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Found 18 results

  1. KATHMANDU - Twenty Nepali climbers are setting off to Mount Everest this week to try and remove decades-old garbage from the mountain in the world's highest ever clean-up campaign, organizers said on Monday. Many foreign and Nepali climbers have cleaned Mount Everest in the past but Namgyal Sherpa, leader of the Extreme Everest Expedition 2010, said no one had dared to clean above 8,000 meters , an area known as the "death zone" for the lack of oxygen and treacherous terrain. Sherpa and his team of seasoned climbers, carrying empty rucksacks and special bags, will risk the zone's thin air and freezing temperatures to pick empty oxygen bottles, gas canisters, torn tents, ropes, and utensils lying between the South Col and the 8,850 meter summit. "This is the first time we are cleaning at that height, the death zone. It is very difficult and dangerous," said Sherpa, who has climbed Everest, the world's tallest peak, seven times. "The garbage was buried under snow in the past. But now it has come out on the surface because of the melting of snow due to global warming," the 30-year-old said. "The rubbish is creating problems for climbers ... Some items of garbage are from Hillary's time." The mountain has become known as being the world's highest garbage dump. Many climbers leave their gear and trash behind as they descend due to exhaustion and lack of oxygen. New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay Sherpa were the first to ascend to Mount Everest's summit in 1953. That feat opened Nepal as a popular tourist destination. More than 4,000 climbers have since scaled the mountain and tourism, including climbing, is a key source of income for Nepal, among the world's poorest countries. Sherpa's team hopes to bring down at least 2,000 kg of garbage and the corpse of a climber killed two years ago. "I have seen three corpses lying there for years," Sherpa said. "We'll bring down the body of a Swiss climber who died in the mountain in 2008 and cremate it below the base camp for which we have got the family's consent."
  2. Meemee

    War zone kfc

    Super horrible kfc at jurong east swimming complex 720pm today Stack of pizza boxes left unclear Not a single one clear the leftover ...... War zone ......
  3. What is the car population in the 1980's? I am under the impression that the number of cars increased greatly only in the last few years. Is the road in the 80's ALREADY as crowded as now? Was Restricted Zone really required for CBD area in the 80's at all? I know its a foregone question to ask in 2008, but I have this impression that the road congestion were surelt be at least HALF as jammed on the road in 1980's compared to currently. Anyone can recall those 80's road conditions?
  4. Elderly residents in Bukit Merah View can now stroll around with greater ease of mind due to enhanced road safety measures. The estate is the first of five to benefit from the Land Transport Authority's Silver Zone programme, which aims to make roads safer for elderly pedestrians. Features like enlarged centre dividers that allow for two-stage crossing are introduced. The speed limit in such zones has also been reduced to 40kmh wherever possible. Cars entering Silver Zones will see signs informing them of such zones, along with three rumble strips on the road to inform motorists to slow down. Other traffic features aimed at slowing down traffic, like chicanes - gentle curves along sections of roads - and lanes with reduced width have also been installed to ensure that cars do not speed along roads with high senior use. Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Health Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said at the launch event on Saturday that seniors are "over-represented" in traffic accidents, and that the situation must be improved. He noted that 40 per cent of all pedestrian fatalities and 20 per cent of pedestrian injuries involved seniors. Dr Faishal, however, cautioned that road safety does not end with these silver zones and that road safety is the "shared responsibility" of all road users. The Silver Zones in Jurong West, Yishun and Bedok will be completed by the first quarter of 2015, and Marine Parade by first quarter of 2016. The five estates were chosen for their high senior population and relatively higher accident rates involving seniors. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/transport/story/first-silver-zone-unveiled-bukit-merah-view-20141018
  5. AS MANY as 110 errant drivers were caught running the red light in school zones in the first six months of this year alone. That translates to an average of nearly five cases a week. Drivers were also caught for other offences in school zones, such as speeding and tailgating. The Traffic Police gave these updates in response to queries from The Straits Times. Since January, road safety in school zones has been beefed up with harsher punishments, after two brothers were killed by a truck in Tampines last year. Nigel Yap, 13, was cycling across the road with Donavan, seven, who was riding pillion, when the driver hit them. The police did not have a breakdown of the number of offences committed within school zones before the law was toughened earlier this year. Those who run a red light in a school zone will get 13 demerit points - one more than before. For drivers with less than a year's experience, it means their licences will be revoked as they have exceeded the maximum of 12 demerit points in one year. Speeding was the second most common offence in these demarcated areas. Within the first six months of this year, 23 summonses were issued against speedsters who exceeded the 50kmh limit. The Land Transport Authority lowered speed limits outside 10 primary schools to 40kmh in January as part of a pilot project which will be rolled out to more schools progressively. In the first six months of this year, there were also eight cases of inconsiderate driving and 17 instances of careless driving. Examples include tailgating and sudden lane switches. There are more than 300 school zones at primary and secondary schools. MP for Tampines GRC Baey Yam Keng said drivers should keep a lookout at all times in school zones, not just at dismissal hours. "There are schoolchildren who are coming and going all the time. Some of them stay back for CCA (co-curricular activities), some are waiting for their parents. It's alarming and worrisome the number is so high." Nurse May Tan, 52, mother of three, said: "I always remind my kids not to take for granted that green light means 'go', and to watch out for speeding cars. I tell them, 'This involves your life'." Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/transport/story/school-zone-yet-5-drivers-run-red-light-every-week-20140811?page=1
  6. After the implementation of this new ruling, traffic along Bartley road still as tragic. How do TP exercise this "Inconsiderate driving"? Parking along the left lane or dropping student off in the second lane?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hnKUNinaug
