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am looking for the DVD boxed set for the above, tried Borders, HMV and Gramaphone all don't sell. anybody know where its on sale ? Thanks.
this was like in the movie Avatar if this can apply on human
hi, i would like to change my avatar,but when i load a new one, its still shows the old one. i"ve tried to log off and log in but to no avail. if admin is reading this, please help me...
Maybe this should go into Feedback & Suggestions, but I believe posting in Lite & Easy gets more attention. Ever since all those drama 2.5 years back, I decided to take a back seat and be a silent reader, but cannot hold back anymore to write something. The system has migrated from a Moderators govern to a more members govern by the means of the "Praise" and "Dislike" function. How many members understand and are actually doing this? People seem to be going after the praises, and getting mad at dislikes ( maybe most dislikes are personal). What I see is really hypocritical. After the admin came forward and made an announcement, people started to come in and agree this agree that, why did they not do anything about it earlier? There was a thread earlier before the admin spoke, how many actually went it to support? Surprising those who supported the all black avatar did not comment much or if any at all, they did it by "action". My respect to these members. Why is there a need for such a drama in the first place? yellow cards fly freely and "banned" was common 2.5 years ago, "banned" is still common now as I see it. Gearoil, 5052 posts, banned Darryn, 12817 posts, banned picanto, 12441 posts, banned comegetme, 258 posts, banned beside Gearoil, the rest were banned within the last month, how serious were their offends compare to those sex discussions? In my opinion, it seem like a case of, 'you are banned because I don't like you, and you are safe to do whatever you want as long as you are with me." Oh well, this may be my last post before I cannot log in anymore, so be it. lol Still, I want to do my part, and therefore I am going to continue with the "ALL BLACK AVATAR" here, leave the other thread out because the title did not spell as clearly. so it goes. Those who are for a cleaner MCF, change your avatar to an empty black image."
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I find her pretty but not fappingly beautiful. Ever wondered if beauty can be quantified by a predefined set of scientific rules? A modelling competition in England has found the Most Naturally Beautiful Face in the country. 18-year-old Florence Colgate beat 8,000 other finalists, who have all not undergone cosmetic enhancement, to that title after she was adjudged to have a 44 percent ratio where the space between her pupils is just under half the width of her face from ear to ear. The A-levels student also had a 32.8 percent ratio for the distance between her eyes and mouth -- scientists believe the ideal distance should be a third of the overall length from one's hairline to her chin. STOMPer ColgateToothpaste, who came across these photos, wrote: "Not only is Florence Colgate's face a sign of beauty, it is also the most symmetrical based on a ratio between the eyes, mouth, forehead and chin. "I don't know about you but this is the first time I'm hearing that beauty can be defined by numbers and science though I'd have to say, she really does look quite pretty." Paiseh, but how to edit this thread into a poll? My avatar Thai student more chio or the British student?
James Cameron has a special affinity for the ocean. He's directed films such as "Titanic" and "The Abyss," not to mention his own deep-sea diving documentaries. So it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that his "Avatar" sequel will focus on underwater life in the oceans of the fictional moon of Pandora. "Part of my focus in the second film is in creating a different environment -- a different setting within Pandora," Cameron told the LA Times, "and I'm going to be focusing on the ocean on Pandora, which will be equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative, but it just won't be a rain forest. I'm not saying we won't see what we've already seen; we'll see more of that as well." The first "Avatar" film went on to gross over $2.7 billion worldwide and a sequel has been talked about since the release of the original film. The speculation, based on comments made by Cameron, was that a sequel would focus on another moon that surrounds the gas planet of Polyphemus, as opposed to Pandora. Cameron states he still wants to explore other moons in the system, but that will probably have to wait until a third film. "We created a broad canvas for the environment of film," explained Cameron. "That's not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story -- not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film." Water has never scared Cameron away from completing his vision, though with mixed results. Cameron directed the underwater thriller "The Abyss" in 1989 -- the most ambitious film to use underwater effects at the time. But "The Abyss" grossed only $90 million worldwide. Cameron upped the ante with 1997's "Titanic." Over-budget and behind schedule -- due in a large part to the special effects associated with creating the illusion of a sinking ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean -- "Titanic" went on to become the most financially successful film of the time, until until it fell to "Avatar."
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I been observing that alot of the MCF members have no avatar/ugly avatar. So if you think yours is nice, come in here! Mine is!
Uploaded avatars from your computer must be no larger than 100 KB The following file types are allowed: gif,jpg,jpeg,png Users should make sure that their avatars are not offensive, abusive, racist or sexist in nature. If you need to crop your images to the correct ratio, or to resize it to be below 50KB, use the following online web tools.
This function have be there since day 1, just that most of us overlook it (I'm one of them). This is nothing new, but good info for those who want to hide the avatar of other users. [inline "How to hide Avatar.jpg"] The reason why I used Spiderman avatar because he was the one that was asking whether can this be done. [inline B4After.jpg] Please take note that once you activate this function, you CANNOT see your own avatar too. So don't come and ask what's wrong..
I just set my avatar and 1 week later-poof!
Been watching this cartoon series on Nickelodeon. I must say it is very well done for an American anime. The fighting styles are very fluid and beautiful just like their real life associated styles (see Wikipedia for details). Lots of fantasy but it is no BS. A fresh change from Japanime.
Well, it seems like some of the bros here like my avatar so much that it was used so often in their postings So I like to ask all bros & sis here, who do you think has the coolest avatar in MCF (other than mine)?
Hey bros, Not a trick ques whatsoever in fact i tink its a good forum to ask cos most are matured adults. Will u ever be tempted by this singaporean girl-next-door should there be an excellent opportunity? and considering that ur spouse will never ever find out. I'm afraid I will.... and i know its wrong. but i cant help it. I'm weak mentally. sighz
I can't change the pic of my avatar even though i have change the pic to the correct attribute and update the profile numerous times Please advise
How about increasing memory space allocated for avatar, so that we can have more interesting avatars with .gif
erm... how come I can't change my avatar? keep going back to old photo...