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  1. Today morning once i started driving my car for a bit, got a low engine oil level warning from my car. It was only 9k from my last service with the AD in Feb 2022. My car is only 1.5yrs old and fortunately still under warranty....will monitor the situation after topping this oil up. So went to Shell petrol station and bought a 1L bottle 0w40 fully syn oil. Park the car on a flat surface, stop the engine, Open the bonnet and identify where the 710 cap is... Pardon my dusty engine bay. Using a rag, open the 710 cap in anticlockwise direction (warning, it will be hot and may have hot air/steam rushing out). Pour in the whole 1L bottle of the oil. Recap the 710 in clockwise twist. Close the bonnet. Get back into your car and recheck the oil level. Done. Keeping finger cross it is nothing major. But from the infotainment system instructions, seem like this event is pretty much run of the mill and can be easily DIYed. It did not even suggest sending back to the AD for further check. So I am interpreting it as something very common place for BMW twinpower engines?
  2. Hi folks, I understand that LTA had raise the speed limit for vans and lorries from 60km/h to 70km/h. However, the speed device in my dad's van sound off when hit 60km/h. So izit alright to adjust the beeper to sound off at 70km/h ? If yes, any kind souls could advice me where can i get it done ?Thks !
  3. Singapore Pennywise. Warning to parents, there're strange characters outside school trying to come in contact with children in the absence of an adult.
  4. Heng not AHTC, else don't know how many motions will be tabled in parliament again... Jurong-Clementi Town Council gets warning from SCDF after firefighters unable to use hose reels during blaze SINGAPORE: The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has issued a warning to Jurong-Clementi Town Council after firefighters on call to a blaze at an HDB flat in Bukit Batok last week were unable to use the fire hose reels at the location. Several of the hose reel cabinets had been padlocked, SCDF said in a statement to CNA on Saturday (Nov 9). Even after firefighters broke one of the padlocks, they were still unable to use the fire hose reel because there was no water supply, SCDF added. The fire was eventually extinguished with water from SCDF's emergency vehicles. "Town Councils are responsible for the maintenance and proper functioning of their estates’ fire safety measures," SCDF said. FIRE HAZARD WARNING Later on in the day, SCDF notified Jurong-Clementi Town Council of the issue with the fire hose reels and performed an inspection with town council representatives, it said in its statement. The Town Council was subsequently issued with Fire Hazard Abatement Notices, which serve as warnings to rectify the non-compliance. In this instance, it would mean ensuring that the hose reels are functioning and are not locked, SCDF said in its statement. Should non-compliances of the same nature be detected during a reinspection by SCDF, the Town Council could be liable for a composition fine or even prosecution, it added. "SCDF has since verified through onsite inspections that the fire hose reels at the block are now accessible and in working order." CNA has contacted Jurong-Clementi Town Council for comment.
  5. -- 25 Sep -- Last preparation day before Singapore GP is officially opened to the public on 26th !!! Marshals are gathering at 530pm to get to know the exact area on the track assigned to~ There will also be final FIA checks for approval, simulated runs, etc so here it goes: The unsung heroes !!! Marshals signing in + Collection of Specialised Items Assigned Items Overalls + GLoves + Waist Pouch + Ear Plugs + Shades Cars from the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia My sector team assembling point before moving off
  6. Guys please check if you bought strawberries from Australia --------- Australians have been warned to cut fresh strawberries before biting into them after several people found sewing needles hidden inside the fruit. Contaminated punnets have been reported in supermarkets in the states of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. One man was taken to hospital after eating a strawberry with a needle inside. A nine-year old boy bit into a contaminated fruit but did not swallow. Several brands of strawberries have been withdrawn. These include Donnybrook strawberries and those sold by the Woolworths Group under the Berry Obsession and Berry Licious names. Health officials have urged people purchasing the fruit to be cautious. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-45519888
  7. I am driving Lancer EX 1.5A. I am getting the ABS warning lamp with the idicator indicating "Service Required". it doesn't go off even when I restart the engine. Has anyone experience this before and how did the workshop resolve it? How unlucky I am to get this issue over long weekend holidays when most workshops are closed. Will you suggest going back to Cycle & Carriage Service center or workshop such as Chip Soon Auto?
  8. Bought the above charger from Giant yesterday evening. This morning, plugged into the cigarette lighter socket, on the engine, then proceeded to plug in video cam usb and mobile phone usb (mobile phone not connected at the other end yet). The cigarette socket is still free. Within 5 sec, heard a slight piak and a little smoke emitted from one of the usb. Knn, burnt liao. Cost about $14 down the drain. Thought I found the charger with my desired config (2 USB + one cigarette lighter socket), now I am back to square one. This type of thing dunno can get refund from Giant or not.
