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  1. Saw this news on Yahoo SG yesterday and I've been reading and following her case. Tragic to say the least. Dogs were supposed to be crated but owners left them free-roaming inside the house. She went into the house as a dog sitter, and was immediately attacked, dragged and mauled away. Dogs could be acting aggressive out of protecting the house. Owners should have been there to handover the house to her in presense of the dogs or at least have them crated. Tragic, because her life is ruined and this could have been prevented. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jacqueline-durand-dog-sitter-dog-attack/ Jacqueline Durand's face was nearly erased two days before Christmas and one day before her 22nd birthday. It happened when a dog sitting job in Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, went terribly wrong. The instant after Durand opened the front door of Justin and Ashley Bishop's home, the dogs were not like the "lovely" dogs that she said she had met once before. The dogs dragged her from the front door to the living room. Lucy, a German Shepard mix, and Bender, a boxer and pitbull mix, pinned her down, tore off her nose, ears, lips and cheeks to the bone. Thirty-seven minutes passed from the time police arrived to when first responders felt safe going into the house. Police body camera footage shows the dogs holding first responders at bay, leaving Durand agonizing for help. A medic eventually rescued Durand and ran out with her. She was rushed to Medical City Plano hospital in grave condition, having lost almost 30% of her blood. When asked why it took 37 minutes to rescue Durand when police could have shot the dogs, Coppell Police Department told CBS News that first responders "were only able to see Jacqueline Durand's legs and were not immediately aware of the extent of her injuries" as they tried to contain the dogs. It was pure luck that she was rescued alive. When the dogs rushed her, the door was left open, triggering a security alarm at the Bishops' home. The couple told police they got the dogs from rescue organizations and hadn't had any problems with the dogs. "I have three kids. One is 3 years old. No history of violence. None," Justin Bishop said to police. But a sign on their front door that warns about sleeping babies and "crazy dogs" is one indicator of negligence, according to a lawsuit filed by Durand's lawyer Chip Brooker. "The warning on the front door to me, I think, suggests that the Bishops knew that both of these dogs had acted aggressively to people arriving at the front door," Brooker told CBS News. Brooker said an examination of the dogs, completed by an expert hired by his team after the attack, shows "that the dogs were dangerous and had vicious propensities." "We suspect the Bishops knew that. We suspect everybody who came across these dogs, particularly Lucy, knew that," Brooker said. The Bishops said they were "heartbroken" in a statement to CBS News, but turned down an interview request. "We are heartbroken by the tragic incident involving Ms. Durand," the statement said. "We know that she was injured severely, and are devastated by what she and her family are going through. We would never knowingly put anyone in harm's way, and were shocked by what happened at our home. Due to pending litigation we have been advised not to give any interviews, however, we want Ms. Durand and her family to know that we fervently pray for her recovery daily." Durand was in emergency surgery for seven hours before her parents, John and Shirley Durand, heard from one of the doctors. "It was clear that he was saying she's in for a fight for survival. And as we later found out, she had to be resuscitated on the trauma table," John Durand told CBS News. Their daughter had been resuscitated multiple times and was put in a medically induced coma for a week, Shirley Durand added. "I was just glad to see her alive," she told CBS News. "Her whole face was totally bandaged." John Durand told his daughter "she was a miracle." CBS News met Durand when she had already been in the hospital for seven weeks. Doctors had grafted skin from her buttocks and forehead to start the process of rebuilding her face. "I feel like I didn't ask for this. So, I think that it's time to show who I am now, and I can't be scared of it," she said, revealing her face. She was released from the hospital a week later, receiving applause from her doctors and nurses. Outside of her house, the first responders who saved her life gave her a champion's welcome. Her boyfriend, 24-year-old Nathan, who stood by her side, was there, too. Durand wants to be seen not as a victim, but as an example. That's perhaps why she didn't hide her scarred body, which shows the more than 800 bites she endured. "I want dog owners to know their animals and be able to communicate with their sitters how they are," she said. "Honestly, I'm speechless. After every meet and greet I had, I always felt the same with those other dogs and they don't change their attitude from the time that I met them to the time that I go there for the first time." In physical therapy, her mouth is stretched one millimeter at a time so that she can eat more. She still faces countless surgeries. "It's not fun to think about and I also think about how amazing the doctors are," she said. "And so I'm putting it in their hands to help me." Even after the brutal attack, there's a place still in her heart for dogs. Durand was a dog-sitter for seven years and still dreams of working with animals, possibly as a dog trainer. Her parents have no doubts about her future. "She has all she has her senses now," Shirley Durand said. "She can walk, she can talk, she can smell, she can hear, and she can see. She's going to be fine." "The sky's the limit with her attitude, her survival instincts, her hope," John Durand said. In addition to the love from her family is that from Nathan, who Durand has dated for three years. He just recovered from cancer, and Durand often drove him to and stayed with him during his treatments. "I'm so grateful that I get the same opportunity to show the same level of love and care that she showed me during that time," he said. "I'm glad I get to be there for her."
