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  1. http://www.divaasia.com/article/4205 Sun, Jun 28, 2009 The Star/Asia News Network Cheated on for 20 years I AM a 49-year-old housewife who has been married to a policeman for 23 years. We have 21-year-old twins who are in their first year at university. My husband has been cheating on me for almost 20 years. He is a womaniser. He sleeps with any woman who offers her body for free. He had a mistress in the 1990s. He even told me that he wanted to marry her but he didn
  2. it takes two to clap why just blame the boy boy if he is the parent shouldnt he be ashamed for not being able to control his daugther how many of you out there have violated your virginity before the legal age i only counting those with fellow humans ... no encounters with pontianak or hantu counted http://divaasia.com/article/4252 Dad: My teen is too young by Desmond Ng IT WAS bad enough for this father to find out that his 14-year-old girl had been having sex regularly. But things got worse. Even after making a police report and repeatedly warning his daughter's boyfriend, the sexual trysts continued right under his nose. It all started when the father, David, found out that his daughter had sex with a 17-year-old polytechnic student last November. The young couple have been together for over a year. He hit the roof when he found out about it in January. To protect the identity of the daughter, we are not giving the real names of those involved. When David, who is in his 40s, first wanted to report the boyfriend to the police, he decided against it to give the boy one more chance. In the eyes of the law, girls aged between 12 and 14 are considered victims of statutory rape. Cases involving girls below the age of 12 are investigated as rape. The boy could have been jailed up to 10 years or fined if he had been convicted. There have been several such cases in the last few months. David said that he immediately called the couple for a talk when he found out about their trysts. He said: 'I sat both of them down and told the boy that my daughter is still young and can't make decisions (about sexual relationships). 'I also told him that he's still studying, has no job and can't take care of my daughter. I said I will give him a second chance by not going to the police.' Jealousy David said that the boy apologised and promised not to see his daughter anymore. David even informed the boy's parents and told them to control their son. He said that he would never have found out their secret if not for the jealousy of her boyfriend. The boyfriend had called David this January and warned him that his daughter was also seeing someone else and that 'they could be doing it'. David got worried and told him that he'll be sending his daughter for a medical checkup. He said: 'I also warned him that if I did that, I might also be able to find out if my daughter had sex with him. That was when he confessed and said that he had sex with my daughter last November.' After that warning, David sent his daughter (now in Secondary 3) to school every day, while his wife took time off daily from work to fetch her home in the afternoon. David said he tried talking to his daughter but she was non-communicative and didn't want to talk about her relationship with the boyfriend. Their precautions came to naught. Their daughter continued to keep in contact with her boyfriend secretly, and even skipped lessons to meet him. David found out that she had sex again with the boyfriend in January after reading an SMS on her handphone that she had sent to the boyfriend. Her message said that she was guilty about having sex again and wondered if she could be pregnant. Furious, David made a police report against the boy that month. He said: 'We're under tremendous stress having to make a living and to guard her. We are very concerned that our daughter might end up pregnant or even get Aids.' Then something else happened. In February this year, his daughter jumped down from the second floor of their condo and fractured both her arms. Said David: 'We had locked the main door to prevent her from leaving the house but we didn't know she'd jump out of her bedroom window. 'And even with her fractured arms, she still managed to go to her boyfriend's place.' The daughter spent two weeks in hospital for her fractured arms and also received psychological help. The boy, however, was let off with a police warning in March. Helpless But even after that police warning, the couple continued to have sex, which infuriated David even more. He found out from his daughter's blog that the couple had sex again in May this year. He said: 'I had already warned the guy and reported him to the police. He was let off with a warning but now, he's still having sex with my daughter. 'As a parent, I am really helpless. What can I do? I can't imprison my daughter.' He said that while his daughter has shown signs of improvement and even wrote an apology letter to her mother, it is still too early to conclude that the problem is over. David said that he has since made another police report in May. The police said that investigations are ongoing and it's inappropriate to comment at this time. Former deputy public prosecutor Tan Hee Joek said that generally, the factors that could've been considered on whether to charge the accused would be the age of the accused and the relationship between the accused and the victim. Mr Tan, now in private practice at Tan See Swan & Co, explained: 'The age of the accused is very important. It would tell you roughly if the victim was taken advantage of by someone older who preys on younger girls. 'But if both of them are teenagers and they do have a close boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, then that would be taken into consideration.' In such cases, it's not unusual that the accused is let off with a stern warning first, he said. Said Mr Tan: 'If it happens again, then the authorities might take more serious action against the offender. You can't keep on giving warnings. For the first time, the accused may claim that he didn't know it's serious. 