcar as speculated. But that doesn't mean he should be reacting like this, nor should he be acting rashly and potentially causing road accidents with innocent motorists. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind We never like to see such cases happen. Since we are all sharing the road, it would do everyone some good to step back, take a breather and be the bigger person. It may be hard not to react to that sudden lane cut, or the rude honk from behind, but in the long run, it'll be better for you and your mental wellbeing. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  2. TL;DR – A Toyota Voxy with Singaporean plates plays the brake check game and blocks a Malaysian Van at the causeway checkpoint (Malaysian side) and ends up getting intentionally rammed in the rear. It’s common sense to behave yourself when you’re in someone else’s territory. But apparently, this Voxy driver did not get the memo. The Story According to the caption of the video, The Voxy was playing the braking game and blocking the Malaysian Van. This then provoked the Van into reversing and intentionally accelerating into the rear of the Voxy. Insurance How? Some netizen raised the issue of claiming insurance from the Van. They are not wrong. Even if the accident happens on Singapore soil, it’s extremely difficult to claim insurance from a Malaysian vehicle. Online Chatter One does not go into a foreign country and display their ego. It won’t end well. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  3. Reacting with a brake check to a tailgater or vice versa is courting for trouble. These two actions simply do not go hand in hand with each other. Here's why: What Happened? In the video, the cam car - a Mitsubishi Lancer was gunning down the CTE in the wee hours of the morning at a significantly fast speed. And to its rear was a white Toyota Camry that was also speeding down the expressway. The Toyota Camry gradually sped up and tailgated the Mitsubishi Lancer. Having witnessed the provocation from its rear, the Mitsubishi Lancer reacted with a rather forceful brake check, resulting in the Camry rear-ending it. Despite the collision, the Toyota Camry driver pulled away from the Mitsubishi Lancer before changing lanes and scooting from it. How do you know if it is a Mitsubishi Lancer? A resourceful netizen posted a sgCarMart used car listing: After some poking around, here are the following images of the vehicle in the used car listing: Does the rear of the car look familiar? I don't know about you, but it looks pretty familiar to me. What are your thoughts on this incident? Let me know in the comments below! Netizens' Comments Netizens did not sympathise with the Mitsubishi driver at all. Instead, they went a step further to call him out for performing a brake check, and some went full savage on him. Here's a compilation of these comments: ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  4. Contrary to what was taught, your vehicle's high beam is seldom used as a safety feature to enhance your visibility. More often than not, it is a visual sign of giving the motorist in front of you a middle finger. Watch how a flash of high beam quickly turned this BMW driver unhappy: What Happened? This incident occurred at a Tampines Expressway (TPE) exit towards Punggol Road. While traveling on lane 2, the taxi ahead of the cam car indicated his left signal and proceeded to change from lane 1 to 2. The taxi continued leaving his left signal and started changing lanes from lane 2 to 3. However, before the taxi could successfully change lanes to lane 3, a BMW 535i emerged from behind. For some reason, the cam car decided to flash his high beam as a 'warning' to both the taxi and BMW drivers. And not to anyone's surprise, the BMW driver quickly became unhappy at the cam car's unnecessary flashing of high beams. As a result, the BMW driver gave the cam car a brake check and proceeded to switch lanes multiple times to be behind the cam car. He proceeded to give the cam car a taste of his own medicine - by shining some light on him. Moments later, the BMW driver quickly accelerated and cut abruptly in front of the cam car before performing another brake check manoeuvre. Was It Necessary? TBH, the cam car's action was uncalled for. At 0:08 of the video, the taxi was already canceling his lane change manoeuvre when the cam car flashed his high beam. Essentially, the cam car's high beam did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but agitated the BMW driver. In similar scenarios, honking is the better solution to alert fellow drivers instead of high beams. After all, the intended purpose of a car horn is to alert motorists of impending car accidents/collisions. Netizens' Comments Exactly! It is important to check your blindspot before performing any lane change. No problem then want to find problem🤷‍♂️ I wouldn't bother retrieving my dashcam footage for something this trivial. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  5. Kudos to the Honda Shuttle for not falling victim to this Mercedes driver’s antics! With 2022 drawing near, this Mercedes driver decides to pull one last trick out of his sleeve to end his year with a bang. In this video, a cam car is driving in the middle lane towards Paya Lebar Road. A silver Honda Shuttle is traveling right in front of him. After both vehicles pass a junction, the Shuttle shifts to the left lane. The Mercedes in front of it quickly mirrors his actions, blocking the silver vehicle. Here's a close up of the action: Determined, the Shuttle quickly merges to the middle lane. However, to the driver’s dismay, the Mercedes manages to copy his actions and shifts to the right as well. The Honda Shuttle immediately hits the brakes to avoid bumping into the Mercedes, narrowly missing the vehicle by a hair’s length. Here's a close up of the action: The cam car slows down and merges to the right lane, where the Mercedes can be seen blocking the Shuttle’s path. What is a brake check? Brake checking is the act of sharply hitting the brakes whilst driving to make an unsuspecting driver behind slam on his brakes or swerve out of the way to avoid an accident. Perpetrators can then make insurance claims against the victim, with the common thought that the insurance companies would fault the victim for not leaving enough space to react or brake in the event of an emergency. In Singapore, brake checking is an offence and anyone who purposefully brake checks will be fined by the TP. Victims can file for insurance claims, no matter what had happened before the brake check. Netizens’ reactions Exactly! No matter what has happened before this incident, there is no excuse for brake checking. It is simply a douche move! 😤 I hope the TP catches this guy before he actually causes an accident. 😭 ======== Receive a $10 PayNow for every submission we publish on Facebook! Simply WhatsApp us ➡️https://bit.ly/3c6JERA
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