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  1. Yesterday I witnessed a rather disturbing series of incidents. #1 - A boy of about 3-4 years old ran out of the restaurant his parents were dining in. The father gave chase and yelled loudly for the boy to get back. When the boy refused, the father grabbed him and carried him back to the restaurant. #2 - The boy kept crying in the restaurant. The dad carried him out of the restaurant and repeatedly slapped his face until the cheek was bright red. #3 - At the lift lobby, the boy who was still crying gestured that he wanted the father to carry him. The father picked up the boy and threw him onto a couch instead. Admittedly, I have no idea what is the head and tail of this story. However, I felt very disturbed watching it. In my mind these actions are actually child abuse, agree?
  2. Kinderland. Child abuse ! Absurd! Muat come down HARD on this individual, don't even want to call her a teacher. 😡😡😡😡 https://mothership.sg/2023/08/preschool-teacher-woodlands-child-abuse/ https://m.facebook.com/rebecca.leong.58/posts/pcb.10163454621295329/?photo_id=10163454620995329&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.10163454621295329%26photo%3D10163454620995329%26profileid%3D0%26source%3D48%26ref%3Dembed_post%26__tn__%3DEH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdp=1&mdf=1
  3. hope both of then get maximum sentence
  4. https://mothership.sg/2023/09/maid-sexual-abuse-child/ https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/parent-accuses-maid-sexually-assaulting-his-daughters-placing-mouth-childs-private-parts S'pore helper allegedly forces face, hands onto private parts of employer's daughters aged 1 & 4 "My child has been repeatedly lying on the floor, suffering from the trauma," the employer said. Julia Yee | September 06, 2023, 05:59 PM Telegram Whatsapp Warning: The article contains images and descriptions of sexual assault on minors. Reader discretion is advised. A domestic helper in Singapore was reportedly caught on camera sexually assaulting her employer's children. In a Facebook post dated Sep. 5, the employer stated that he had turned to social media to seek justice for his daughters in light of the "delayed action" taken during the recent cases of alleged child abuse in Kinderland schools. Noticed child behaving differently He first noticed his four-year-old daughter "behaving differently" in July 2023, he told Mothership. The girl had mentioned being inappropriately touched by the helper, but when the employer brought up the issue with the helper, she denied the accusation. The helper had been with the family for six months by then. Upon checking the house's CCTV cameras, the employer discovered that his child had been telling the truth. Repeated instances of sexual assault CCTV footage revealed that the helper had been committing the alleged acts of sexual assault on both the employer's one-year-old and four-year-old daughters. In one screenshot, the helper was seen with her hands between one of the girl's legs. According to her employer, the helper "aggressively [and] repeatedly thrust her fingers at [the child's] private parts", persisting even when the girl cried for her to stop. The employer also shared an audio recording in his post, which supposedly captured his child screaming during the assault. Other photos showed the helper in the girl's bedroom, where she "removed her glasses, opened the child's legs forcefully, and placed her mouth, face and hands at the child's private parts" despite the girl putting up a struggle. Image via anonymous employer Image via anonymous employer The helper also allegedly forced the children to place their faces at her crotch and touch it while she molested them. The images were said to be just the "non-graphic" ones. The helper was also said to "pinch" the children's private parts when they were unclothed and would sometimes bring them to "secluded" blind spots away from the cameras, allegedly to assault them sexually. Police investigating The employer stated that his family was referred to an AWARE specialist who established the acts as sexual assault offences after reviewing the evidence. A police report was lodged on Jul. 31, and the helper was taken away on Aug. 10. According to the employer, however, his children are still dealing with the trauma from the alleged repeated molestations. "My child has repeatedly been lying on the floor, suffering from the trauma, and I am still waiting for psychological help from the authorities. As the police and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) are still investigating, I expect justice to be delivered without harming or involving my child any further," said the employer. A police spokesperson confirmed with Mothership that they received the report and are investigating the case.