  8. Hi all, would like to check is the above hotel in ERP zone?
  9. Saw this on the news about Thai unrest. A banner with Thai and English word hanging on a concertina wire spread across the street "Life firing zone". LIFE is the actual word, no mistake on my eyes!
  10. Just watched Punisher: War Zone. Rated M18/Strong Violence. Lots of bloody and gruesome scenes.... The main bad guy, Jigsaw, got thrown into a glass crasher machine...when he got rescued, his face was all bloody, badly cut and without skin. There's one scene where a person got hit by bazooka and BOOM.... whole body exploded. In another one, one old woman's head got bashed up till only half her head was left and blood flowing out. One guy's neck got sliced and blood gushing out... PISSSSS!!!! Another guy's neck got sliced so hard, his head fell backwards. And another bad guy's head got kicked so hard, his neck broke and head was like hanging by the neck's flesh (soft soft, know what i mean?). From start till end, it's KILL KILL KILLLLLLL!!!!! Blood, blood and more blood! Have u watched it?
  11. http://forums.vr-zone.com/showthread.php?p...d=1#post6268289 If lets say kena this, can claim the bully's insurance?
  12. hi there.. anyone try he max zone EME Or GT ? hows it? any gain in power and fuel comsuption?
  13. BEIJING (AFP) - - Staff at a bank in China's quake zone used relief funds to buy themselves US brand runners, the country's audit office said Friday after probing for instances of aid money going astray. A branch of ICBC, the biggest bank in China, in quake-hit Mianyang city bought 56 pairs of Nike runners for its workers, the audit office said in a statement posted on its website. The branch used 28,500 yuan (4,100 dollars) to buy the shoes at the end of May, and faked the receipts to say it had bought raincoats, rubber boots and umbrellas, the report said. "After the audit investigation revealed this problem, the bank returned the 'special earthquake funds' that were inappropriately used," the report said. Another investigation by the audit office revealed that in some areas, text messages about the quake were sent en masse, and were suspected of cheating mobile phone users into donating money into bank accounts, the report said. "According to our investigation, there are some people who already put earthquake donations into the fundraising accounts," the report said. Those accounts had been frozen, according to the audit office, which did not reveal how much money was involved. Misappropriation of funds allocated to help in the wake of the 8.0-magnitude earthquake -- which has killed nearly 70,000 and left another 17,500 missing -- is of huge concern in a country where graft is endemic. Corruption is rampant both in government ranks and throughout society, as the country ploughs through its development boom without a free press or an independent judiciary. President Hu Jintao has repeatedly warned that corruption is one of the biggest threats to the legitimacy of the ruling Communist Party. More than six billion dollars in aid from home and abroad has been donated for quake relief and the government has insisted it is doing all it can to ensure the money is spent in the correct manner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New slogan for runner "U can't resist owning it". Back to topics, kudos for reporting and ensuring corruptions are minimised.