  2. I am starting this thread on my observation about change in people’s behavioral when one steps behind a steering wheel. Non drivers behavior Generally, people around us, including ourselves(at least I thought so) are considerate, gentle, polite and approachable. For example, if we are causing obstruction when walking on the street, we will give way to others. Or when someone is obstructing our way, we will say excuse me politely, and very very likely than not, that person will also politely give way to us. There would be some exception individual but I am speaking in general term, this is how we human being behave in the society. The pervasive PMD problems on the street is a new problem that our society is learning to manage, which is outside the context of this discussion. Drivers behavior Next lets look at drivers, when the same group of people go behind steering wheel, I see people become impatience, start to tailgate, honk vigorously as if the horn should have been 10 times louder, drive aggressively , road hog intentionally despite being flashed or horned, the more hey wired one would even play brake game etc. The list runs one as we could quote a lot more examples. The why? So why is there a change in behavior from a reasonable person walking on the street to become an impatient and aggressive person after getting behind a steering wheel? Of course there are still no lack of good drivers around but I am referring to the group who change their behavior when they get behind steering wheel. Is there something wrong with car design? or because car is too expensive here that some may think they have to recoup all the “right” they have paid for through the nose ? or people are in a confined private space after getting into a car that one feels so comfortable that he/she has started to ignore the world out there ? Or one feels so uncomfortable when someone else is being perceived to be enjoying more rights than he is? Or car is so expensive that when one steps into his/her 2nd largest financial commitment after a house, the person feel so stressed out? How next? Are there ways to educate, transform these people to become a better drivers so that all could enjoy a better driving experience ? I guess there is no solution out but if by having more constructive discussion, we all could help create some awareness and help others non forumers to be more conscious, i guess that would be bonus to the driving community.
  3. STOMP Aggressive man deliberately walks into others -- just to pick a fight
  4. From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...isturb_her.html Aggressive dad shouts at woman complaining about his son in restaurant A man became aggressive and 'looked like he was about to punch' a woman complaining about his son, said STOMPer bystander. The woman was ranting at the parents of a boy who had apparently disturbed her meal at Bukit Panjang Plaza. The STOMPer was having lunch when the incident happened on Saturday (Jul 23). He sent in a video and said: "Ugly Singaporeans. "This happened during lunch time, about 1pm and the whole incident lasted for about 15 minutes. "It seems that a 7-year-old boy was hitting the wall behind the woman in blue when the woman got mad and started ranting at his parents. "She raised her voice, complaining his parents did not teach him properly. She also became quite aggressive during the course of her rant. "The man in a sleeveless top and his wife (woman in black) are the parents of the little boy. "The man looked like he was about to punch the woman in blue, but he didn't. He was just trying to defend his son, who stood there and cried the whole time while the woman ranted about his behaviour and pointed at him. "I am not sure if she had actually scolded him directly before ranting at his parents. "The video was taken at the middle of their argument. Later, a security guard came and told them to take it elsewhere. "The woman in blue and the man in white with her walked away, but the woman kept shouting back at the parents of the boy as she left. "Some members of the public tried to break up the argument, but to no avail. "The woman in blue was just being unreasonable by going on and on and on, telling the parents to teach their children properly. "I felt she blew up a small matter. It was not wrong of her to tell the parents to discipline their son, but she didn't need to scream."