  5. https://today.duke.edu/2023/03/managers-exploit-loyal-workers-over-less-committed-colleagues A loyal worker gets more extra work than the fair, honest, or disloyal DURHAM, N.C. – Company loyalty is a double-edged sword, according to a new study. Managers target loyal workers over less committed colleagues when doling out unpaid work and additional job tasks. “Companies want loyal workers, and there is a ton of research showing that loyal workers provide all sorts of positive benefits to companies,” said Matthew Stanley, Ph.D., the lead researcher on the new paper and postdoctoral researcher at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. “But it seems like managers are apt to target them for exploitative practices.” That’s the main conclusion from a series of experiments conducted by Stanley and his colleagues Chris Neck, Ph.D. and Chris Neck, father-and-son researchers at Arizona State University and West Virginia University, respectively. The findings appeared online January 6 in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. For the study, Stanley recruited nearly 1,400 managers online to read about a fictional 29-year-old employee named John. The mangers all learned that John’s company was on a tight budget, and to keep costs down, had to decide how willing they would be to task John with extra hours and responsibilities without any extra pay. (Participants handing out the unpaid work in Stanley’s study were compensated $12 an hour.) No matter how Stanley and his colleagues framed the scenario, branding John as loyal always resulted in managers being more willing to ask him to shoulder the unpaid labor. Managers were more willing to exploit Loyal John over Disloyal John. And when a separate group of managers read a letter of recommendation about John, the letters praising John as loyal led to an increased willingness to recruit him for unpaid work over versions of John extolled for honesty or fairness. The reverse was true, too: when John was portrayed as having a reputation to accept extra hours and workload, managers rated him as more loyal than a John who had a reputation to decline the same workload. Agreeable John and Refusal John were rated as similarly honest and fair however, demonstrating that loyalty but not closely related moral traits is bolstered by a history of doing free labor. “It’s a vicious cycle,” Stanley said. “Loyal workers tend to get picked out for exploitation. And then when they do something that's exploitative, they end up getting a boost in their reputation as a loyal worker, making them more likely to get picked out in the future.” One reason managers preyed on loyal workers over others is their belief that it’s just the price to pay for being loyal. Stanley and his team found that managers targeted loyal workers because they believe that loyalty comes with a duty to make personal sacrifices for their company. It’s not all malicious, though. Exploitation may be in part just due to ignorance, or what psychologists call “ethical blindness.” “Most people want to be good,” Stanley said. “Yet, they transgress with surprising frequency in their everyday lives. A lot of it is due to ethical blindness, where people don’t see how what they're doing is inconsistent with whatever principles or values they tend to profess.” The study doesn’t provide a quick fix to eradicate employers’ exploitative practices, but one partial cure might be simply having managers recognize the error of their ways and point out these ethical blind spots, Stanley said. While company loyalty seems to come with consequence, Stanley cautions that it doesn’t mean we should just abandon work commitments or dodge uncompensated overtime. This is just an unfortunate side effect of a mostly positive trait, which Stanley recently found also happens with other aspirational traits, like generosity. “I don't want to suggest that the take-away of the paper is to not be loyal to anybody because it just leads to disaster,” Stanley said. “We value people who are loyal. We think about them in positive terms. They get awarded often. It's not just the negative side. It's really tricky and complex.”