  9. Are there any visible symptoms leading to a faulty auto-tranny ?
  10. Was travelling on lane 1 at 98 on a 90 speed limit road and got a warning letter for speeding. Was not stopped by any TP. Got the warning letter throught mail. Si bei heng. The letter stated should have gotten a $130 fine plus minus 4 points!
  11. Never put any cheap chinese made electrical items near your body or in your mouth.
  12. bought this unbranded fan at $6.50 at the Expo Baby Fair last month ... was sold by a exhibitor who took up a lot of space selling prams and beds and carriers. ... sorry dunno the name liow... they just put a few tens of these fans(in boxes) inside a push trolley. on the poster label they say its " USB FAN" ... but turn out no USB port, only can use batteries. that is ok ... I can still accept. the first night I tried it out and placed 2 batteries inside and it worked. However, when my wife wanted to use it a few days later, it could not work. so I changed the batteries and it worked again. however, only after a few hours the fan stopped again - but we only 'on' it for lesser than 10 mins !! so at night I got home and opened up the battery compartment and was shocked when I saw that the batteries had already melted and water leaked from the batteries !! @^^^@#$^@#!@ jialat man ... how can they sell these kind of stuffs , esp when for baby use ... if nobody watching and the thing burn how ?? I am really surprised that big shop sell such dangerous stuffs.
  13. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (CBS/AP) An already relentless melting of the Arctic greatly accelerated this summer, a warning sign that some scientists worry could mean global warming has passed an ominous tipping point. One speculates that summer sea ice might be gone in just five years. Greenland's ice sheet melted nearly 19 billion tons more than the previous high mark, and the volume of Arctic sea ice at summer's end was half what it was just four years earlier, according to new NASA satellite data obtained by The Associated Press. "The Arctic is screaming," said Mark Serreze, senior scientist at the government's snow and ice data center in Boulder, Colo. Just last year, two top scientists surprised their colleagues by projecting that the Arctic sea ice was melting so rapidly that it could disappear entirely by the summer of 2040. This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: "At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions." So scientists in recent days have been asking themselves these questions: Was the record melt seen all over the Arctic in 2007 a blip amid relentless and steady warming? Or has everything sped up to a new climate cycle that goes beyond the worst case scenarios presented by computer models? "The Arctic is often cited as the canary in the coal mine for climate warming," said Zwally, who as a teenager hauled coal. "Now as a sign of climate warming, the canary has died. It is time to start getting out of the coal mines." It is the burning of coal, oil and other fossil fuels that produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, responsible for man-made global warming. For the past several days, government diplomats have been debating in Bali, Indonesia, the outlines of a new climate treaty calling for tougher limits on these gases. What happens in the Arctic has implications for the rest of the world. Faster melting there means eventual sea level rise and more immediate changes in winter weather because of less sea ice. In the United States, a weakened Arctic blast moving south to collide with moist air from the Gulf of Mexico can mean less rain and snow in some areas, including the drought-stricken Southeast, said Michael MacCracken, a former federal climate scientist who now heads the nonprofit Climate Institute. Some regions, like Colorado, would likely get extra rain or snow. More than 18 scientists told the AP that they were surprised by the level of ice melt this year. "I don't pay much attention to one year ... but this year the change is so big, particularly in the Arctic sea ice, that you've got to stop and say, 'What is going on here?' You can't look away from what's happening here," said Waleed Abdalati, NASA's chief of cyrospheric sciences. "This is going to be a watershed year." Records for Arctic melt were shattered in 2007 in the following ways: 552 billion tons of ice melted this summer from the Greenland ice sheet, according to preliminary satellite data to be released by NASA Wednesday. That's 15 percent more than the annual average summer melt, beating 2005's record. A record amount of surface ice was lost over Greenland this year, 12 percent more than the previous worst year, 2005, according to data the University of Colorado released Monday. That's nearly quadruple the amount that melted just 15 years ago. It's an amount of water that could cover Washington, D.C., a half-mile deep, researchers calculated. The surface area of summer sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean this summer was nearly 23 percent below the previous record. The dwindling sea ice already has affected wildlife, with 6,000 walruses coming ashore in northwest Alaska in October for the first time in recorded history. Another first: the Northwest Passage was open to navigation. Still to be released is NASA data showing the remaining Arctic sea ice to be unusually thin, another record. That makes it more likely to melt in future summers. Combining the shrinking area covered by sea ice with the new thinness of the remaining ice, scientists calculate that the overall volume of ice is half of 2004's total. Alaska's frozen permafrost is warming, not quite thawing yet. But temperature measurements 66 feet deep in the frozen soil rose nearly four-tenths of a degree