  14. MAX ZONE, A Sinful Experience I came across this product when I was looking through the forum of Club Hyundai, Never know that the Sin it brought to me will be.....so addicitve ! My Vehicle: Hyundai Tuscani 2007FL Engine : 2.0L Mods Done: Denso Iridium Spark Plug Razin Pivot VS Violence VSD II Spark boost CAI ADM Aircharger II ADM Power Pass Simonta Close pod RPM Lighten Crank Pulley[/u] Day 1(Yesterday,Saturday): Installed the Max GT only, due to no stock at the Mandai Workshop. Verdict: Not change in lower end torque, Better response and hp only comes by at higher rev. 4000rpm and onwards, engine quieter when idle, 1 thumbs up!. Day 2(Today, Sunday): Installed the Max Zone(Not GT), Peter came to do the installation by himself...8am.. Thanks bro for the effort and commitment !! Verdict: I took peter(90kg Access baggage, haha self proclaimed weight by peter) with me after the installation of the Maxzone(Not GT) and weather temperature was bright and sunny 32 degrees. After we hit the destination, the testing begins. Improvement in power of the engine was more significantly felt through out the entire rev band, the most significant feel of improvement is ranging from 2000rpm to 4000rpm even when I am having access load(Peter) and hot weather, was getting more excited with each pound of force that adds on to my acceleration pedal...at this point I was at 4000-5000rpm and also for the first time I felt that the tuscani was light weighted....have to let go when I am at 130km/h(illegal speed!!)...cos my tuscani begin to behave like a wildhorse already and it still has alot of capacity to go faster I felt, but due to my heart was already pounding heavily and it hasd already went past the legal speed limit without my notice I decided that it was a good enough test of the product, another thumbs up !! Fuel consumption seems to look good as I was monitoring the FC in my trip meter display..might be not accurate.. will give and updated news when I go on a few tanks of shell 98... I came in to this product Max Zone, skeptical of it being a "SNAKE OIL" product, but I am totally blown off by the efficiency of this 2 product, this 2 product was never in my shopping list...before I have listed them down....they are already in my car..haha...any chances for me to take it out? over my dead body !! ITS TOO ADDICTIVE !! Bottom Line: Quicker response over the entire rev band Improvement in hp More torque when pickup Urge to accelerate Quieter engine when idle The not so good: Brake pads and tires going to wear faster due to car accelerate surge and more braking required. Also since the 2 product works in harmony, may be there can be a new version (2 in 1), so I can save some space for more mods??? Hehe. LED light on box could be brighter coz initially I though I got a faulty product. Final Verdict: Max Zone and MZ GT...A 2 Thumbs up product !!! Finally for the first product in my few years of modding this 2 product shines, although the best bet is to get 2 together instead of just 1 !! Well if it gives you what you want, who cares?! p.s I am just a average guy looking for some nifty product to give me further performance gain,I am not affiliated with the product maker not the friend of peter or so. All above is purely my personal experience and to share with fellow car enthusiasts , there will be believers and non believers so please try the product to find it for yourself ! disclaimer. pls do not try the above "stunts" if you do not fully grasp the limitation of your vehicle and if you are in a high traffic area, all was done in a secluded area/road, although so...I apologize for exceeding the speed limit, it was a sin and never to be done again as accident will happen even in a controlled situation.
  15. Group 1 Australia China Iraq Qatar Group 2 Japan Bahrain Oman Thailand Group 3 South Korea North Korea Jordan Turkmenistan Group 4 Saudi Arabia Uzbekistan Lebanon Singapore Group 5 Iran Kuwait UAE Syria Interesting draw... North Korea vs South Korea... Australia vs China vs Iraq.... Singapore has a chance to progress to 4th round if they can beat Uzbekistan and Lebanon at home.
  16. any of bros here hv any idea if this is selling in the market already? just like the one that is found in Lexus GS300. front passenger/driver can listen to radio whilst the backseat driver can watch movies.
  17. Hi, I bought the Max-zone GT from the motor show and installed it on my Honda car. My car already installed a DPS specially for Honda VTEC engine. Can the 2 put together? DPS - http://www.k-g-racing.com/usa/dps.html Max-zone - http://www.ammpaf.com.sg/products.htm Thanks for ur comments..
  18. i know you all mean well but, I have been warned by americans before. let's hope you are hosting on a non-american server. definition: jap: Avoid (racial slur), except in direct quotes. A derogatory term for Japanese or Japanese Americans, used widely by white Americans to whip up hatred against Japanese and Japanese Americans before and during World War II. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jap 1. Jap 1. Disrespectful and offensive name for the Japanese, especially Japanese-Americans. Synonomous with Chink, Gook, Nip, etc. (although not shunned by mainstream society as much as other racial slurs). Term made popular in America during WWII as the nickname for the enemy over in Japan and Japanese-American citizens who were forced into internment camps during the war. Hence, the negative connotations. 2. jap 1. derogatory slang for Japansese, esp. during WW II
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