  6. TL;DR - A van driver was caught physically abusing a female passenger by grabbing her head back and forth. It seems like they were in a heated argument where the man loses it and trashes her. Controversial topic but agree to disagree: Chivalry is dead (almost, kinda?) Watch this 26-second clip of this vulnerable passenger getting whacked by the driver. What happened? It is apparent that the driver was physically (and highly likely, verbally) abusing his passenger. Judging from how violently he threw her head, it was definitely a very, very heated argument. The defenseless was also seen bending over to a vulnerable state. Poor thing. It seems as though the violence continued on for quite some time. As much as we do not know the context of the situation, I, for one, believe that men should never resort to violence, especially on a susceptible female. And of course, violence in itself does not resolve anything. Online Chatter Unfortunately, not every girl gets to be a passenger princess. Was this man trying to practice his WWE headbutting stunt on her or something? Ok but for real, no matter what, a man should never lay hands on a female. NEVER! Takeaway No matter how good you are at multi-tasking, you should not drive and argue simultaneously as driving requires maximum concentration. Keep the roads safe from your personal matters! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  7. Kudos to the authority to bring the offenders to court. 👍 Serve him right for participating in such inhumane acts. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/man-filmed-cousin-abusing-poodle-fined-torture-15179860 SINGAPORE: A man who filmed his cousin torturing a poodle and did not stop him was fined S$4,500 by a court on Thursday (Jul 8). Chia Yong-Quan, 38, was also banned from owning any animal for a year. He pleaded guilty to one count under the Animals and Birds Act of wantonly omitting to stop his cousin from cruelly torturing his dog. Yong-Quan filmed two videos of this abuse. He not only failed to stop Clement from torturing the dog, but helped to record the process. The offences came to light only three to four years later in July 2020, when six videos of Clement torturing the poodle - including the two clips by Yong-Quan - were shared by many users on Facebook. Many people were alarmed to see the videos and alerted the authorities about the abuse. The prosecutor asked for a fine of between S$4,000 and S$6,000 for Yong-Quan and for a one-year ban from owning any pet, the maximum under the law. Yong-Quan could have been jailed up to 18 months, fined up to S$15,000, or both for wantonly omitting to stop a person cruelly torturing an animal.
  8. Knocking her teeth out with hammer & peeing on her food: S’pore family accused of abusing woman with intellectual disability source: https://mothership.sg/2020/11/family-abuse-woman-with-intellectual-disability/ A family in Singapore has been accused of abusing a 30-year-old female friend diagnosed with mild intellectual disability. One of the alleged tormentors, Haslinda Ismail, 34, purportedly urinated on the victim's hor fun. Her husband, Hany Aboubakr Abdelkarim Abdelfattah, pleaded guilty to one count of assaulting the victim and was sentenced to three weeks' jail, according to CNA. Haslinda and three of her siblings are expected to plead guilty on Nov. 25, according to The Straits Times. Meanwhile, the matriarch of the family, Hasmah, will have her pre-trial conference on Nov. 30. Details of what happened Moved into the family's flat in early 2016 According to court documents seen by Mothership, the victim, Nursadiqah Sanusi, was a secondary school friend of Haslinda's brother, and had been acquaintances with him since 2008. Nursadiqah eventually became acquainted with Haslinda and her family as well. Nursadiqah would even periodically stay at their home. In early 2016, she ran away from her home and moved into Haslinda's flat at Block 714. She was given a set of rules to adhere to: She did not have to pay rent. She had to buy her own food. She had to give Hasmah S$150 per month for laundry. She had to sleep on a mat in the living room. Performed sexual acts on Hany Nursadiqah later got a job at a fast food restaurant. According to court documents, Hany was employed as a sales assistant at a supermarket in Woodlands, near Nursadiqah's workplace. The two of them subsequently became close. Sometime between May and June 2016, Nursadiqah performed sex acts on Hany at a staircase landing