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Found 1 result

  1. Audi has an intriguing piece of driver assistance technology called Traffic Light Assist (TLA) that promises to help drivers make every green light. Using both live and predictive data beamed into the vehicle's navigation unit via onboard wifi, TLA doesn't need a single camera to tell you when the light is going to change. Local data sources provide information about traffic light patterns, and the in car system uses that data and the motion of the car to predict exactly how long it'll be until the green light goes red. In practice, the system shows a traffic light icon in the central display (a heads-up display would be a nice option), along with a countdown timer that reads the number of seconds before a light changes from red to green. Additionally, the system corrects for changing lanes and resultant changing signals; changing a straight-through traffic lane to a left-turn lane and signal, for instance. What's more, the stop/start system is integrated with the new software, as well, restarting the engine with a few seconds to go before the light in front of you changes to green. Pretty slick.
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