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Found 5 results

  1. TL;DR – A driver of a Rolls Royce Phantom holds up traffic in Tiong Bahru because he was unwilling to scratch his car on a BMW X5 parked ever so slightly out of its lot. Hi all! Just a quick one today before I leave the office. This one is too juicy not to share. This video has gained 41k views in just 1-hour after uploading it on Facebook. That’s insane. Let’s watch the 57-second video here. Are you an idiot, sir? The video begins with the person recording the video asking the Rolls Royce driver whether he’s an idiot. It really looks like there’s more than enough space tbh. The BMW is parked just ever so slightly off the line. If kena, you pay? To which the driver of the Rolls retorts: A Caucasian lady attempts to diffuse the situation by asking him calmly to move his car closer to see whether he can clear the ‘tight’ space. But he says that he wants the selfish ‘b**tard’ of the X5 to come and move the car instead of him moving. Isn’t he being selfish too? There’s clearly enough space! Online Chatter Lots of commenters think the car isn’t his. I’m leaning towards that too! ======== Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  2. TL;DR – A Toyota Yaris driver makes a wide turn, ends up on opposing lane upsetting a couple of motorcyclists who made gestures at him. Unhappy, the driver confronts them and even takes out a weapon from his car. This incident happened earlier today (2nd August 2021). A road raging Toyota Yaris driver whips out a weapon from his car in anger and it’s all been recorded on video! Here’s the video for your viewing pleasure. What right do you have to be angry sir? At the start of this 94-second video, we see a red Yaris making a wide turn and ending up on the opposing lane. He’s clearly in the wrong from the get go, so what right has he got to be angry? Gangsta uncle The motorcyclist reportedly made a gesture at the Yaris which infuriated the driver. If I’m not wrong, I heard the uncle say To which the biker replies Followed by short inaudible dialogue and a long uncomfortable silent stare down. The motorcyclist in front, presumably a friend tries to step in to defuse the situation. But does that help? Nope. Uncle has a weapon, I repeat, Uncle has a weapon! The uncle goes to his car to take out a weapon. Is that a fishing rod? Maybe it’s a golf club? Someone said it looks like a Samurai sword but I’m going to go with fishing rod. A lady tries to calm the angry Uncle but it did not seem to work. The video then cuts off leaving us to wonder what the heck happened after. Online Chatter I think anyone’s lj would tbh. All plausible scenarios Want to know what I think? I think if you’re in the wrong, and you know you’re in the wrong, just shut the hell up and go on your way. See la, now you’re going to be famous. Please don’t find me and beat me with your fishing rod. --- Thinking of selling your car? sgCarMart Quotz guarantees the highest selling price for your car. We’ll even give you $100 cash if you find a better offer elsewhere! Get a free quote to find out how much your car is worth today!
  3. TL;DR – VW Passat P-plate driver gets mad when he gets honked at for not stopping at the stop sign. Goes all aggro on cam car in front (with high beam and unnecessary lane cutting). Question: What’s worse than a P-Plater who doesn’t know how to stop at a stop sign? Answer: An angry P-plater who doesn’t know how to stop at the stop sign. What did you learn at driving school? I don’t know about you, but when I was learning how to drive, I’m pretty sure failing to stop at a stop sign was an immediate failure. Then we have this Passat driver, fresh out of driving school with his p-plates, not applying what he learnt less than 12 months ago. Here’s the video Wow, the audacity of this one Cam car gives a warning honk to the P-plater to avoid a collision. But that doesn’t sit well with the P-Plater. He proceeds to tailgate and highbeam the cam car in an aggressive manner. If you thought that was all, towards the end of the video, P-plater swerves out of the lane, speeds up and cuts into cam car’s path like a maniac. Am confused What confuses me the most is that P-plater swerves back to the right lane after all that recklessness. Making him look like not just a prick, but a real noob-#$%^ driver. Loving the comments Lots of wise words from wise people. I really hope the TP sees this video and nabs this guy.
  4. Here's a perfect example of how public shaming can come and bite you in the ass. In a recent video uploaded on Singapore Incidents' YouTube channel, an angry man chases down and confronts a DHL Delivery driver because the DHL driver allegedly pointed the middle finger at him. Here's the video if you haven't already seen it. In the video, the incident begins along the KPE when the DHL van does an e-brake in front of our angry man, who is driving behind the DHL van. Angry man proceeds to sound his displeasure with a couple of honks. Ideally, this should be the end of the story for most people. But, no. The angry man then proceeds to chase the DHL van like some road vigilante. As soon as angry man's car is parallel to the DHL van, we hear some cries of displeasure before he grabs his mobile device* (which was recording the whole incident) to capture DHL driver's face on video. *This is a chargeable offence by the way The video cuts off and jumps to the DHL driver sitting on the floor and speaking in dialect (Hokkien I think?) trying to justify his actions. It's not clear how they ended up out of their vehicles. Angry man then demands an apology from the DHL driver for pointing the middle finger at him. We think the finger-pointing might have happened when both their vehicles were parallel to one another (in the camera's blind spot). The DHL driver humbles himself and apologises in both Hokkien and English. But, angry man can't let sleeping dogs lie and submitted this video to shame the DHL driver. What the people say He should have just let it go after the apology and maybe he thought netizens would rally behind him. But, boy oh boy, was he wrong. What do you think?
  5. A recent video uploaded on SG Road Vigilante of an Audi A4 using red and blue flashing lights to impersonate law enforcement vehicles has gone viral. The “less than 24-hour old” video has since gone viral and has about 250 shares (as of present). Here’s the video if you haven’t already seen it Video from SG Road Vigilante YouTube Colours of the law At about 19 seconds into the video, we see an Audi A4 light up with red and blue flashing lights to overtake or get past the car that was recording the video. A string of vulgarities can be heard coming from the driver. This is forgivable because ANYBODY would be pissed off if they had to scoot over and give way to a “police vehicle” only to find out that it was all a big fat lie. Screenshot from SG Road Vigilante YouTube The video then shifts to the POV of the dash cam. The footage doesn’t show the red and blue flashing lights tho, but it does show where the incident took place – Terminal 4, Changi Airport. A weak chase ensues The driver then decides to chase the Audi down (which was uncalled for but ego probably kicked in). Screenshot from SG Road Vigilante YouTube However, they enter a single merging lane, and there’s a Hyundai Avante between them. For some reason, the Audi slows down at this single lane for a couple of seconds and the vulgarity spewing driver wastes no time in honking and high beaming to signal his displeasure. It’s a good thing that there was the Hyundai between them though or things might have escalated even further. The Audi seems like it wanted to stop but decided not to in the end and drove off. Angry driver tails for a while and the video cuts off. Two wrongs, no right We did some research and under no circumstance should you be using red and blue flashing lights unless you are from law enforcement. Image by Singtech.com.sg However, vulgarity spewing driver was obviously looking for a fight of sorts with all that aggression. Just keep calm lah! Why so angry? The video is evidence enough for him to kena by the real police what? Here’s what Singaporeans think Image from SG Road Vigilante Facebook This guy sounds like he’s got it all figured out.
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