of Woodlands Mart carpark. A few days later, Haslinda confronted Nursadiqah of performing said acts. She then scolded her and slapped her face. On Haslinda's directions, Hany pointed his middle finger at Nursadiqah and slapped her twice on her face, causing her bodily pain. The other family members were also present during this confrontation. The start of the abuse After that day, the other members of the family also engaged in various acts of abuse against Nursadiqah. This included assaults with deadly weapons, such as pliers to twist Nursadiqah's toes, a hammer to knock out her teeth, a baseball bat to hit her head and splash boiling water on her. Nursadiqah was brought to Malaysia on a few occasions to help clean the family's flat in Johor Bahru. Court documents revealed that Nursadiqah had to wear a tudung when returning from Malaysia to Singapore on Aug. 28, 2017, to hide the injuries on her right cheek. Hasmah later decided that she would not bring Nursadiqah to Malaysia anymore, as she was scared that Nursadiqah might run away or ask for help from the Singapore Immigration officer. Didn't allow her to use the toilet or sleep one night On the eve of Hari Raya Haji in 2017, Haslinda and Hany moved into a new apartment. Haslinda brought Nursadiqah to the new flat to make her help with the family’s Hari Raya Haji preparations. They arrived at the flat around 10pm. Haslinda then made Nursadiqah stand in the kitchen throughout the night. Tied her hands and legs with cable ties Haslinda was furious and hit Nursadiqah's body using a broomstick with such force that the broom broke into two. She then used to a hanger to hit Nursadiqah's arms. She also rolled up a wet towel to hit her with it before using cable ties to tie up her hands and legs. Nursadiqah was then forced to stand in the kitchen in her soiled trousers with her arms and legs tied up. Haslinda's family members arrived for the Hari Raya celebrations later that day at around 3pm. The family members saw Nursadiqah in the kitchen with her hands and legs tied up, but did nothing. Hany was also present in the flat the entire time, and was aware of how Haslinda treated Nursadiqah. However, he did not intervene. Urinated on a packet of hor fun and made the victim eat it When Hasmah arrived at the flat, she had brought two packets of hor fun for Nursadiqah. However, Haslinda threw away one of the packets. She proceeded to urinate into the other packet and demanded that Nursadiqah eat the soiled food. As she was very hungry, Nursadiqah took a few bites of the soiled hor fun. Hany was in the kitchen at the time and had observed Haslinda urinating into the packet of hor fun, which Nursadiqah was made to eat. Later that day, Haslinda told Hany to slap Nursadiqah in front of other members of the family. After Hany slapped Nursadiqah once on her face, Haslinda demanded that Hany slap Nursadiqah again, which he complied. Haslinda only released Nursadiqah from her cable ties after the rest of the family left the flat in the evening. She eventually brought Nursadiqah back to their house at Block 714 sometime between 8pm to 9pm that day. Court documents did not reveal how the family's offences came to light, but according to ST, Nursadiqah was finally rushed to hospital in a "near-death state" on Jan 16, 2018. She kept watch on Nursadiqah to make sure that she did not use the toilet or sleep that night. At around 11am the next morning, Nursadiqah was unable to control her bladder and urinated on the kitchen floor.
  9. untitled.bmp
  10. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/man-admits-to-abusing-girlfriend-s-one-year-old-child/3095678.html?cid=fbcna SINGAPORE: A 25-year-old man was found guilty on Friday (Sep 2) of three counts of child abuse and one count of causing grievous hurt to his girlfriend’s one-year-old son. Franklie Tan Guang Wei abused the boy over five months, from November 2014 until March 2015, when the semi-conscious baby was rushed to hospital after Tan pushed him off the bed. The boy had sustained a skull fracture and bleeding in the brain. Now three, he is still in hospital undergoing therapy, including speech therapy and physiotherapy. The toddler, now in foster care, and his mother cannot be named due to a gag order. MOTHER LIED TO HIDE ABUSE A District Court heard Tan got together with the boy’s mother, 25, in August 2014. A month later, the baby’s caregivers noticed “a marked change” in his behavior. He had become fearful of males and had nightmares, Assistant