from 2006 to 2007, according to measurements from the University of Alaska. While that may not sound like much, "it's very significant," said University of Alaska professor Vladimir Romanovsky. Surface temperatures in the Arctic Ocean this summer were the highest in 77 years of record-keeping, with some places 8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, according to research to be released Wednesday by University of Washington's Michael Steele. Greenland, in particular, is a significant bellwether. Most of its surface is covered by ice. If it completely melted - something key scientists think would likely take centuries, not decades - it could add more than 22 feet to the world's sea level. However, for nearly the past 30 years, the data pattern of its ice sheet melt has zigzagged. A bad year, like 2005, would be followed by a couple of lesser years. According to that pattern, 2007 shouldn't have been a major melt year, but it was, said Konrad Steffen, of the University of Colorado, which gathered the latest data. "I'm quite concerned," he said. "Now I look at 2008. Will it be even warmer than the past year?" Other new data, from a NASA satellite, measures ice volume. NASA geophysicist Scott Luthcke, reviewing it and other Greenland numbers, concluded: "We are quite likely entering a new regime." Melting of sea ice and Greenland's ice sheets also alarms scientists because they become part of a troubling spiral. White sea ice reflects about 80 percent of the sun's heat off Earth, NASA's Zwally said. When there is no sea ice, about 90 percent of the heat goes into the ocean which then warms everything else up. Warmer oceans then lead to more melting. "That feedback is the key to why the models predict that the Arctic warming is going to be faster," Zwally said. "It's getting even worse than the models predicted." NASA scientist James Hansen, the lone-wolf researcher often called the godfather of global warming, on Thursday was to tell scientists and others at the American Geophysical Union scientific in San Francisco that in some ways Earth has hit one of his so-called tipping points, based on Greenland melt data. "We have passed that and some other tipping points in the way that I will define them," Hansen said in an e-mail. "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time - but it is going to require a quick turn in direction." Last year, Cecilia Bitz at the University of Washington and Marika Holland at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado startled their colleagues when they predicted an Arctic free of sea ice in just a few decades. Both say they are surprised by the dramatic melt of 2007. Bitz, unlike others at NASA, believes that "next year we'll be back to normal, but we'll be seeing big anomalies again, occurring more frequently in the future." And that normal, she said, is still a "relentless decline" in ice. Meanwhile, European nations on Thursday threatened to boycott a U.S.-led climate meeting next month unless Washington agrees to a deal mentioning numerical targets for deep reductions in global warming gases. The United Nations warned that time was running out for an agreement aimed at launching negotiations for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol and the talks in Bali were in danger of "falling to pieces." The United States, Japan, Russia and several other governments refuse to accept language in a draft document suggesting that industrialized nations consider cutting emissions by 25 percent to 40 percent by 2020, saying specific targets would limit the scope of future talks. The European Union and others say the figures reflect the measures scientists say are needed to rein in global warming and head off predictions of rising sea levels, worsening floods and droughts, and the extinction of plant and animal species.
  14. Take note there's lot of civilian enforcement officers around Case 1:My uncle Kena warning letter for not signal at junction and fine for exceeding 70kmh at traffic light junction. Case 2:My neighbor Kena fine probably go court for speeding in his Wrx.His story travel at 120-130 at TPE after coming back from Jb at around 2.15am.He itchy leg go and whack 150 when suddenly a Honda super four bike tailgate him and for a minute then turn at Pasir Ris exit and after a week he receive a traffic police letter. So Bcareful unless you got tons of money to donate pay and pay corp.Even sitting in your car inside a carpark with engine running for 10-15 mins also an offence now
  15. 1. Recently I came across allegations that used car sellers disabling warning lights to cheat potential buyers. 2. Apparently if the seller refreshes the ecu, the warning lights will temporarily go into 'sleep mode' and not indicate any existing fault for a few hours, or a day or so, during test drives!!! 3. The warning lights will only show up a few days after the unsuspecting buyer buys the car. Sometimes the faults are costly to repair! By then, the buyer can only suck thumb. 4. Some mechanics told me such 'hidden' faults can actually be diagnosed with the plug-in diagnostic instrument during the vehicle evaluation before the purchase. I am not sure how many sellers will allow the potential buyer to do the diagnosis, or which evaluation centre eg AA, VICOM, provides such a service in their evaluation? Do feel free to share your experience / knowledge on the above here. Thank you. PS -- Seasoned, discerning buyers of used expensive, sophisticated cars may know better ways to avoid being cheated by such sellers.
  16. I am starting this to warn and for drivers to warn each other on posible flash flood area. To prevent bringing our ride for a dip. So guys just give each other a heads up.cheers Katong area. Heavy rain. So far so good . No sign of FF.