'But after being warned, he can't rely on that as mitigation, especially when he has ignored the warning blatantly.' This article was first published in The New Paper more: lawyer, teen pregnancy, teen sex readers' comments I find it very amusing that his silly daughter would jump off the 2nd story window just to have sex with the boy.. is she so starved of sex? Sounds like a nympho to me! I wonder what would happen if he moves to a higher floor, would she then die for sex? I am curious to know if the 17 yr old is that good in bed? I think he can have more pleasure and a side income by sleeping with older women instead of minors. Posted by Magenta on Fri, 3 Jul 2009 at 18:54 PM Isnt it a crime to have sex with a minor? Surely it cannot be right for the boy to be let off with just a warning. Even if he is also a minor he might have been let off from a jail term but just given a warning with no curfew or some other form of disciplinary action definitely sounds like something is amiss. Anyhow since he has done it again this time he cannot get away. You should press the police for some action. This however does not solve the problem if your daughter remains infatuated and continues to do silly things, you will probably need the help of professional counselors. Posted by micky2008 on Fri, 3 Jul 2009 at 16:38 PM Why not just send him to boys' home ... can't the police do anything ... why is that the authorities are finding their hands tied on such a simple matter. Sex on more time Boys' home until 21yr for the boy ... Same for the girl too ... why make it so easy for them ... talk is cheap ... Why isn't this a problem that can be resolved quickly? What is wrong with our society? Posted by Twister2 on Fri, 3 Jul 2009 at 14:05 PM
  3. INTERESTING OBSERVATION 1. The sport of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL. 2 The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BOWLING. 3 The sport of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL. 4 The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL. 5 The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS. and........ 6 The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF. THE AMAZING CONCLUSION: The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become
  4. Three myths about the Singapore woman by Skilldo If you are a male and still single, you may probably have heard these myths about Singaporean women, or even more likely, you may have used them at some point in your dating career. Myth #1: Singapore girls are harder to approach It's highly likely the guy who believe this has probably approached less than than 10 women in his life. Here's the fact: if you have walked up to and chatted with enough women, you will find plenty of highly responsive ones. Sure, there are girls who have their noses in the air. If that happens to you, simply turn away and speak to another lady. There is really nothing hard about it. Never use limited references from just a few approaches to become the overall verdict about women. In the end, it's NOT that S'pore females are harder to talk to. Instead, it has got to do with how much a guy is preventing himself from going up to a girl to break the ice. Myth #2: Women in Singapore have very high standards for men I won't totally disagree with this point, but hear me out. Women all have standards. They all have "wants". In terms of the type of man they want, they say - "I want a guy to have this, I want a guy to have that." But when you attract a lady enough (even if you don't fit the description of what she says she want), she will still be happy being with you. I know women who say they want good-looking guys, but end up with common-looking ones. I also know women who say they want to get a rich guy and be a 'tai-tai' - haven't we all heard that before? - but end up with ordinary salaried males. Of course, we also know examples of rich guys getting beautiful women, but I can tell you surely that for every "rich guy gets girl" example there is out there, I can show you two more cases of "ordinary guy gets girl". And as a personal example of someone who's heard it before, there are women who say they will only consider tall men, but end up with partners who do not fit that bill. Note:I happen to be living this reality. My current girlfriend made it clear that she preferred tall guys when I first met her. Well, I'm at best average height and could have taken what she said as final. But I didn't. If one knows what attraction is all about, he should not be bothered by what a lady says she wants. Myth #3: All the pretty/nice ones are taken Not true. Maybe if you said that the hot ones are more in demand, then it's correct. But when it comes to them confirmed as being taken, then that is not the case. As we speak, countless pretty and/or nice ladies are still holding onto their single status. Again, this relates closely to being limited by a certain view. People who think all the good ones are taken obviously has not socialised enough. They observe the six gorgeous girls in their office who are all attached, and conclude that there is no one else left for them. But if a man gets to know a lot of fine-looking women from different places, they will invariably find a large number of them who are single and 'still looking'. Never be fenced up by what you're faced with. The entire Singapore is your girl-getting arena. About the writer: Skilldo is an 'ex-unhappy' Singaporean guy - who grew from being lonely,dateless and single... into breaking out of it, and obtained a fulfilling social life in meeting, dating and entering satisfying relationships with women. He is the author of 'The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter'. A locally-focused guide for Singapore men to approach, date and successfully attract the type of women they want for themselves. He maintains a website containing secrets and training for men at - http://www.seductionsingapore.com
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