Public Prosecutor Dillon Kok said. Caregivers Pe Bee Lian, 51, and her daughter Cadence Gee Shi Ting, 26, also began to notice bruises on the boy’s body whenever he spent time with his mother and Tan. When confronted, his mother denied he had been abused and blamed “spirits” for the bruises. Soon after discovering she was pregnant by Tan, the mother took the boy to live with Tan and his mother in their Bukit Batok flat on Nov 7, 2014. The next day, Tan abused the child for the first time. Frustrated by the baby’s cries, he slapped him, leaving marks on his cheek and a bruise near his left ear. When the boy’s mother returned him to caregivers Mdm Pe and Ms Gee a few days later, she lied that the baby’s face was swollen because he had fallen off the bed. The women took the boy to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) on November 19. Though his injuries had healed by then, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) were alerted to allegations that the baby might have been abused. BABY WAS THROWN ACROSS THE ROOM The baby was discharged on November 27 into the care of Mdm Pe, and his mother’s access to him was restricted – she was allowed weekly supervised visits at MSF. This was revoked in January 2015, when the baby was found with scratches on his thighs after his mother and Tan had spent time with him, APP Kok said. About a month later, the mother entered into a Voluntary Care Agreement (VCA) with Tan’s parents, giving them care of her child and supervised access for her and Tan. However, Tan’s father breached the VCA by leaving the baby alone with his mother and Tan on March 8, 2015. The same day, frustrated by the boy’s cries, Tan lifted the baby up roughly and threw him 2 metres across the room. A week later, when Tan’s parents claimed they could not fully care for the boy, the VCA was amended to allow his mother and Tan to bring himto their flat at night. However, Tan was not allowed unsupervised contact with the baby at all times. BABY WAS “FORCEFULLY PUSHED” OFF THE BED On Mar 25, Tan abused the boy again – the worst instance of abuse which would later land the baby in hospital. The boy’s mother woke up early that day to get ready for work, leaving Tan alone with the child. When the baby began to cry, Tan pounded him twice on his buttock, APP Kok told the court. An hour later, after he had been fed, the boy began to vomit. Despite this, his mother left for work and left Tan to look after the sick child. This was in breach of the new VCA, which expressly forbade Tan unsupervised contact with the baby. When the baby continued to vomit, Tan became frustrated and “forcefully pushed” him off the bed, APP Kok told the court. Tan said the boy “flew off the bed and landed face up about 2 metres away”. He picked the child up and took him to have a shower. Soon after, he realised the baby was “in a daze and appeared to be semi-conscious”. Tan called the boy’s mother, who returned home to find her child weak and pale. The couple rushed him to KKH. The baby was found to have suffered a skull fracture, and underwent emergency surgery to ease the swelling in his brain. Further examination revealed a host of other injuries, including wrist and collarbone fractures and bruises on the body, including on his eyelids. The baby had also suffered a superficial burn on his back. In court on Friday, Tan admitted he had not checked the temperature of the baby’s bathwater when he gave him a shower on March 25. MOTHER ACCUSED OF ALLOWING ABUSE The boy’s mother has also been charged for child abuse, for allowing her child to stay with Tan, knowing her boyfriend abused her baby. Her trial is scheduled for later this month. A psychiatric report for Tan is pending. He is expected to be sentenced on Sep 19. For child abuse, Tan faces up to four years’ jail and/or a fine of up to S$4,000 per charge. For causing grievous hurt, he could be jailed for up to 10 years and fined or caned. - CNA/nc This evil man deserved a maximum punishment. The way he abused the baby is worst than animal. He should be punished severely , Slap him with max years of imprisonment and give him maximum strokes of rotan. The abuse took place in 2014, and the child still in hospital undergoing therapy, including speech therapy and physiotherapy. The mother is no better for allowing the continuous abuse to be inflicted on a defenceless child. She is the cause of the harm. She knew and lied to cover her lover wrong doing . She is not fit to be a mother.