  17. Hi guys Warning and beware of this company, L1 Cooling Airconditioning & Engineering, believed this is a one man show company, Johnny 林 is the person. Engaged this company to do basic cleaning of the aircon through groupon. Based on the groupon deal, call 81166269 to Made appt. Agreed on date n time, then did not turn up on actual day. Wasted my leave. Then schedule again, agreed to come in the morning, turn up late by more than 1hr. Aircon leaked the next day, called him to fix a schedule to fix the issue since got 95 days warranty if due to leakage. Came few days later, give me crap reasons etc etc, use a duct tape to seal the leakage. Ask my mum to boil lots of water so that he can pour into the fan coil tray to clear the choke as he claimed. Seems the leakage stopped so he left, the leakage came back again that night. Again fix a schedule to come n fix the issue, agreed on a date n time (abt 2 weeks later), appt date came, no show from him again, wasted mybleave again. Called him n he blamed the schedule was fixed by his admin, his admin screwed up c'mon his admin is he himself. He said he can only comes down 1 week later. Told him aircon has been leaking all the while. He said he will fixed an appt again. Then disapeear, numerous calls and SMS to him but no response. Trying to shirk his responsibility and accountabiltiy, so inform groupon for possible actions now. So if anyone of you engage this company or him to service aircon, pls think twice. Dun want you guys to go thru the same agony.
  18. Amazing thought-provoking painting "Beijing 2008" by Chinese-Canadian artist Liu Yi. The woman with the tattoos on her back is China. On the left, focused intensely on the game, is Japan. The one with the shirt and head cocked to the side ...is America. Lying provocatively on the floor is Russia. And the little girl standing to the side is Taiwan. This painting, named
  19. Mods, I've checked and all PE by-elections thread are locked. So have to start a new thread. After many months of waiting, the verdict is out. Police issues stern warning to SPH and ST editor for Punggol East report Published on Jun 20, 2013 4:36 PM Police on Thursday issued a stern warning to The Straits Times (ST) editor Warren Fernandex and Singapore Press Holdings, over a January report on the Punggol East by-election that was published in the newspaper. By Rachel Chang Police on Thursday issued a stern warning to The Straits Times (ST) editor Warren Fernandex and Singapore Press Holdings, over a January report on the Punggol East by-election that was published in the newspaper. The Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) said in a statement on Thursday that the stern warning was issued in lieu of prosecution for the offence of publishing a poll after the writ of election had been issued. The article, headlined "ST Poll: more rooting for PAP," presented the views of 50 Punggol East residents that reporters had interviewed." The publication of polls from the day the writ of election is issued until the close of polling stations on Polling Day is prohibited by the Parliamentary Elections Act. The AGC statement said that the publication of the article "was attributable to neglect on the part of Mr Fernandez." SPH said Mr Fernandez and Mr Patrick Daniel, the editor-in-chief of the media group's English and Malay newspapers division, presented themselves at the Central Police Division earlier in the morning to receive the written warnings. "The Straits Times newsroom co-operated fully with the police during their investigations and accepted that there was an internal lapse that led to the publication of the poll results," said SPH. "It has always been our approach that when we get something wrong, we acknowledge it, put it right, and strive to do better," said Mr Fernandez.
  20. In Jan this year, my low oil pressure indicator came on. I sent my car for servicing, everything was back to normal. Today, 5000 plus km later, the low oil pressure indicator came on again. I am sure there is nothing wrong with the oil pressure. What could be the cause? The indicator flickers on and off sometimes, not frequently
  21. In Jan this year, my low oil pressure indicator came on. I sent my car for servicing, everything was back to normal. Today, 5000 plus km later, the low oil pressure indicator came on again. I am sure there is nothing wrong with the oil pressure. What could be the cause? The indicator flickers on and off sometimes, not frequently
  22. Based on the crude oil prices. Its hitting USD90 already.... Btw, oil prices is impervious to exchange rates......
  23. Anyone has interesting Bizarre Food Videos to introduce? Okay, i know im a girl but i really do love to watch videos on bizarre foods. Was hooked into andrew zimmens videos, now im searching for other available channels
  24. STOMPer Rich says he met with a Fengshui master from overseas who told him that Singapore will experience severe storms between Nov 2 and Nov 17 this year, because we have disrupted our 'Dragon Venture' luck by constantly digging. The STOMPer wrote: "Are we digging our own graves? "Recently I met a master from overseas. Her predictions made me wonder whether our rapid development is going to cause the death of us all eventually. "OMG, we are digging our own graves! Hey, is there really a need to dig up the whole of Singapore? Well, I drive, so perhaps public transport has no consequence to my living standard. "Let me explain why. My understanding from her is that construction of MRT tracks by digging various underground tunnels had severely damaged the 'Dragon Venture' (龙 脉) of Singapore. "Remember all the deaths that happen in Bedok Reservior? It continued even after the elaborate rituals. "Digging and digging is also in sequence with recent Bedok Reservoir
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