  5. Yesterday was on ECP towards AYE/Tuas just be fore MBS, suddenly got one black BMW 3 series (S** 5805) with smoke tailights cut in at high speed then swerving left and right changing lanes to overtake other cars (traffic was moderately heavy). It was already past 8pm and lights all not turned on. Continue to drive aggressively in a manner which u'd normally associate with a particular japanese brand (S*****) eg. tailgating car in front and then make sudden overtaking move. I was very pissed off - why need to drive lidat? Then finally the car kana stuck when filtering out to henderson (all de while i m close by despite not driving like a crazy person) so i pass the car as i stay on main expressway towards Tuas. I turn to look at de driver as i passed and WTF! it's a FEMALE driver! And not those fierce looking type of gal also. Just an ordinary looking one! I tink must be de most hiong female driver i ever seen.
  6. Pls refer to the link. Can our police do something about this video ?? http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...wooden_bat.html
  7. Meet with this driver yesterday night just after the tunnel from cairnhill heading toward SLE... Was travelling at the extreme left lane with speed about 60km/h.. Than suddenly got 1 car behide me hightbeam me... I was like, what the hell, just becos beside him got 1 van blocking him from overtaking me, doesn't mean you have to push me... Plus infront of me got 1 taxi.. Where you want me to go? Than he though i was slowing him down, he turn aggressive and mange to overtake me, but what he did next is to get infront of me and slam on his brake... Of cos i get piss off.., and i change lane to avoid him cos he seem to be playing Slamming of brake infront of me... And i exit at Moulmein road, he follow me and park beside me, and he turn his head and stare at me like going to kill me... So i stare back... He than show some hand sign asking me to " Watch Out" and he than proceed with remembering my Car Plate number... What you guy think? who fault? Am i in any form of threaten?
  8. Are You Aggressive Towards Luxury Cars on the Road? I mean things like they wanted to cut in but you purposely don't give way. That squeeze in front of them and force them to brake etc. I.e. make life difficult for them on the road. Are you that sort of driver? I recently have a close shave with a Porsche. He was trying hard to cut ahead of me (because his lane can only turn right). He tried to out acclerate me and cut in but I just match up with him. In the end, almost bang (I think we are like 5cm away form each other while moving on the road). I was prepared to bang and fight to the death already. In the end.....I lost....... because got car in front of me so I have to stop. Then his lane was empty and he went forward and some idiot gave way to him..... :( Sigh........Nevermind, will hope to fight with another Porsche again another day. Who knows, this time I will really bang him and can come out and fight.
  9. Just wanna share this with you guys. http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg...th_bum_and.html Dint expect stomp to be so exciting. Theres another post on a wrx hitting a lampost.
  10. Why is our society becoming more ungracious? Why is there a disparity in the punishment meeted out? Judges seem to think jail terms for people are like playing monopoly for them ... go directly to JAIL. Driver jailed for mischief By Elena Chong A DRIVER who reversed his van twice into a car along a road was jailed for two weeks on Tuesday for mischief. Tan Lay Dek, 53, pleaded guilty to committing mischief along Woodlands Drive 16 on Nov 19, 2008, which caused the front bonnet of sales executive William Allan Goh's car to be dented. A magistrate's court heard that Tan was making delivery of buns at Visa Point shopping centre in Woodlands when he was blocked by the 29-year-old victim's car. Mr Goh had parked his car at the loading/unloading bay as it was raining heavily then. Tan drove off without making any delivery. After that, Mr Goh also left. Along the way, Tan suddenly overtook the victim's car and stopped infront of it. He then deliberately reversed his van twice, causing a collision. Mr Goh also sprained his neck as a result. Tan could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined for the offence. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_482248.html
  11. Met an aggressive Sunny driver on my way to work today. He crossed the double white lines and wana T-Bone the Taxi. Me behind looking also for the taxi. Dont know wat the hell is he doing. http://www.daddyhobby.com/gallery/showphot...t=500&ppuser=21
  12. this Bangla at my place hv been trying to persuade me to let him wash my car. I hv bn saying no to him umpteen times. few sunday ago, when i was washing my car using public water, this Bangla appear and told me off. he said he wl complain to his boss about people like me using public water (wonder what water they use when they wash people's car). cannot be bothered by him. in the last 2 weekends when i wash my car, got police patrol car come. they didn't stop, just look look and drive past. dunno if it was the doing of the Bangla. piangzz, these days Bangla really bo tua bo suay.
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