  11. Need some advice. Just moved in to my new house for a few months already.. Brought in my parents in law + bro in law to live together as they do not have a place of their own. To cut story short. My wife experienced a very bad encounter with his father. I will not list them all but a few only He brushed his hands against my wife’s bottom while he was walking behind her While my wife was walking in the house, he was sitting at the dining and staring at my wife’s chest area. How she knew this was that she was looking at him right in the face all along. While she was napping in the living room, she opened her eyes and caught her dad staring at her. When he notice that she’s awake, he walked off abruptly without saying anything. This incidents has caused her so much distress and lose all the respect she had towards him. She has been locking herself in the room while im at work and feeling shitty every single day. Crying every time she recalled these incidents. She felt that she has been sexually violated. Tried telling her mom, but she brushed it off as it could be an accident and it can happen anywhere. Even told my wife to forget all about it. It has been a few weeks and the tension at home is really tight. What should I do? Should I confront him? Feeling shitty thinking about this issue. Having a new and big house doesn’t mean happiness is guaranteed. Dang!
  12. Why!? Why!? Why?! are we still seeing such cases??? Still ask for discount??? CCB! http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/courts-crime/story/employer-used-household-items-hit-and-burn-domestic-worker-2015052 Employer used household items to hit and burn domestic worker By Elena Chong SINGAPORE - A woman heated a metal ladle until it was red hot and placed it on the calf and bare back of her domestic worker because she did not like the taste of the curry she cooked, a court heard on Friday. About a week before that, Suganthi Jayaraman, 33, used a metal pestle to hit Ms Naw Mu De Paw, 24, on her head for not frying vadais - a deep-fried snack - fast enough. The Myanmar helper bled heavily from the two spots she was hit, but was forced to continue frying, and to take the vadais to a provision shop which Suganthi and her husband were then running. Suganthi pleaded guilty to three of seven charges. The offences took place at her flat in Woodlands Drive 16. The court heard that during the time the helper was abused - from July 9 to Oct 2, 2013 - she lived in constant fear of being beaten again. She was often afraid to tell anyone about an incident and did not even dare to inspect her wounds as Suganthi would scold her for it, said Deputy Public Prosecutor Sarah Chua. Suganthi would also threaten the victim that she would get into trouble if she ran away or called the police. The victim eventually left the flat on Oct 3 and called the police. On the morning of Sept 30, Ms Naw woke up late because she had been working till 4am the night before. She was supposed to be up by 6.30am to send her employer's daughter to school. Suganthi confronted her and scolded her harshly after finding the girl still at home. Then she punched her in the face. Lawyer Louis Joseph said his client, who had been crying in the dock, deserved some discount for her guilty plea. "Even though her behaviour was unforgivable, she stands before you remorseful and regretful for what she had done," he told District Judge Christopher Goh, who will sentence her on June 5. Suganthi could be jailed for up to 10-and-a-half years and fined for causing hurt with a heated substance. The punishment for the other two offences is a jail term of up to three years and/or fine of up to $7,500 each. [email protected] Copyright © 2015 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved.
  13. Jul 6, 2013 2:49pm Child abuse at Toa Payoh Childcare centre ending up child into having fractured left shin https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=101515...e=2&theater Let others be informed.
  14. What kind of f**king beasts does this type of things??!! he should be hanged by the balls and left to die.
  15. http://www.thenanfang.com/blog/62-5-of-guangzhou-residents-believe-beating-a-child-is-not-abuse/
  16. This is real sick. Haiz..... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1253271591441209 fella was arrested! Fine oni $200? damn.......i wish i could do the same to the ....kid
  17. suspected FOREIGN TALENTS abusing old helpless folk http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?p=56640108 FOREIGN TRASHES are good for singapore , quoted from old man li
  18. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/thai-pm-forced-resign-over-abuse-power-064130824.html
  19. Hi, I suggest to remove the anonymous junk function removed, when someone get personal, they keep creating new nick to keep junking another and there are no way to find out who that person is...
  20. TL;DR: NSF(s) witnessed alleged dog abuse by warrant officer and / or LTC, films portion of abuse, hands video over to Animal Lovers League, who then uploads video online. SAF investigates, gets source from Animal Lovers League video uploader, allegedly promises no punishment for the video taker, charges NSF for taking video in green zone. Regulars not charged as SAF considers abuse not to have happened. TL;SR: (Too Long;Still bother to read) Sauce: http://www.todayonline.com/singapore/authorities-investigating-alleged-animal-abuse-pasir-ris-camp#inside Sauce for photo and second quote: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202579205575576&set=a.10200303362400919.1073741825.1059662158&type=1 Thoughts? Personally I love dogs, though my family don't, so I can't keep them in the house. I'm angry at those who do abuse dogs, cats, or other animals. (Eating them is ok for me, I guess). The FB post is by the father of the NSF who tio SOL for doing the right thing (morally, if not by protocol). Can understand the father's annoyance (to put it mildly) when his son is punished and the regulars got away scot-free from their actions.
  21. Hi all, Employer jailed 2 (two) weeks for maid abuse. do you all think it is fair ? i mean, how many times this things repeated (maid abuse)? Let help better quality life for all of human race.
  22. Dear drivers, Our enforcement officers are doing a tough job answering to calls requesting for enforcement. I wonder why drivers who are in the wrong have to cheek to scream at them and verbally abuse them? "You are just a F**king carpark attendant. I pity them at times.
  23. Mr Pannirselvam Muthusamy has had hot noodles thrown in his face and he has been punched in the ribs. He gets sworn at almost every day. This is the life of the enforcement officer for parking and traffic offences, because his job is to issue summonses to motorists who flout parking and other traffic rules. Though only six months in the job, Mr Pannirselvam is already involved in three ongoing police cases of abuse by motorists. His plight is shared by many others doing the same job. Certis Cisco, Mr Pannirselvam's employer, told The Sunday Times that the number of cases where members of the public have abused traffic wardens physically or verbally has been creeping up. This is aside from almost routine encounters, when motorists get angry when issued a summons. Traffic wardens said that some drivers would crush the summons, or turn on their vehicles' windscreen wipers to get rid of it, or hurl it back at the officers. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...e-rise-20120923 ---------------------------------------------------- MYTHS ABOUT TRAFFIC WARDENS... AND SUMMONSES 1.Traffic wardens receive a commission for summonses issued Certis Cisco said this is not true. Traffic wardens are not required to meet a quota and are not paid according to the number of summonses they issue while on duty. 2.They can void summonses after they have been issued The traffic or parking offence is recorded once the offence and vehicle details are keyed into the electronic hand-held device. That is why traffic wardens are unable to void the summons. 3.You can escape summonses if you throw away the notice or refuse to accept it The Sunday Times was told by traffic wardens that some drivers would crush the summonses, try to use their vehicles' windscreen wipers to get rid of them or hurl it back at the traffic wardens. But that does not mean the motorist will not be taken to task for the offence. An official letter detailing the offence and penalty will still be mailed to the vehicle owner.
  24. CNA Ranger jailed 10 weeks for maid abuse By Shaffiq Alkhatib | Posted: 13 July 2011 1536 hrs SINGAPORE: A ranger at Sentosa caned his maid on the back of her legs last October simply because she had forgotten to lock a window. About a week later, when 30-year-old Hamzah Abdullah noticed that the strap of his son's sandal was broken as the maid was helping the child put it on, he kicked her in the forehead before punching her once in the left eye. The burly ranger also stepped on Ms Solikhatun Khasanah's back - and only stopped assaulting her when his wife shouted at him to stop. Deputy Public Prosecutor Norman Yew said Ms Solikhatun suffered internal bleeding on her forehead and near her left eye following the incident. Hamzah, who pleaded guilty to two counts of maid abuse Wednesday, was jailed for 10 weeks. He could have been jailed up to three years and fined a maximum of S$7,500 for each charge. District Judge Toh Yung Cheong also ordered him to pay S$1,500 compensation to the 29-year-old Indonesian maid. Should he fail to do so, Hamzah, who was unrepresented, will have to spend an additional two weeks behind bars. - CNA/cc
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